
1. Shakespeare’s play Hamletinto at least ten different films over the past years.

A. had been made

B. was made

C. has been made

D. would be made

2. This blue flower is known by_______ names in other parts of England.

A. separate

C. versatile

B. various

D. plentiful

3. —Do you think Mom and Dadlate?

—No. Swiss Air is usually on time.

A. were

B. will be

C. would be

D. have been

4. Now that she is out of a job, Lucy ________ going back to school, but she hasn’t decided yet.

A. had considered

B. has been considering

C. considered

D. is going to consider

5. The guide is______ a line of tourists through the narrow passage with the help of his torch.

A. conducting

C. indicating

B. taking

D. displaying

6. —That must have been a long trip.

—Yeah, itus a whole week to get there.

A. takes

B. has taken

C. took

D. was taking

7. The teacher, with 6 girls and 8 boys of her class, ________ visiting a museum when the earthquake struck.

A. was

B. were

C. had been

D. would be

8. He took a_______ with him to clean the windscreen of his car.

A. cloth

C. stuff

B. clothing

D. clothe

9. If nothing, the oceans will turn into fish deserts.

A. does

B. had been done

C. will do

D. is done

10. When I first met Bryan I didn’t like him, but Imy mind.

A. have changed

B. change

C. had changed

D. would change

1. [答案]C

[解析] 句意: 在過去的數年, 莎士比亞的戲劇《哈姆雷特》被製作成不下十部不同的電影。 本題考查動詞的時態。over the past years意為 “在過去的數年” , 通常情況下題幹中出現over the past years, 謂語動詞為現在完成時態, 故選擇C項。


[講解]全句的意思是:這種藍色的花在英格蘭的其它地區有許多不同的名字。B)various“各種各樣的,不同的”是答案,這個詞我已經說過多次了,另外就是various強調種類多,而different強調差別;C)diversified“多樣化的,多種經營的”;D)plentiful“(強調量)許多的”;A)separate“各自的,分別的” ,be separated from 分開。

3. [答案]B

[解析] 句意: ——你認為爸爸和媽媽會晚到嗎? ——不會的, 瑞士航空一向準時。本題考查動詞的時態。根據句意可知, 爸爸和媽媽的飛機還未到, 因此空格處為一般將來時態, 選擇B項。

4.答案: B. 根據but she hasn’t decided yet (尚未決定. 可知,從開始失業時起一直在考慮再去上學,現在還在考慮。表示從過去某一時刻開始一直到現在,並且現在依然在發生的動作,用現在完成進行時,現在完成進行時由“have/has been doing”構成,所以選B。

5. [答案]A)


6. [答案]C

[解析] 句意: ——那肯定是一次很長的旅程。——是的, 我們花了整整一週的時間才到達那裡。本題考查動詞的時態。must have done用來表示對過去肯定事實的推測, 由此判斷語境指過去, 故排除A項; B項為現在完成時, 強調對現在造成的結果或影響, 屬於現在時態範疇, 故排除; D項為過去進行時, 表示過去正在進行的動作, 不符合語境, 也應排除。題幹只是在陳述過去發生的事情, 應用一般過去時, 故選C。

7.答案. A. 由when the earthquake struck可知,要用一般過去時,排除C和D;又因為主語是單數the teacher,所以只有A正確。

8. [答案]A)



[解析] 句意: 如果不採取措施的話, 海洋將會變成魚的沙漠。本題考查被動語態。nothing與do之間為被動關係, 而且又是 “主將從現” 的句式, 故選D項。

10. [答案]A

[解析] 句意: 當我第一次見到Bryan時我不喜歡他, 但我現在已經改變了看法。本題考查動詞的時態。根據轉折連詞but可知, 前後兩句表示今昔對比, 即 “我” 現在已經改變看法了, 故用現在時, 排除C、D兩項; B項表示現在的習慣性動作, 不合句意。

