老美常常說的Copy that是什麼意思

“Roger that”,“copy that”:兩個片語都是無線電對講用語,而且基本上表達的是同一個意思--“收到!我明白,我聽到了。”兩個片語一般來說可以替換著用。有一點小小的區別是什麼呢?雙胞胎弟弟“copy that”就像一個沒有戶口的黑戶,韋氏、朗文、劍橋、牛津、麥克米倫,幾本英語辭典裡死活是“查無此人”。當然了,存在即是真理,沒有戶口也是人嘛,就是找起來確實費點功夫。

copy that 明白,收到

我們先來看美國蘭登書屋未刪節辭典(Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Random House, Inc. 2006. )對該詞條的解釋:


–verb (used with object) 及物動詞

to receive and understand (a radio message or its sender).


–verb (used without object) 不及物動詞

to hear or receive a radio message, as over a CB radio: Do you copy?

聽到或收到無線電信息,譬如通過民用波段電臺(CB=Citizens Band):“Do you copy?”“你聽到了嗎?”

*再來看看國外的網友對“copy that”的補充解釋:

copy that

1. Radio slang acknowledgement, meaning "i heard you" or "I understand." Synonymous with "Roger." Often shortened to "copy."無線電通信俚語,表示確認,意思是“我聽到你了”、“我明白”。和“Roger”同義,經常簡化為:“Copy”

2."I copy that" is walkie-talkie talk for - I understand, will do, gotcha, ok, alright, yup, uh-huh, and much more depending on the inflection of the voice.“I copy that”是一個對講用語,意思是:我明白,同意、順從,明白了,好的,好吧,是的,好滴。語意常視乎音調的變化而定。


-Sir, we're about to drop nuclear payload. Shall we proceed, over?長官,我們即將投射核彈,是否繼續,請指示,通話完畢。

-Negative, you're to return to base immediately! We've got a sandstorm headed your way! Over.不,馬上返回基地!前方將有沙塵暴,完畢。


-Repeat, that is a negative, return to base immediately. Do you copy?重覆一遍,取消行動,馬上返回基地。你們聽到了嗎?

-Copy that, HQ. Returning to base.收到,總部。返回基地。
