

Health Canada is advising consumers that the unauthorized product "Kobayashi Aibon/Eyebon Eyewash" is labelled to contain a prescription drug (aminocaproic acid) and may pose serious health risks. The product is promoted as an eyewash for contact lens users and for the prevention of eye disease.

加拿大卫生部建议消费者,未经授权的产品“ 小林制药洗眼液”标签上标明含有处方药(氨基乙酸),可能会造成严重的健康风险。该产品作为隐形眼镜使用者和预防眼部疾病的洗眼剂进行推广。

Health Canada seized two formats, "Cool" and "Mild," from a Tokyo Beauty & Health Care retail location in Richmond, British Columbia (120 – 8191 Westminster Highway).

加拿大卫生部从位于不列颠哥伦比亚省里士满的东京美容保健零售店(120-8191威斯敏斯特公路)检获两种款式的“ Cool ”和“ Mild ”。

Prescription drugs should be taken only under the advice and supervision of a healthcare professional because they are used in relation to specific diseases, and may cause serious side effects. The unauthorized health product was packaged and labelled in Japanese ("Eyebon" may also be translated as "Aibon"). As a result, information about ingredients, usage, dosage and side effects may not be understood by all consumers.

处方药只有在卫生保健专业人员的建议和监督下才能服用,因为它们被用于特定疾病,并可能造成严重的副作用。未经授权的保健品以日本包装并贴上标签(“ Eyebon ”也可译为“ Aibon ”)。因此,有关成分、用途、剂量和副作用的信息可能不为所有消费者所理解。

Selling unauthorized health products in Canada is illegal. Health Canada previously warned about this product after it was seized at a different retail store.


