

What if Luckin Committed the Fabrication in Chinese Stock Market


Luckin Coffee, a China Concept Stock listed on Nasdaq Stock Market in May 2019, confessed on April 2 2020 that its aggregate sales amount associated with the fabricated transactions from the second quarter to the fourth quarter of 2019 amounted to around 2.2 billion yuan. It soon stirred broad discussions among public media and attracted extensive views and comments of financial and legal experts regarding its cause and possible development.


It was discussed here how would Luckin and/or its controlling shareholder, actual controller, directors, supervisors or officers be held liable, according to applicable laws and regulations of China, if it has committed the fabrication in Chinese Stock Market.


According to current Chinese laws, regulations and administrative decrees on securities issuing, transaction and information disclosure etc., Luckin may commit the Crime of Illegal Disclosure of Critical Information or of Failing to Disclose Critical Information, and may be subject to the misstatement civil compensation in stock market, in addition to which Luckin may be subject to the administrative punishment according to the Securities Law as amended in December 28 2019 and enforced as of March 1 2020, which may include but not limited to top fines of 10 million Yuan and securities market prohibition.


I. The behavior may be suspected of committing the crime of illegal disclosure of critical information or of failing to disclose critical information


According to Article 161 of the Criminal Law, in the event companies and enterprises obligated to disclose certain information rendered to shareholders and the public any financial and accounting report which contained false information or conceal critical fact, or failed to disclose other critical information they were lawfully obliged to disclose, which severely impaired interests of shareholders or others, or involved other severe condition, the executives directly in charge of the case and other staff directly held liable shall be subject to fixed term imprisonment no more than three years, or to detention, and simultaneously subject to fines of more than 20 000 Yuan and less than 200 000 Yuan; the aforesaid people may be subject to fines of more than 20 000 Yuan and less than 200 000 Yuan, alone.


The above is the description of criminal punishment against the crime of illegal disclosure of critical information or of failing to disclose critical information


In terms of Luckin fabrication, if CSRC finished its investigation and held that Luckin may have committed crimes, it will turn the case to relevant public security authority, which normally will open a criminal file regarding the case and make criminal detection. In case it was discovered through detection that Luckin committed fabrication of sales data and revenue, and seriously harmed the interests shareholders and others, or involved other severe conditions, Luckin may commit the crime of illegal disclosure of critical information or of failing to disclose critical information, in which event the executives directly in charge of the case and other staff directly held liable shall be subject to criminal punishment.

2017年证监会查处江苏雅百特科技股份有限公司财务造假案件时认为,根据《刑法》及《最高人民检察院 公安部关于公安机关管辖的刑事案件立案追溯标准的规定(二)》的有关规定,雅百特的行为涉嫌构成违规披露、不披露重要信息罪,并根据《行政执法机关移送涉嫌犯罪案件的规定》及有关规定,将案件移送公安机关。公司实际控制人陆永犯违规披露重要信息罪,被判处有期徒刑九个月,缓刑一年,并处罚金十五万元,而当年财务造假的关键人物之一李马松犯违规披露重要信息罪,被判处有期徒刑六个月,缓刑一年,并处罚金十万元。

It was held by CSRC after its investigation of Jiangsu Yabaite Technology Co., Ltd fabrication case that, according to relevant provisions of the Criminal Law and the Regulations of the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Ministry of Public Security regarding the Standard of Placing the Criminal Case on File for Criminal Cases Falling into the Jurisdiction of the Public Security Authorities (II), Yabaite fabrication case was suspected of committing the crime of illegal disclosure of critical information or of failing to disclose critical information. Accordingly, CSRC turned the case to relevant public security authority according to the Regulations on Transferring Crime-suspicion Cases by Administrative Enforcement Organ. Ultimately, Lu Yong, actual controller of the Company, was sentenced to nine-month imprisonment with a suspension of one year, for the crime of the illegal disclosure of critical information, in addition to which he was fined for RMB150 000. In the same case, Li Masong, a key figure in the financial fabrication case, was sentenced to six-month imprisonment with a suspension of one year due to committing the crime of illegal disclosure of critical information, in addition to which he was fined for RMB100 000.


II. Information disclosure obligor of Luckin may bear the civil liability of misstatement


According to Article 85 of the Securities Law, in case the information disclosure obligor fails to disclose information according to regulations, or the securities issuing documents, routine report, temporary report and other information disclosure document announced, contained any false content, misleading statement or serious omission, which caused losses to investors in securities transaction, the information disclosure obligor shall be liable for civil compensation. Controlling shareholder, actual controller, director, supervisor, officer and other people directly held liable, sponsor, undertaking securities company and its staff directly held liable, shall be jointly liable for the aforesaid civil compensation, except for those who can prove that he has committed no fault in the case. It is the general provision on securities market misstatement related civil liabilities of information disclosure obligor.


According to Relevant Regulations of the Supreme People’s Court regarding the Trial of Civil Compensation Cases Arising from False Statement in Securities Market, the People’s Court shall accept civil compensation cases instituted by securities market investors based on the accusation that information disclosure obligor has violated laws and made misstatement, which causes losses to them. In such cases, parties subjecting to the lawsuit may include initiators, controlling shareholder, the securities releasing company or relevant intermediaries etc. Civil compensation shall be limited to actual losses suffered from such misstatement, including the investment variance losses, and commissions and stamp duty relating to the said losses.


III. Luckin, its executives directly in charge of the case and other staff directly held liable may be subject to huge fines


As listed above, in the investigation regarding Jiangsu Yabaite financial fabrication, CSRC found that the Company has, from 2015 to September 2016, fabricated the public traffic project in Pakistan, and other international and domestic trade, which led to the inflation of 580 million Yuan in sales revenue, and the inflation of profit for around 260 million Yuan. Accordingly, CSRC imposed the top fines of 600 000 Yuan to the company, and imposed the top fines of 300 000 Yuan plus lifelong securities market prohibition to Lu Yong, the executive in direct charge of the fabrication, all according to the then prevailing Securities Law.


According to Article 197 (2) of the Securities Law (amended), in case information disclosure obligor made any false record, misleading statement or critical omission in report submitted or in disclosed information, he shall be requested to make correction and be warned accordingly, and will be subject to fines of more than 1 million Yuan and less than 10 million Yuan; in addition, the executives directly in charge of the case and other staff directly held liable shall be warned accordingly, and be subject to fines of more than 500 000 Yuan and less than 5 million Yuan. If controlling shareholder or actual controller has organized or instructed others in such law-breaking behavior, or concealed relevant facts which led to the aforesaid condition, he will be subject to fines of more than 1 million Yuan and less than 10 million Yuan, the executives directly in charge of the case and other staff directly held liable shall be warned accordingly, and be subject to fines of more than 500 000 Yuan and less than 5 million Yuan.

