It's a needle in a haystack.簡直大海撈針。(絕望主婦204)

Edie: "Mayer! Is this yours?"


Edie: "It blew into my front yard."


Susan: "Oh, sorry. I'm helping Mike find Zach. You know, so we can all rest easy at night."


Edie: "Uh huh. And put him in jail? Oh, I don't think Mike would do that to his own son."


Susan: "You know?"


Edie: "That Mike's Zach's real father? Yes. Julie told Karl, Karl told me and I sent out a few e-mails."


Susan: "Well, thanks for your discretion."


Edie: "Boy. You would do anything to get Mike Delfino to love you. So what's gonna happen to little creepy when he gets here? Are you gonna be tucking him in at night? Making him breakfast in the morning? Careful to bob and weave as he tries to blow your head off?"



Susan: "You know, Edie, could you just back off? I mean the truth is we're probably never gonna find Zach, anyway. It's a needle in a haystack."


Edie: "Oh, I see, and then you'll still come off as little Miss Perfect self-sacrificing girlfriend. Putting his needs ahead of yours. Oh, why you conniving little shrew. I don't know why we're not closer."


  • You know, so we can all rest easy at night.我們晚上就能睡個踏實覺了。
  • rest easy=stop worrying 安心,放心
  • put sb. in jail: 把某人送進監獄
  • So what's gonna happen to little creepy when he gets here?
  • sth happen to sb. 某人發生某事,或怎麼啦
  • creepy adj.令人毛骨悚然的; 令人不寒而慄的; 怪異的 這裡做名詞使用
  • tuck v.打摺;捲起;收攏;藏起
  • tuck sb. in/up 給某人蓋好被子/把被子掖好
  • Careful to bob and weave as he tries to blow your head off?
  • bob v.(使在水中) 上下快速移動,擺動; 把(頭髮)剪成齊短髮;
  • weave v. 編織;組合;編造;迂迴前進
  • bob and weave
  • 英文釋義:
  • To move quickly up and down and side to side, typically in an attempt to evade someone or something.迅速上下左右移動以躲避某人某物 引申義:左躲右閃
  • 例句:A boxer learns to bob and weave. 拳擊手學習急速扭頭和閃身。(以躲避對方攻擊)
  • blow sb's head off 把某人的頭打爆
  • back off: 走開
  • It's a needle in a haystack. haystack n.乾草堆; 乾草垛
  • 字面:在乾草堆裡找到一個針。
  • 意譯:大海撈針。
  • come off as v.帶給別人什麼樣的印象、感覺
  • self-sacrificing: 自我犧牲
  • conniving: adj. 暗算他人的,故意縱容的; shrew: 潑婦
  • close adj. 指人與人關係密切的,親近的
It's a needle in a haystack.簡直大海撈針。(絕望主婦204)

  • Edie: "Mayer! Is this yours?"
  • Edie: "It blew into my front yard."
  • Susan: "Oh, sorry. I'm helping Mike find Zach. You know, so we can all rest easy at night."
  • Edie: "Uh huh. And put him in jail? Oh, I don't think Mike would do that to his own son."
  • Susan: "You know?"
  • Edie: "That Mike's Zach's real father? Yes. Julie told Karl, Karl told me and I sent out a few e-mails."
  • Susan: "Well, thanks for your discretion."
  • Edie: "Boy. You would do anything to get Mike Delfino to love you. So what's gonna happen to little creepy when he gets here? Are you gonna be tucking him in at night? Making him breakfast in the morning? Careful to bob and weave as he tries to blow your head off?"
  • Susan: "You know, Edie, could you just back off? I mean the truth is we're probably never gonna find Zach, anyway. It's a needle in a haystack."
  • Edie: "Oh, I see, and then you'll still come off as little Miss Perfect self-sacrificing girlfriend. Putting his needs ahead of yours. Oh, why you conniving little shrew. I don't know why we're not closer."
伊迪: 然後把他關進監獄?我認為麥克對自己的親生兒子下不了手。
伊迪: 麥克是扎克親生兒子這事嗎?當然了。朱莉告訴卡爾,卡爾告訴我,我又發了一些電子郵件諮詢確認。


