
Sometimes you get stuck in the middle of a conversation: 有時候話講到一半就突然卡住了 It might be because you forgot what you want to say next: 可能是你忘了接下來要說啥 Or it might be because you’re looking for the proper word or expression to use: 也有可能你一下子找不著詞了

Conversational fillers: 對話中的“填充物”

We hope to help you deal with your “stuck” moments and teach you how to “unstuck” yourself: 教你如何沉著應對“卡住”的時刻,教你如何“解卡”


1. 什麼詞最能貼切的表達我的意思?

“What I am trying to say?” might make you sound clueless: “What I am trying to say?” 讓人感覺你自己也不知道自己在說什麼 What’s the word I’m looking for? Don’t remind me /Don’t tell me: 我先說什麼來著?別提醒我 It shows that you really care: 說這句話表明你很認真的在思考 When you use this phrase, you’re also not expecting an answer, but asking yourself instead: 說這句話通常不是真的在提問,而是在給自己時間過度


2. 怎麼表達最恰當?

This phrase shows that you’re looking for the best expression: 這句話讓人感覺你是在尋找最恰當的表達方式 It also gives a heads-up that you’re about to say something that might be a bit tricky to explain: 同時也提醒對方,你接下來要講的內容是比較複雜的


3. 我想說的就在嘴邊

tip of my tongue: 舌頭邊 “The tip of my tongue” is such a great image, as if the word is hiding on the tip of your tongue and it wants to be heard:“The tip of my tongue.” 特別形象,好像詞真的就在你舌尖,馬上就要蹦出來一樣


4. 我剛還記得的

如果前一秒還記得,但突然忘了要說的,可以說:I just had it: 我剛還記得的 可以用“I forgot”嗎? “I forgot” is the in the same category as “What am I trying to say?”: “I forgot”跟“What am I trying to say”一樣,都不是最佳的填充對話空白的方式 It makes you sound lazy and uninterested: 因為這個說法讓你顯得心不在焉 It shows that you are not actively engaging in the conversation: 給人你不是很想聊天的感覺


5. 這個詞就是怎麼都想不起來啊

如果你想了半天還是想不出來要說的,可以說:It’s just not coming to me: 這個詞就是怎麼都想不起來啊 This is a very good alternative of “I forgot”: 這個聽起來比“I forgot”好多了 也可以說: It slipped my mind: 我疏忽了,忘了 If something slipped your mind, you most likely forgot about it or forgot to do it: 這個詞組表示把某事給忘了,並不是說腦子卡殼一下子想不起來 “It’s Father’s Day? It completely slipped my mind”: 今天是父親節?我徹底給忘了


6. 年紀大了,有些健忘

I’m having a senior moment: 年紀大了記性不好(年輕人忘事了也可以開玩笑這麼說) Senior: 年長者、老年人

