

Palestine to cut relations with the US and Israel


The Palestinian Authority① has cut all ties with the US and Israel, including those relating to security, after rejecting a Middle East peace plan presented by US President Donald Trump, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said on Feburary 1. Abbas was in Cairo to address the Arab League②, which backed the Palestinians in their opposition to Trump’s plan. The blueprint③, endorsed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, calls for the creation of a demilitarised④ Palestinian state that excludes Jewish settlements built in occupied territory and is under near-total Israeli security control. (Reuters)



① the Palestinian Authority = the Palestinian National Authority = the P(N)A: the governing body of the Palestinian autonomous regions of the West Bank and Gaza Strip established in 1994 巴勒斯坦民族權力機構

② the Arab League = the League of Arab States: a regional organization of Arab states in the Middle East, formed in Cairo on March 22, 1945 阿拉伯國家聯盟

③ blueprint: [ˈbluːˌprɪnt] n. a plan which shows what can be achieved and how it can be achieved 藍圖,行動計劃

④ demilitarise: [diːˈmɪlɪtəˌraɪz] vt. to remove military forces from an area 使非軍事化,使不用於軍事目的


Israeli Arabs carried a banner in a protest march against President Donald Trump’s Middle East peace plan in Baqa al-Gharbiya, Israel.

(Credit: UPI)


Lowa’s caucus① snafu②


The Iowa presidential caucuses were thrown into chaos late③ last Monday after the state Democratic Party said it found “inconsistencies,” delaying results and causing widespread confusion across the state. The Iowa Democratic Party said early last Tuesday that it would release the results of the Iowa caucuses later last Tuesday after “manually verifying all precinct④ results.” Party chair Troy Price said the party is “validating every piece of data we have against our paper trail⑤. That system is taking longer than expected, but it’s in place⑥ to ensure we are eventually able to report results with full confidence.” (NPR)



① caucus: [ˈkɔːkəs] n. a meeting of the members or leaders of a political party to choose candidates or to decide policy(政黨選定候選人或決定政策的)領導人(或代表)會議

② snafu: [snæˈfuː] n. a situation in which nothing happens as planned【美】【口】混亂,一團糟

③ late: [leɪt] adj. near the end of the day 近日暮的,近深夜的

④ precinct: [ˈpriːsɪŋkt] n. one of the parts into which a town or city is divided in order to organize elections【美】選區

⑤ paper trail: a series of documents that provide evidence of what you have done or what has happened(對某人活動所作的)紙上跟蹤記錄

⑥ in place: working or ready to work 到/就位


People took part in a Caucus at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa, Feb. 3, 2020.

(Credit: Reuters)


Trump acquitted① in his Senate impeachment trial


The Senate last Wednesday acquitted President Trump on two articles of impeachment, rejecting the House’s charges that he should be removed from office for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. With the final gavel② banging③ down on impeachment, President Trump barreled④ ahead in his reelection fight with a united Republican Party behind him, and was emboldened⑤ by reassuring poll numbers and chaos in the Democratic race to replace him. One day after Trump avoided talking of impeachment in his State of the Union address and argued that he had delivered on his 2016 campaign promises, the president already was moving to use impeachment as a 2020 rallying cry⑥. It is worth noting that last Tuesday, the address became a shocking display of US divisions with Democrats protesting the Republican’s boasts before their leader, Nancy Pelosi, ripped⑦ up her copy of the speech on live television. (Politico, AP, AFP)



① acquit: [əˈkwɪt] vt. to decide and state officially in court that sb. is not guilty of a crime 宣告...無罪

② gavel: [ˈɡævəl] n. a small hammer used by a person in charge of a meeting or an auction, or by a judge in court, in order to get people’s attention(會議主席、法官、拍賣商等用的)小木槌

③ bang: [bæŋ] vt. to put sth. somewhere suddenly and violently 猛擊

④ barrel: [ˈbærəl] vi. to move very fast in a particular direction, esp. in a way that you cannot control【美】飛奔,高速行駛

⑤ embolden: [ɪmˈbəʊldən] vt. to make sb. feel braver or more confident 壯膽,使有信心,鼓勵

⑥ rallying cry: a phrase or an idea that is used to encourage people to support sb./sth. 戰鬥口號

⑦ rip: to tear sth., often suddenly or violently 撕


President Donald Trump held up a newspaper with the headline that read “ACQUITTED” at the 68th annual National Prayer Breakfast, at the Washington Hilton on Feb. 6 in Washington.

(Credit: AP)


a passenger jet skidding① off runway in Istanbul


Three people are dead and at least 179 injured, including four Chinese passengers, after a plane landing in Istanbul’s Sabiha Gokcen Airport in Turkey last Wednesday skidded off the runway, crashing into a field and breaking into pieces. Television footage② showed serious damage to the plane, with the fuselage③ appearing to be broken into three pieces. Passengers were evacuated from the cracks④ in the plane’s debris⑤. (Fox News, CCTV)



① skid: [skɪd] vi. (usually a vehicle) to slide sideways or forwards in an uncontrolled way 側滑,不可控地滑行

② footage: [ˈfʊtɪdʒ] n. part of a film showing a particular event(記錄下某一事件的)影片片段

③ fuselage: [ˈfjuːzɪˌlɑːʒ] n. the main part of an aircraft in which passengers and goods are carried 機身

④ crack: [kræk] n. a narrow space or opening 窄縫

⑤ debris: [ˈdeɪbrɪ] n. pieces of wood, metal, brick, etc. that are left after sth. has been destroyed(被毀物的)殘骸


Rescuers and firefighters at Istanbul’s Sabiha Gokcen Airport.

(Credit: AP)


updates on 2019-nCoV


The new coronavirus is believed to have originated in bats and transferred to humans through some other animal. The pangolin① may be that key link. Chinese researchers have identified the pangolin as the potential host of 2019-nCoV on the basis of a genetic comparison of coronaviruses taken from the animals and from humans infected in the outbreak and other findings. The sequences are 99% similar. In terms of treatment, Gilead’s drug called remdesevir was unsuccessfully developed to treat Ebola but has shown promise② in lab settings against diseases similar to the new coronavirus. Last Friday, the death of a Chinese doctor who tried to warn about the coronavirus outbreak has sparked nationwide grief in China. The country’s anti-corruption body said it would open an investigation into “issues involving Dr Li”. (Nature, Fox News, Bloomberg, BBC)



① pangolin: [pæŋˈɡəʊlɪn] n. 穿山甲,鯪鯉

② promise: [ˈprɒmɪs] n. a sign that sb./sth. will be successful(有)可能/指望/出息/前途




③ 外文局審定180個新冠病毒疫情防控相關中英詞彙


(Credit: USA Today)


