

Some people think that the best way to solve traffic problem is to build better train system,but others think that the best way is to build more roads. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.(2016.02.20 A类Task 2)

这个题目真的不算是新题了,之前的雅思考试也是已经会考到这一类的话题。考题的问题也不是特别难的Discuss both views~!但是小伙伴们也不可掉以轻心,一看题目觉得是老题,提笔就写~这样就很容易就写!偏!题!一定要仔细看给大家highlight出来的BEST 和TRAIN这两个词。既然是train system,那么大家在写的时候,就不要写着写着,就写到Train和bus的好处坏处,那么就偏题了哦!

Traffic jams can be a very frustrating experience, and unfortunately, they are becoming more and more common with increasing populations. Alongside growing traffic issues have come debates on how best to solve them, with some putting forth the claim that railroad systems are the best solution, while other argue for more roads. Personally, while roads may create more accessibility, trains are the better option for their efficiency and environmental benefits.

【作为一个“称职”的开头段,paraphrase题目背景,discuss两边的观点,最后再提一下作者自己的观点。不需要那些花哨的模板句,只需要根据题目paraphrase,陈述观点即可。此外,come debates on 以及put forth the claim都是大家可以学习的短语哦!不要在Some believe some argue啦!】

On one side of the argument, building more roads offers accessibility. What this means is that more people can access roads than railway systems. More often than not, a train system has a limited number of lines, and commuters must find a way to travel to a train station before they can access railways. Essentially, roads are still required to connect people to trains, so roads are more accessible. For example, my hometown of Denver has a light rail system in place, but only one line going north and south, and another going east and west. In order to use the light rail, I needed to take a 45-minute bus ride in order to reach the light station, where I could then continue my journey.

【首先,more roads offer accessibility. 比如,railway只有一些特定的线路,而且commuters通常都会需要先想办法去火车站,然后再搭火车去目的地。显然Roads的accessibility要好过railway system。作者举了个非常实用非常接地气的例子——light rail只有两条线,一个南北走向,一个东西走向。而且需要搭45分钟的bus,才能到达light rail站~】

Despite this ease of access, trains are simply more efficient. A single car can typically carry approximately four to six people, but many commuters travel alone. However, a single train can carry hundreds, if not thousands, of people, which can solve traffic congestion issues with fewer resources.

Consequentially, building a single railway line can likely affect a greater number of people. Melbourne’s train system is an example of this, where trams connect people to railways, which

in turn bring commuters into the city on a daily basis, myself included.

【但是,尽管accessibility较低,但是运营火车,显然更加有效。一辆普通的轿车,通常只能载4-6个客人。但事实上,很多通勤者都是一个人的。所以这里作者表达的意思,是其实single car一般只载1个通勤者,efficiency更低。但火车就不同了,一辆火车可以载上百上千个人,通常几辆火车,就能解决交通阻塞的问题。】

Debates of effectiveness and efficiency aside, railway systems are the better option to solve traffic congestion as they offer secondary benefits in the form of environmental sustainability. Cars are well known to be large contributors to many of the modern environmental concerns that trouble world leaders. While looking at solutions to fix today’s practical issues, thought should be given to sustainability, and the fact remains that trains are more environmentally friendly, due in large part to the efficiency they offer.

【前两段分别分析了road和train的好处,属于discuss both views,现在轮到作者给出自己的观点了。Railway systems对于解决交通阻塞来说,是一个更好的方案,因为还有secondary benefits,那就是环境问题。Cars显然会对环境造成一定的影响,所以作者觉得,从环保的角度出发,train显然是一个better option。本段中的Secondary benefits, environmental sustainability, fix practical issues等等词组,是真的非常值得烤鸭们学习的哦!~】

In conclusion, increasing traffic problems are a concern that must be solved, but the environmental benefits that accompany the efficiency of trains outweigh the effectiveness offered by building more roads.

【结尾段,作者重申了自己的观点,也就是——roads 并不是解决交通阻塞的the best way,作者认为build more train systems才是更好的方法。】



