常喝蜂蜜保持健康的身体 双语 英语学习

Honey is a kind of sugar and is low in water. Therefore, bacteria is unable to survive and it also inhibits the growth of microbe.


The ancient Egyptians use honey to cure for wounds and as a treatment for fevers and stomach pains.


It is 100% sure that it kills bacteria. For some wounds that do not respond to antibiotics, it works! It also improves sleep and helps those who have sleep troubles.


For child less than one year old, honey is not allowed to be used. For children over one year old, honey can be used as an alternative to cough and cold medications.


Scientists have found that it strengthens the immune system and disrupts breast and skin caners cells. They hope they may use it as an anti-cancer agent and preventative for heart disease.


So, try to eat a mix of healthy foods can help your body fight disease. However it is a kind of suger, so do not eat lots of it, if you want to maintain a healthy weigh.


try to choose raw, unfiltered honey, most honey on the market is highly processed and mean contain additives.
