

Horace Vernet, Scene from the Mexican Expedition


作为全球范围内体验式学习的鼻祖,Outward Bound(简称OB或外展教育)是如何通过课程核心价值来实现综合育人目标的呢?以下双语短文试图科普外展教育的设计宗旨,从而引发对厦门研学旅行课程设计的思考与讨论。


四大支柱是外展教育所有课程与计划的根基,由此四支柱所发展出的核心价值与设计宗旨提供了课程设计的架构。此概念最早由教育家柯汉(Kurt Hahn)提出:“试着想像一座罗马庙堂,训练课程就是其屋顶,不论是山、海或其他地形,都能运用为培育青年人格的媒介;而屋顶必以四个支柱撑起。”四大支柱包括了:

  • 独立自主(Self-reliance)
  • 体适能(Physical Fitness)
  • 技能(Craftsmanship)
  • 服务(Service)


在Outward Bound的冒险与荒野伦理中,强调能在俭朴生活中的独立自主能力。柯汉以为,西方社会对机械以及相关发明的完全依赖,导致现代人无法应付俭朴生活的基本需求。因此,教导学员不需仰赖机械或他人就能掌握周遭环境,是 Outward Bound的使命;熟稔生活技能则是培养独立自主的训练重点。

体适能(Physical Fitness)



20 世纪前,男孩向父亲习得经商手法或是向工匠师傅拜师,女孩则与母亲一起工作,学习生活技能。随着识字率的提高与工业革命,大环境所强调的是书面学习,导致传统技能的衰退。柯汉为弥补此教育的不足,设计需要新技能的教育计划,这项技能需要发展「第六知觉」(Sixth Sense)。以体验学习为主轴的技能训练,不仅能学到技巧,还有全方位的角色和期许,而这也是外展教育延续至今的教育哲学。换言之,Outward Bound的教育环境会立即让学生体验到技巧熟稔的必要性。


柯汉提出教育的秘诀在于指导学员经由服务人群,锻炼内在力量。在Outward Bound各中心,学生须接受救援训练,且时常有实作机会服务他人。目前的服务课程主要让学生有所警觉并团结致力。服务课程让学生有分享共同经验的渠道,也让他们体会到自己是群体中的重要一环。

Four Pillars of OB

Outward Bound programs are held aloft by four pillars:

1. Self-Reliance

2. Physical Fitness

3. Craftsmanship

4. Service

These pillars provide the philosophical foundation for all Outward Bound courses and programs. The Core Values and Design Principles grew out of the Pillars and provide the structure for course design. Hahn said, "Imagine a Roman Temple; the roof is the training program. It does not matter whether the mountains, the sea or any other topographical medium is used for the activities which help to develop the boy's character. The roof must be held aloft by four pillars."


Hahn described the need for self-reliance by outlining the following as one of his "four decays of western man":" The almost complete reliance on mechanical gadgets and contrivances and the inability to cope with the basic requirements of simple life." Thus, it is our task to teach our students how to master all aspects of their environments and keep themselves safe without relying on technical equipment or help from others. Mastery of skills is central in training our students to be self-reliant.

Physical Fitness

Fitness training has been a cornerstone of Outward Bound since its earliest days, when Kurt Hahn lamented the decay of the body due to taking insufficient healthful exercise.


Until the 20th century, boys learned trades working closely with their fathers, or as apprentices to master craftsman, while girls worked with and learned skills from their mothers. With the growth of literacy and the industrial revolution, came an emphasis on book learning and a decline in traditional craftsmanship. Kurt Hahn addressed this educational loss by assigning projects requiring new skills, skills that would develop the "sixth sense." This theory of experience based education - of craftsmanship as a means of learning not only a skill but also a whole range of roles and expectations - remains at the center of Outward Bound educational philosophy today. We put students in an environment where the need for skill mastery is immediately apparent.


Hahn suggested that the secret of education was to teach people the inner strength that comes from serving others. At Hahn's boarding schools, students were trained in rescue skills and frequently got the opportunity to employee this training in the service of others. Today, service is designed to expose our students to an ethic of awareness and connection. Service gives students an opportunity to share in a common experience, as well as to see themselves as an important part of a community group.

