英文故事夜读Grandma Ruby

Excerpt From: Jack Canfield. Read by Humphrey

英文故事夜读Grandma Ruby

Being a mother of two very active boys, ages seven and one, I am sometimes worried about their making a shambles of my carefully decorated home. In their innocence and play, they occasionally knock over my favorite lamp or upset my well-designed arrangements. In these moments when nothing feels sacred, I remember the lesson I learned from my wise mother-in-law, Ruby.

作为两个七个都很活跃的男孩的母亲,一个七岁,一个孩子,我有时会担心他们把我精心装饰的房屋弄得一团糟。 在他们的天真和游戏中,他们偶尔会碰到我最喜欢的灯,或者打乱我精心设计的安排。 在这些没有什么神圣的时刻,我记得我从我明智的岳母鲁比那里学到的教训。

Ruby is the mother of 6 and grandmother of 13. She is the embodiment of gentleness, patience and love.


One Christmas, all the children and grandchildren were gathered as usual at Ruby’s home. Just the month before, Ruby had bought beautiful new white carpeting after living with the “same old carpet” for over 25 years. She was overjoyed with the new look it gave her home”

一个圣诞节,所有孩子和孙子都像往常一样聚集在露比的家中。 就在一个月前,露比(Ruby)在使用“相同的旧地毯”超过25年之后,购买了漂亮的新白色地毯。 这让她的家看起来焕然一新,使她喜出望外。”

My brother-in-law, Arnie, had just distributed his gifts for all the nieces and nephews—prized homemade honey from his beehives. They were excited. But as fate would have it, eight-year-old Sheena spilled her tub of honey on Grandma’s new carpeting and trailed it throughout the entire downstairs of the house.

“我的姐夫Arnie刚刚向所有侄女和侄子分发了礼物,从蜂箱中提取了自制蜂蜜。 他们很兴奋。 但是,按照命运的安排,八岁的希娜(Sheena)将她的一桶蜂蜜洒在了奶奶的新地毯上,并拖到房子的整个楼下。

Crying, Sheena ran into the kitchen and into Grandma Ruby’s arms. “Grandma, I’ve spilled my honey all over your brand new carpet.”

希娜哭了起来,冲进厨房和露比奶奶的怀抱。 “奶奶,我把我的蜂蜜洒在您全新的地毯上。”

Grandma Ruby knelt down, looked tenderly into Sheena’s tearful eyes and said, “Don’t worry sweetheart, we can get you more honey.”


New words and expressions

  • Being a mother of two very active boys 活跃的,精力旺盛的
  • She is the embodiment of gentleness, patience and love. 综合体


