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What foods help in muscle recovery?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:翻译熊 转载请注明出处
Geoffrey Verity Schofield, Health Consultant at Fitttle.com
Answered Sun
In my experience, and observation of athletes…any food.
Geoffrey Verity Schofield, Fitttle.com健康顾问
The number of calories is going to be the most important factor.


If you are eating carbs (you probably should) post workout is the best time to take them in. They’ll be used very efficiently, as your glycogen reserves are slightly depleted, and you are very sensitive to insulin.


I’m a big fan of rice, even before moving to China. Hmmm, maybe that’s why I moved here. Endless rice buffets.
Everyone responds slightly differently to various carb sources. Oatmeal makes me fart and feel bloated and thirsty. Noodles make me sweat profusely but I have great pumps later. Bread never seems to fill me up. Rice is super easy to digest but I can feel it spiking my blood sugar if I have too much on an empty stomach.
Fats are important as well, though post workout they are less of a focus. They are more for long term fuel, as well as proper hormonal function and absorption of vitamins and minerals. I prefer to limit vegetable oils, though sources like extra virgin olive oil (evoo) are anti inflammatory enough that they are acceptable. Ditto for avocado.


Yes, if you go from eating chicken breast and broccoli to pizza, you are going to notice some bloating and water retention, at first. But just always keeping salt fairly high…means you won’t get that effect.
That’s not to say that if your body says…”PIZZA!”…
this isn’t even for athletes…if you are working out in hot weather…you could easily require 5+ grams.
After that, you want to get in B vitamins. Whole grains are a good source, as are most meats. Organ meats are by far the best, so if you want to live, eat your liver.
(Not…YOUR liver, but the liver on your plate…yeesh, English can be vague sometimes!)
Fellas, if your date orders these, it’s game time.
Just don’t stay up too late, because that effects your gainz as well.
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