

In the morning, a ray of sunshine sprinkled into the kitchen. The living radish squinted and looked. Something was wrong. Why there was a big green mushroom around her? So she asked in surprise, who are you? Why are you here? Xilanhua said unhurriedly that the radish you grew underground, of course, didn't know the flowers I grew on the ground.



After a careful look at the carrots, I can't see that you are a flower. I also blossom. It's white. There's no green flower. I'm curious. You are so special. You must have a lot of abilities. Xilan Hua smiled and said, "you have a good vision. For your friendly sake, I'll tell you something patiently ".


我是西藍花,原產地是意大利,19世紀末進入中國的,我體內含有蛋白質、碳水化合物、脂肪、礦物質、維生素C和胡蘿蔔素等等 。

I am from Italy. I came to China in the late 19th century. My body contains protein, carbohydrate, fat, minerals, vitamin C, carotene and so on.



能量33千卡 蛋白質4.1克 脂肪0.6克 碳水化合物4.3克 膳食纖維1.6克 維生素A1202微克

胡蘿蔔素7210微克 硫胺素0.09毫克 核黃素0.13毫克 煙酸0.9毫克 維生素C51毫克

維生素E0.91毫克 鈣67毫克磷72毫克 鉀17毫克鈉18.8毫克 鎂17毫克鐵1毫克

鋅0.78毫克 硒0.7微克 銅0.03毫克 錳0.24毫克

Energy 33 kcal protein 4.1 g fat 0.6 g carbohydrate 4.3 g dietary fiber 1.6 g vitamin a1202 μ g carotene 7210 μ g thiamine 0.09 mg riboflavin 0.13 mg niacin 0.9 mg vitamin C51 mg vitamin e0.91 mg calcium 67 mg phosphorus 72 mg potassium 17 mg sodium 18.8 mg magnesium 17 mg iron 1 mg zinc 0.78 mg selenium 0.7 μ G copper 0.03 mg .Manganese 0.24 mg




Wow, you have so many valuable things. It's so powerful. At this time, xilanhua said that it's only a small part, and there's more below.

I have anti-cancer effect, because glucosinolates in my body can reduce the incidence of breast cancer, rectal cancer and gastric cancer if people eat them for a long time.


In addition, I also have rich ascorbic acid, which can enhance the detoxification ability of the liver and improve the immunity of the body. Besides, there are a certain amount of flavonoids in my body, which can regulate and prevent hypertension and heart disease. It can reduce the absorption of glucose in the stomach and intestines, then reduce blood sugar, and effectively control the condition of diabetes.



Carrots say that you are the Savior of diabetes, and broccoli says that you are not. In a word, it's good for them, and it's my most proud place. Carrots say that they admire you. Broccoli says that you don't just talk about me. You're not ordinary. You are rich in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B1, vitamin B2, calcium, iron and phosphorus. The vitamin B2 and folic acid in your body have anti-cancer effect. Human beings often eat them to enhance the anti-cancer ability of your body. So you are called "the vegetable to prevent cancer". At the same time, you are also good for your liver, eyes, blood sugar and fat, and prevent your hands and feet from peeling. Thank you for your praise.



Let's have a cold carrot and broccoli. It's more nutritious.


