




Part One Topic Sentences(20 points)

Complete the text by writing in the blank a topic sentence for the paragraph. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.

Earlier, we described as ‘infernally difficult’ the task of writing minutes that not only record decisions but also summarize the gist of the discussion during a meeting. We know the frustrations: you have to try to follow, to make notes on, and then to summarize the rambling repetitive, often irrelevant, and sometimes incoherent utterances of committee members. We have yet to find anyone who responds happily to a request to ‘just take the minutes’!

(1)___________________. The secretary’s job should be to listen to what is being said, to extract the essence of each utterance, and to record as much as he or she thinks will give a true and adequate impression of each speaker’s contribution. A full participant in the meeting should be doing more than this. His/her job is not only to listen carefully, and to extract the essence of each utterance; it is also to evaluate each utterance, to formulate complementary or contradictory contributions, and to express them coherently at appropriate moments. It is impossible to fulfill both the secretarial role and the full participatory role at the same time. So we urge you to decline to be minute-taker if you are supposed to be a full participant in the meeting.

It is also difficult to sift valuable points from redundancies and irrelevances. We regret that we know of no magic method or formula for doing this. And we know of no sure way of ensuring that you do not offend some committee members by reporting more of someone else’s views than you report of theirs. One tip we can offer is that, when you write the minutes, you avoid simply reflecting the sequence and length of contributions from each member. It is probable that the notes you make will be in chronological order, and will reflect roughly the amount said by each member. When you come to write the minutes, you may find it effective to record the principal points of view, irrespective of the exact sequence in which they were expressed, and to add a note of which members supported each point of view(if that is relevant). Focus on gathering points, not on extracting something from each contribution.

(2)___________________. Tony Buzan advocates that key words and phrases are all that are needed to recall information, and these words and phrases can be related in spider-like shapes or molecular networks. The names of people supporting particular points of view can be attached to the key words, if necessary. Practice is needed to use this technique efficiently. Your record looks messy, but as Buzan points out ‘the word messy refers to the look and not the content’.

(3)___________________. In minutes of the first type(brief, formal minutes), no record should be made of proposals or amendments that were discussed and rejected. No record need be kept of the vote. All that need be recorded is the positive decisions that were reached by a simple majority vote(or other majority, if a special majority is written in to the organization’s constitution). What the organization decided not to do is, so runs the theory, irrelevant; and it is irrelevant in the British democratic system whether the majority in favour or against was large or small.

Such a theory may be acceptable for the formal running of institutional bodies; but it is rarely judged acceptable in business and industry. In large research departments, for example, there is usually considerable value in recording what products, policies or processes were considered or rejected(or left for later action)during a research programmed. Thought it may seem tiresome to have to record such information ‘for the archive’, the archive may be vital as a means of preventing waste of time and money on ‘re-inventing the wheel’s in later years. Equally important, your company’s culpability for loss or damage may depend heavily on your ability to show the possibilities and contingencies that were considered before a certain positive line of action was chosen.

(4)___________________. The detail must be comprehensible not only to those who were present at the meeting, but also to those who were not-and especially to those who read the minutes sometime after the events/decisions that are recorded.

(5)___________________. In meetings that lack good leadership, and/or that pride themselves on arriving at decisions by consensus, there is often considerable confusion about the precise wording of what has been decided. A good chairperson will state the proposition clearly before any vote is taken; but where that is not done, and where there is continued discussion after such a statement, we recommend that you establish a practice of reading out to the meeting immediately after each decision the words you have used to record that decision. Train you chairperson the allocate time to this checking activity, or be sure to intervene yourself, so that there can be no argument subsequently about what was agreed.


(1) It is difficult to be both a secretary and a full participant in a meeting.

(2) Take down the key words and phrases.

(3) Record the decisions reached by a majority vote of the organization.

(4) Make the details of your minutes intelligible.

(5) State clearly the decision to the meeting after each discussion.

Part Two Paraphrasing(20 points)

Paraphrase the underlined part in English. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.

1.In the United States it was reluctantly realized by some-subconsciously if not openly-that our country was no longer isolated in either politics or tradition and that we had reached an international stature that would forever prevent us from retreating behind the artificial walls of a provincial morality or the geographical protection of our two bordering oceans.

【答案】The United States has set up an international stature; the stature makes us not be able to withdraw with an excuse of moral or ethics when there comes some problem, and also when the problems appear, when cannot evade by taking advantage of the geological isolation.查看答案

2.The automobile illustrates the point with great clarity. A technological innovation like streamlining or all-welded body construction may be rejected initially, but if it is important to the efficiency or economics of automobiles, it will reappear in different ways until it is not only accepted but universally regarded as an asset. Today’s automobile is no longer unique to a given company or even to a given national culture. Its basic features are found, with variations, in automobiles in general, no matter who makes them.

【答案】In the present world, automobiles cannot be the symbol or the indicator of a certain company or culture, that’s to say, we cannot judge a given culture from the cars, because, all the cars nowadays are generally share the same features, no matter where they are produced.查看答案

3.Modern art opens on a word whose reality is not “out there” in nature defined as thing seen from a middle distance but “ in here” in the soul or the mind. It is a world radically emptied of history because it is a form of perception rather than a content.

【答案】The world described by modern art is a world totally without history, because what modern art describes is not a concrete world, but a world in people’s mind.查看答案

4.I believe that death may be the most important part of life and life is infinitesimally brief in relation to the immensity of eternity. Because of my religious faith, I shall "return to the Father" in an afterlife that is beyond description.I believe, that though my life was short in years, it was full of experience, joy, love and accomplishment.

【答案】I think death is the most important thing in life, and compared with the endless afterlife, the present life is fairly small and short. I’m a follow of religion, so I believe death will bring me to God and will open me an afterlife, the wonderfulness of which cannot be described by words.查看答案

Part Three E-C Translation(25 points)

1.The relation between parent and child has cruel moments for the parent even when money is no object, and the material worries are delegated to servants and school teachers. The child and the parent are strangers to one another necessarily, because their ages must differ widely. Read Goethe’s autobiography; and note that thought he was happy in his parent’s and had exceptional powers of observation, divination, and story-telling, he knew less about his father and mother than about most of the other people he mentions.







