初中英語填字遊戲 Crossword puzzles are good for your health

英文閱讀 | 初中英語填字遊戲 Crossword puzzles are good for your health

英文閱讀 | 初中英語填字遊戲 Crossword puzzles are good for your health

words: 202 time: 3'

Crossword puzzles are good for your health


英文閱讀 | 初中英語填字遊戲 Crossword puzzles are good for your health

Crossword puzzles can be a great way to pass the time. If you’re one of those people who just love to solve crossword puzzles, you’ll be glad to learn that science says that they are good for your health.

They teach new words.

This is a great way to increase your vocabulary. Through crosswords, you can learn new words. If you don’t know the meaning of a new word, you can always check the dictionary and add it to your vocabulary.

They help you solve your problems in life.

Crossword puzzles are never easy to solve. You have to rack your brain (絞盡腦汁) in order to solve one. This can help you solve your problems in life. If you can understand the pattern (圖案) of a puzzle, you can easily understand the patterns of life!

They offer a fun way to overcome boredom!

If you are lonely, worried, or bored, just open a newspaper and solve a crossword puzzle. This will help you to relax and have fun! If you are not a puzzle person, you don’t have to be. Just give crossword puzzles a try and you’ll love them in no time (立刻)!


increase /ɪn'kriːs/ v. 增加;增大

eg. They’ve increased the price by 50%.


1. fish

2. butterfly

3. heart

4. tree

5. star


《新課標》和《英語能力等級量表》的落實對中學生的英語閱讀量提出了更高的要求。為此,《學英語》與《環球時報》( 英文版) 精心策劃了GlobalReading( 《環球閱讀》),力求以地道的英語、敏銳的視角和精準的信息,為同學們獻上豐富多彩、視聽結合的多模態語篇,幫助同學們提升英語學科核心素養!新學期,新起點,G l o b a l Reading 與你同行、為你加油!



