


Your email should answer the following:
1.Are you a UK/EU or overseas student?
2.Where are you from?
3.What qualifications do you have, from which institution?
4.What were your grades?
5.Do you have any research experience? If so, what?
6.Have you published any research?
7.How will you fund your studies?
1.A short message explaining your background, research interests and why you are interested in undertaking a PhD
2.An explanation of why you think they are the right supervisor for your project, demonstrating your familiarity with their research work
3.A copy of your CV
4.An early draft of your research proposal (usually about 1 page). Have a look at Section 3 for details on what to include in your proposal.
另外学校也表示,如果你的套磁信没有以上这些内容,you may not get a response to your email。另外针对可以套多少位教授,学校也做了说明:可以同时套几个教授,但是请不要同时套超过4个教授。It is fine to send queries to more than one supervisor, but please do not send blanket email requests to more than four academics at a time. 同时学校也贴心提醒,如果一周内没有收到教授的回复,可以发个提醒。如果还是没有得到回复,也欢迎你继续申请,这种情况也是会得到录取的考虑的,并且在申请的时候点名你喜欢的教授名称。
三、University of Strathclyde大学对套磁信的内容要求:
Youll need to send:
1.a covering letter outlining your areas of interest and how they will contribute to our current research interests
2.a research proposal of around 1,000 words; please use our Postgraduate Research Proposal Outline and attach this with your application
3.a current CV
4.an indication of your funding arrangements or whether youre looking for a scholarship


1.With all the bad English, impoliteness and lack of any detail, these types of requests get deleted even before I get to the close. One recent e-mail even addressed me as “Dear Sir Hubert Wilkins …”
在套磁信的称呼上一定一定要注意!如果教授有Ph.D degree,叫Dr. 是最好的,也可以叫professor,然而大部分有Dr. degree 的教授相比Professor会更喜欢你称呼他们为Dr. 如果是associate professor千万不能写associate professor,一律写Dr. 或 professor. Mr./Sir这样的称呼就有点嘲讽没有PhD学位的意思了,这类是教授最最反感的称呼方式。
2.Perhaps most importantly, it is essential that you write to someone with approximately the correct expertise in your area of interest. I could list hundreds of e-mails from students requesting supervision for projects in electrical engineering, agronomy, cellular function or toxicity trials. Sorry, folks – I don’t work in these areas. I know I’m a bit of a generalist, but these people are stretching the fabric of reality a little too far.
If it looks like a form letter, it probably is a form letter. In other words, if I can’t tell that you have specifically targeted me for my expertise and track record, I’m not going to give you a second thought. Take some time to peruse prospective supervisor CVs, and invest even a few sentences on how their interests align with your own. Most of the information you seek will be available online, so please, do a little research! After all, you will be doing research for a PhD, so if you can’t even research your supervisor correctly, you have no hope of garnering a positive response.
3.Have a very clear idea of the area you want to research for your PhD. Saying something like “I’m interested in sharks” or “I find conservation biology fascinating” is woefully insufficient. Remember that point about research? Do some, and find a research question that you deem interesting. Think about what’s already been done in the field and do a little background reading. I would never expect a fully fledged proposal at the initial contact stage, but I do expect you to know roughly what hypotheses you’d like to test.
4.If you aren’t the best writer of English, find someone who can help you write your introductory e-mail properly. I’ve supervised people of various competencies in English, and provided they work hard and endeavour to improve, lack of English prowess is rarely a fatal problem, at least at the beginning of the degree. However, if you demonstrate straight away that you can’t write English well enough to save your life and/or you are merely being lazy, I’m probably not going to respond to you. If you genuinely follow the guidelines above and still make a few mistakes (even native speakers do), I’m not going to bin your e-mail on that component alone; however, it’s not a good look right from the outset if you make a heap of silly spelling and grammatical mistakes.
5.If you’re applying from overseas, you have to be at least vaguely cognisant that scholarships don’t grow on trees. In other words, most people I know don’t have millions of disposable dollars/euros/pounds just sitting around in a bank account waiting for the next lucky contestant to say ‘fund me’. In my specific case, if you do not have Australian citizenship, then asking me to take you on ‘in one of my projects’ is a naïve pipe-dream. You have to do the ground work and look into how you might get funding. Yes, we do have international scholarship schemes in Australia, and yes, some universities can waive overseas fees. But as you can probably imagine, these are extremely competitive and are far from guaranteed, even for the best students. Unless you are independently wealthy, you better have some ideas about from where you potential funding will come. Don’t be discouraged, however – most of the students I’ve taken on over the years are non-Australians. The funding exists, but you (a) have to be good and (b) have to do the legwork to have a shot at getting it.

