复课在即,战“疫”时期,教给孩子们如何保护自己Protect yourself against CO

英文阅读 | 复课在即,战“疫”时期,教给孩子们如何保护自己Protect yourself against COVID-19初中适用

Protect yourself against COVID-19

words:316 time:4΄30΄΄

With recent reports of COVID-19, you may be worried about catching this disease. Coronaviruses are a possibly life-threatening family of viruses that can cause conditions like the common cold, MERS, SARS and other diseases. While coronaviruses can be serious, taking following measures can help you protect your health in public places and at home.

英文阅读 | 复课在即,战“疫”时期,教给孩子们如何保护自己Protect yourself against COVID-19初中适用

Wash your hands with soap and running water as often as possible.

● Wash your hands with soap and running water as often as possible.

This is the best way to keep yourself away from the coronavirus. Wet your hands with water, and then use soap for 20-30 seconds. Then wash your hands clean under running water.

英文阅读 | 复课在即,战“疫”时期,教给孩子们如何保护自己Protect yourself against COVID-19初中适用

Keep your hands away from your eyes, nose and mouth.

● Keep your hands away from your eyes, nose and mouth.

You may come into contact with the coronavirus on a surface (表面), like a doorknob or table. When this happens, the virus can stay on your hands, so you can easily infect yourself if you touch your face with dirty hands. If you need to touch your face, wash your hands first.

英文阅读 | 复课在即,战“疫”时期,教给孩子们如何保护自己Protect yourself against COVID-19初中适用

Stay away from people who are coughing or sneezing.

● Stay away from people who are coughing or sneezing.

Since coughing and sneezing both let viruses fly in the air, they may increase your risk of infection. Keep your distance from people who are coughing and sneezing. You could say politely to him/her, “I noticed you were coughing. I hope you feel better soon, but please keep your distance so I don’t get sick.”

英文阅读 | 复课在即,战“疫”时期,教给孩子们如何保护自己Protect yourself against COVID-19初中适用

Disinfect high-touch surfaces daily.

● Disinfect high-touch surfaces daily.

Because the coronavirus can stay on surfaces, use a spray disinfectant (喷雾消毒剂) to clean these surfaces daily. Make sure the surface stays wet for about 10 minutes so it effectively kills the virus. In your home, disinfect your front doorknob, kitchen counters, bathroom counters and so on.

What’s more, try not to worry too much if you’re not truly at risk. Information about coronaviruses has spread on social media, sometimes causing unnecessary fear. It’s helpful to fact-check your sources before making any decisions.


condition /kən'dɪʃn/ n. 疾病

eg. What medicine should we take for this condition?

at risk 处境危险;遭受危险

eg. That would mean putting other children at risk.


英文阅读 | 复课在即,战“疫”时期,教给孩子们如何保护自己Protect yourself against COVID-19初中适用

