06.03 從句複習-2018年高考英語備考優生百日闖關係列

專題3 語法填空(三)——從句複習






定語從句是高考的熱點,對於定語從句考綱要求掌握以下內容:1.引導限制性定語從句的關係詞;2.引導非限制性定語從句的關係詞;3.限制性與非限制性定語從句的區別;4.介詞+關係代詞的用法;5.不定代詞/數詞+of which/whom引導的非限制性定語從句及其該結構與並列句的判斷;6.關係詞之間的異同現象及選用。








需要特別注意:a. 當先行詞為一些表示抽象地點的名詞,如:point,situation,case,stage等,如果引導詞在從句中作狀語,常用關係副詞where引導定語從句;如果不作狀語,則用關係代詞that/which。b. 先行詞為occasions,當“時機”講時,用關係副詞when;當“場合”講時,用關係副詞where。

②the way後面的定語從句的關係詞。

在定語從句中,the way是一個比較特殊的先行詞,當它在從句中充當方式狀語時,其後的關係詞可以是in which,that或省略;但是當它在從句中充當主語、賓語成分時,其後的關係詞就用that或which。


① “介詞+關係代詞”中的關係代詞只有whom(指人),which(指物) 和whose三個。

② “複合介詞短語+關係代詞”引導的定語從句常與先行詞用逗號分開,定語從句常用倒裝語序。

③ “of+which/whom”表示所屬關係。(表所屬關係也可用whose)

需要特別注意:該考點考查的重點在於“用不用介詞”和“用什麼介詞”。因此在答題時我們必須注意解題思路。可採用“先行詞還原法”將先行詞還原到從句中來確定正確的介詞,具體做法是:a. 把先行詞放在從句中,從句子的意思來判斷用不用介詞和用什麼介詞。b. 注意從句中動詞、形容詞、名詞與介詞的固定搭配。


① as引導的限制性定語從句


a. as引導的非限制性定語從句,既可在主句前,又可在主句後,有時還可插入主句中,而which引導的非限制性定語從句只能置於主句之後。

b. 當非限制性定語從句放在主句前面時,只能用as。注意此時與名詞性從句的互換。





②“one of+複數名詞”位於關係代詞前作先行詞時,關係代詞在從句中作主語,從句的動詞通常用複數,但當one前有the, the only, the very等修飾時,從句的謂語動詞要用單數。







I. 這三個連詞在句中只起連接作用,不作句子成分,that本身無意義,有時可省略,whether和if本身有意義,均不能省略。that和whether可以連接所有的名詞性從句,而if引導名詞性從句時只能引導賓語從句或不在句首的主語從句。

II. whether與if的用法比較


在下列情況下,常用whether,不用if:a. whether引導從句可以放於句首。b. whether可引導表語從句和同位語從句,if不可。c. whether可以作介詞賓語,if則不可。d. whether後可以加不定式,if不可。e. 可以用whether...or引導讓步狀語從句,意為“無論,不論”,if則不可。









I. It+系動詞+形容詞(necessary,right,likely,unlikely,wrong,important,certain,clear,obvious,strange,normal等)+that從句

II. It+be+名詞(短語)(a pity,a shame,good news,a fact,an honour,a wonder,no wonder等)+that從句

III. It+be+過去分詞(said,told,heard,reported,decided,suggested,advised,ordered,remembered,thought,considered,well­known,announced等)+that從句

IV. It+特殊動詞(seem,appear,happen,matter)+that從句

注意:a. 在“It is necessary,important,strange,natural+that從句”結構中,從句常用“(should)+動詞原形”形式。

b. 在“It+be+suggested,advised,ordered,requested,insisted,required+that從句”結構中,that從句應用“(should)+動詞原形”。




