千萬不要把“轉為正式員工”翻譯成become a real worker


千萬不要把“轉為正式員工”翻譯成become a real worker

不少想去外企工作的朋友讓我們多分享地道英語表達,我們就滿足大家的要求。我們來學一些外企常用表達。比如,說到“轉賬”,譯成send account就是大笑話,譯成send money還算可以,地道的是transfer money或者remit money;要表達“收到錢之後”,譯成after receive the money,也肯定錯,因為after後面要跟動名詞,用receiving就勉強對,地道的表達是on the receipt of the payment;說到“廠商訂單很多”,過四級同學會譯the factory has many orders,算中規中矩,外企常說 the manufacturers are heavily committed;要表達“執行合同”,譯成take the contract並不好,外企常說execute a contract,而execute可換成 carry out 或者fulfil

千萬不要把“轉為正式員工”翻譯成become a real worker

工作過的同學,都知道會有試用期和轉正這回事。“試用期”是trial period 或者probation,那麼“轉為正式員工”怎麼說呢?有同學會說become a real worker !這個表達容易引起歧義,real worker 是“真正的工人”,難不成還有假的?“轉為正式工”的地道表達是“put sb on the permanent payroll”,單詞payroll 是工資單,on the payroll就是“在編員工”,而permanent就是“永久的”。

千萬不要把“轉為正式員工”翻譯成become a real worker

通過例句學習put sb on the permanent payroll

If you work all right after three months you will be put on the permanent payroll and be given a raise.


I was so excited after knowing that I was put on the permanent payroll。


千萬不要把“轉為正式員工”翻譯成become a real worker

對商務英語感興趣朋友,可加入我們的圈子,會有更多優質內容分享(贏在英語賬號介紹下面,有“圈子”字樣,點擊加入)。總結回覆今天的內容:轉賬transfer money;收到錢之後 on the receipt of the payment;廠商訂貨很多 the manufacturers are heavily committed;執行合同 execute a contract,而execute可換成 carry out 或者fulfil。

