「財報聽力訓練營|第十二期」DAY 15-新市場擴張迅速

「財報聽力訓練營|第十二期」DAY 15-新市場擴張迅速


DAY 15 原文

William Blair的分析師Sharon Zackfia 想了解星巴克的新市場的情況



Sharon, we couldn't be more pleased with the performance of the Channel Development business, in particular the Global Coffee Alliance. Through the quarter, we saw acceleration into 40 markets around the world where we have our products available through grocery as well as foodservice. We also are on path by the end of this quarter that we're in to be in over 50 markets.


Our product sales continue to be significantly ahead of expectations, both in terms of packaged coffee, Nespresso capsules, as well as Dolce Gusto. When you look at our core business here in the US, Starbucks brand outgrew the total category for coffee. Roast and ground share grew 80 basis points. K-Cup share grew 40 basis points. And we've got some exciting new items that are coming up.

我們的產品銷售繼續大大超過預期,無論是包裝咖啡,雀巢膠囊,以及Dolce Gusto咖啡機。當你看看我們在美國的核心業務,星巴克的品牌增長超過了咖啡的總類別。烤肉和磨碎的份額增長了80個基點。K-Cup的份額增長了40個基點。我們有一些令人興奮的新項目即將推出。

Later this spring, we previously announced that we're launching premium soluble coffee, which will – we're excited about and a big opportunity internationally with that. And then the launch that we had with our creamers of four flavors we're now expanding to an additional two new flavors given the recent success. So the Global Coffee Alliance itself is performing very well around the world, and it's helping us continue to grow the Starbucks brand and amplify the brand, as Kevin highlighted in his comments earlier.



1. Channel Development business:一個公司試圖通過一個特定的銷售渠道或多個渠道的組合來增加銷售額的情況,一種為增加全球銷售額而制定的渠道發展戰略。

2. Dolce Gusto: 是雀巢咖啡推出的一款膠囊咖啡機,於2006年相繼在瑞士、德國和英國推出。第二年,該產品在西班牙問世。2013年10月22日,這一風靡歐美的膠囊咖啡機進駐中國大陸市場,是雀巢咖啡歷史上最具創意的產品之一,它不僅幫助消費者用簡單的方法享受一杯醇香的咖啡,而且以創新的技術和設計為雀巢咖啡品牌注入了時尚的活力。

3. Nespresso capsules:泛指雀巢咖啡膠囊

4. K-Cup:Keurig公司的旗艦產品K-Cup沖泡系統,設計用於沖泡一杯咖啡、茶、熱巧克力或其他熱飲。咖啡渣裝在一個一次性的咖啡容器裡,叫做“k杯”咖啡盒,由塑料杯、鋁蓋和過濾器組成。


1. we couldn't be more pleased with the performance of…


2. We also are on path…




「財報聽力訓練營|第十二期」DAY 15-新市場擴張迅速