I. 大多數動詞(hope,tell,say,know,think,consider,imagine,hear,expect,suppose,guess等)可以帶賓語從句。


II. 動詞find,feel,think,consider,make,believe等後有賓語補足語時,則需要it作形式賓語而將that賓語從句後置。

III. 有些動詞帶賓語從句時習慣上需要在賓語從句前加it。這類動詞(詞組)有hate,enjoy,like,love,dislike,see to等。


注意:a. where引導的從句有時也可用作介詞的賓語。

b. that引導的從句作介詞的賓語是很少有的,只有在except,in,but等介詞後偶爾可能用到。







③because,as if,as though,as,like等連接詞也可引導表語從句。








I. 引導主語從句,that置於句首時不可省略。

II. 當一個句子有兩個或多個並列的賓語從句時,引導第二個和以後幾個從句的that不可省略。

III. 在由it作形式賓語,that引導的賓語從句中,that也不可省略。

IV. 引導表語從句和同位語從句時,that也不可省略。[來源:Zxxk.Com]





考綱要求在複習狀語從句中掌握如下幾點:1.全面掌握狀語從句的九大類別;2.根據歷年高考試題,對狀語從句的考點要進行全面的歸納,在九大類別中的考查熱點中,重點把握在引導時間、地點、條件、讓步、比較、原因狀語從句的連詞運用上;3.熟練運用出現頻率較高讓步狀語從句和原因狀語從句;4.做好易混詞的辨析如:as, when, while等,時間狀語從句因為連接詞容易出現在一些常用結構裡也經常出現;5. 掌握狀語從句中的時態、語態、語氣、省略;6.與其它從句、句型結合起來分析、辨析。








①在when,while,whenever,till,as soon as,if,unless,as if,though,as等引導的狀語從句中,若謂語部分含有be動詞,而主語又與主句主語相同或主語是it時,從句的主語和be動詞常被省略。

②I'm afraid,I think,I believe,I hope,I guess等作答句,後面跟so與not分別等於肯定或否定,賓語從句可省去。


注意:用來代替動詞不定式後被省略的動詞,常在be afraid/glad/happy,expect,forget,hope,intend,like,love,mean,prefer,refuse,seem,try,want,wish等的後邊,但be動詞後有助動詞be 和 have時,be 和 have不能省略。


【例1】 He was very tired from doing this for a whole day, ______ he felt very happy since the crop did “grow” higher.

【解析】but 句中very happy與very tired是轉折關係,兩句間是逗號且沒有連詞,故填連詞but。

【例2】So Nick called to his son, “Go to the village and buy some salt, but pay a fair price for it: neither too much ______ too little.”

【解析】nor 並列連詞“neither…nor…”表示“既不…也不…”。

【例3】In the days when an ice cream cost much less, Tom, an 8-year-old boy, entered a hotel coffee shop ______ sat at a table.

【解析】and 句中entered a hotel coffee shop和sat at a table是主語發出的兩個並列的動作。

【例4】Cursing my misfortune, I was wondering where I was going to spend the night when I realized that the villagers who had gathered around me were arguing as to ______ should have the honor of receiving me as a guest in their house.

【解析】who 引導賓語從句且在從句中做主語,指人。

【例5】 One day, he came up with an idea ______ he would pluck up all of his crop a few inches.

【解析】that 引導同位語從句,說明idea的具體內容,從句意義完整且不缺句子成分。

【例6】The new boy looked at the teacher for a few seconds and all the other students wondered ______ the boy would do.

【解析】what 引導賓語從句並在從句中作do的賓語。

【例7】Jane paused in front of a counter ______ some attractive ties were on display.

【例8】 He filled his leather container so that he could bring some back to an

elder ______ had been his teacher.

【解析】who/that 代替an elder,引導定語從句並在從句中做主語。學*科網

【例9】Behind him were other people to ______ he was trying to talk, but after some minutes they walked away and sat near me, looking annoyed.

【解析】whom 還原talk to sb.可知,用whom引導定語從句。

【例10】We understand this lesson best ______ we receive gifts of love from children.

