

doctor 醫生

patient 病人

hearing 聽力

temperature 體溫,溫度

sight 視力

operation 手術

disease 疾病

examine 檢查

handle 處理,應付

hurt 傷害

recover 痊癒,恢復

tend 照顧,護理

sneeze 打噴嚏

bleed 流血

ache 疼痛

heal 治癒

healthy 健康的

alive 活著的

mental 精神的

physical 物質的,身體的

medical 醫學的

uncomfortable 令人不舒服的

normal 正常的

sick 有病的

painful 疼痛的

allergic 過敏的


suffer from 遭受,患…病

give birth to 產生,分娩

a balanced 均衡飲食

get hurt\\injured 受傷

add up to 總計為,總共是

over and over again 反覆

catch a cold\\have a fever 感冒、發燒

have a pain in …某個部位疼痛

have a body check\\physical examination 進行體檢

take the medicine 吃藥

get into the habit of 染上…的習慣

mental and physical health 身心健康

suffer from a serious disease 患上重病

catch a cold; have a fever 感冒/發燒

have the flu; get flu 患流感

have a running nose 流鼻涕

have a pain in… 某個部位疼痛

feel weak/sick 感覺虛弱/噁心

feel stressed/depressed 感到緊張/沮喪

suffer from a serious disease 患上重病

have a body check/physical examination 進行體檢

take one’s temperature 量體溫

take the medicine 吃藥

have an operation on sb 給某人做手術

perform first aid 實施急救

be addicted to drugs 吸毒成癮

get into the habit of 染上……的習慣

be exposed to radiation 暴露在輻射環境下

mental and physical health 身心健康

breathe fresh air 呼吸新鮮空氣

relax oneself 自我放鬆

reduce/release pressure 減少 /釋放壓力

form good living habits 養成好生活習慣

face difficulties with courage 勇敢地面對困難

in good/poor health 身體好/差

stay up (all night); study late into the night 熬夜/學習到深夜

medical insurance; medical care 醫療保險/護理

the negative effects of anxiety 焦慮的負面影響


1.advise that sb.(should) do sth.

The doctor advised that we should have a balanced diet and get into the good habit of getting up early.


2.it is (widely) believed that...

It is widely believed that plenty of fresh air contributes to good health.


3.can’t...too much

We can’t emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much.



As the College Entrance Examination is drawing near,we senior high school students are occupied with busy work.


5.why not do sth.

Why not drink a little,exercise,stop smoking and eat more fruit and vegetables?






4. 醫生告訴她,身體差,經常感覺到虛弱是焦慮的負面影響,她應該學會自我放鬆。(賓語從句)

5. 從此以後,瑪麗每個週末都到郊外呼吸新鮮空氣,做運動,以便保持身心健康。(目的狀語)

Due to high pressure of study in Senior Three, Mary used to study late into the night, which results in her getting flu. Mary felt that she might have had a fever, so the doctor checked her temperature, and he not only gave her a flu shot, but also recommended her to take medicine on time. What’s more, the doctor advised her to do more out-door activities, which could help her release the pressure and form good living habits. The doctor told her that poor health and often feeling weak were the negative effects of anxiety, so she was supposed to learn to relax herself. After that, Marie went to the countryside to breathe fresh air and did exercises every weekend to maintain physical and mental health.