【解析】when 引導時間狀語從句,表示“當……時”。

【例11】My friends walked me to the bus stop and waited with me ______ the bus arrived.

【解析】until/till 表示“一直到……”。

【例12】______ he thought he could escape attention by sitting at the back, he was wrong.


(1) 並列連詞:如果空格在兩個或幾個單詞或短語之間,那麼就可能填連詞。

(2) 主從複合句的連接詞:如果兩個句子之間沒有連詞,也沒有分號或句號,那麼一定是填引導從句的連接詞。



Easy Ways to Build Vocabulary

It’s not all that hard to build an advanced and large vocabulary. Like many things in life, it’s___36___ongoing process, and the best part of the process is that there’s enough room for improvement, ___37___means you’ll just keep getting better and better. Of course you have to work at it. You wouldn’t think that a few ___38___ (month) of exercise in your teens would be enough ___39___the rest of your life, and that’s also true for building your vocabulary----you have to keep at it daily, and pretty soon you will find that you have an excellent vocabulary.

One of the___40___ (effect) ways to build vocabulary is to read good books. You need to ___41___(real)read at least one good book a week, preferably a classic. This isn’t as hard as it___42___(sound), and it is far better than any other method because you improve your vocabulary while___43___(read) an interesting piece of literature. Another nice thing is that you learn both new words and ___44___(they)use unconsciously, meaning that you will tend to use the words___45___(learn)this way in conversations almost automatically.



The giant panda 1.________ (love) by people throughout the world.Chinese scientists 2.________ (recent) had a chance to study a wild female panda with a newborn baby.She was a very 3.________ (care) mother.For 25 days, she never left her baby,not even to find something 4.________ (eat)!She would not let any other pandas come near.She licked the baby constantly to keep it clean.Any smell might attract natural 5.________ (enemy) that would try to eat the little panda.The mother held the baby in her front paws much the way a human does. 6.________ it cried, she rocked it back and forth and gave it little comforting pats. The mother continued to care for the young panda 7.________ more than two years.By that time,the panda no longer needed 8.________ (it) mother for food.However, it stayed with her and learned about the ways of the forest.Then, after two and a half years,the mother 9.________ (drive) the young panda away.It was time for her to have a new baby,10.________ it was also time for the young panda to be independent.


1. 【廣東省五校2018屆高三12月聯考】閱讀下面短文,在空白處填入1個適當的單詞或括號內單詞的正確形式。

As I share the experience of this kindness, I’m wearing my widest smile. I usually go to my workplace coffee shop to place___41___order but this Wednesday, it was___42___(slight)different. I called the four waiters, ___43___(ask)them to make a choice of a drink and dessert and bought it for them instead. At first, they didn’t sense___44___was happening but when truth dawned, they___45___(surprise)and a bit embarrassed. However, I explained that it was an act of ___46___(appreciate)and they were truly deserving. This brought a “big” smile and a loud, “thank you.”

I had for a long time had a desire___47___(reach)out to them but my doubting mind had always had an upper hand. On this day too, I had ___48___(thought)like, “What if they refuse?” “What if they say, they don’t like any of the food or drinks?” “What if this” and, “What if that”, but I decided to let go of the worries and listen___49___ my heart.

Now, it was ___50___(they)smiles that drew me to the coffee shop.

2. 【河南省豫北豫南名校2018屆高三上學期第二次聯考】


Learning to play an instrument is something that can give you a lot of pleasure. It is also an achievement and a skill ___41___stays with your life. Music has a part to play in everyone’s life, and has___42___(describe)as “a primary language.”

Learning to play an instrument isn’t easy at the beginning and ___43___(take)effort and determination. While it is OK to aim for the top, music is___44___(certain)not something to take up because you think you ought to do it.

A lot of adults regret not having learnt to play an instrument when they___45___(be)younger. But it is never too late to learn! And the ___46___(advantage)of learning an instrument are far ___47___(great)than just the pleasure of producing an enjoyable sound. When you’ve progressed far enough, there are lots of amateur groups that you can join ___48___you want to be part of a larger group. Once you’ve reached a good enough standard___49___(join)a band or orchestra(管絃樂隊), you add the team skills like those you get from playing sport. There’s also a great social side to playing ___50___others, as well as the chance to travel through touring.

3. 【安徽省皖西南名校2018年高三階段性檢測聯考】閱讀下面材料,在空白處填入1個適當的單詞或括號內單詞的正確形式。

Like most people, I was brought up to look upon life as a getting. It was not until in my later thirties____41____ I made this important discovery: giving away things ____42____ (make) life so much more exciting. One discovery I made about giving away is that it is almost ____43____ (possibility) to give away anything in this world without getting something back, though the return often comes in ____44____ unexpected form. One Sunday morning the local post office delivered a letter to my home, though it ____45____ (address) to me at my office. I wrote the postmaster a note of ____46____ (appreciate). More than a year later I needed a post office box for a new business I was starting. I was told at the window that there were no boxes ____47____ (leave), and that my name would have to go on a long waiting list. As I was about to leave, the postmaster appeared in the doorway. He had overheard our conversation. “Wasn’t it you that wrote us a letter a year ago about ____48____ (deliver) a special delivery to your home?” I said yes.

“Well, you are ____49

____ (certain) going to have a box in this post office if we have to make one for you. You don’t know ____50____ a letter like that means to us. We usually get nothing but complaints.

4. 【東北三省三校2017屆高三第二次聯合模擬】閱讀下面材料,在空白處填入適當的內容 (1個單詞) 或括號內單詞的正確形式。

Over the past years Starbucks coffee ____61____ (become) a coffee chain store. The cafés don’t sell coffee; they sell ____62____ very atmos

phere. They offer customers the perfect atmosphere ____63____ which to take time out and relax. Every single store throughout the world is furnished in a romantic style and ____64____ (special) meant to be cozy, private and quiet: earth-toned (褐色調) space, fancy wall paper, lovely paintings, ____65____ (a

maze) background and irresistible coffee smell ... The most fantastic decoration style about Starbucks ____66____ (design) with oversized chairs and tables outside the store. When ____67____ comes to a sunny afternoon, I love to take a seat outside, ____68____ (bathe) in the afternoon sunshine, and listening to the lovely music ____69____ tasting the most terrific Cappu

ccino. This is exactly what I love in here—the Starbucks! This is the café I love not merely because of the café itself, but also because of the ____70____ (feel) it brings me.

5. 【廣東七校聯合體2018屆高三第二次聯考試】閱讀下面材料,在空白處填入適當的內容或括號內單詞的正確形式。

Take a tour of Monkey Park

Situated between Jerusalem and the coastal city of Tel Aviv, Israel’s Monkey Park is home _____41_____ more than two hundred and fifty different species of monkeys.

Considered one of the country’s most popular animal ______42______(attraction), it offers a unique experience as it ______43__

____(run) by the Israeli Primate Foundation, a nonprofit organization whose aim is to provide a rehabilitation(康復) center for monkeys while ______44______(educate) the public about these lovely creatures.

Over the last two years the park ______45______(receive) 650 monkeys from a breeding farm that shut down. Most monkeys in ______46______ park live in enclosures(圈地). Visitors are able to view them up close and, thanks to one ______47______(special) designed section, are even able to interact with them. Right outside the visiting area is the rehabilitation center. That’s _____48_____ monkeys who need care are being nursed back to health.

Among the family-friendly activities ______49______(offer) at Monkey Park for human visitors are workshops, rides and wall climbing. There are also comprehensive guided walking tours, ______50______ last up to three hours.

One feature of the Monkey Park is the children’s playground. But it’s still the monkeys that attract people most.

