






Claire 是英国留学生,身体通常都很健康,但是自从昨晚跟朋友出去玩后,睡一觉起来却感觉喉咙很痛、身体发烫,于是他决定去医院预约挂号看医生…

Nurse: Hi, how can I help you?
护士: 你好,有什么我可以帮忙的吗?

Claire: Hi, I would like to make an appointment with Dr. Benson for today.
Claire: 我今天想预约 Dr. Benson 的门诊。

Nurse: I’m sorry, he’s off today. Would you like to make an appointment with Dr. Lin? She’s on call.
护士: 对不起他今天休诊,你要不要改预约林医师的门诊,她今天有看诊。

Claire: Okay.
Claire: 好。

Nurse: Have you ever been here before?
护士: 你之前有来过吗?

Claire: No, this will be my first visit.
Claire: 没有,我第一次来。

Nurse: Okay, can you fill out this form for me?
护士: 好的,可以麻烦你帮我填这张表吗?

Claire: No problem. Here you go.
Claire: 没问题,我填好了。

Nurse: What time would be best for you?
护士: 你想预约哪个时段?

Claire: I think 7:00 pm or later because I have class this afternoon
Claire: 我想要今天晚上七点因为我下午有课。

Nurse: Sure, your appointment is confirmed for 7:00 pm today. Please be here on time.
护士: 没问题,你的预约挂号已经确认好是今天晚上七点,请准时到诊。

Claire: Thanks!
Claire: 谢谢!

make an appointment (phr.) 预约挂号

去医院看医生之前第一件事情就是预约挂号,而预约挂号的英文说法就是 make an appointment,后面通常会用介词 with 再接医师名 (Dr. + 姓氏)。值得注意的是,make a reservation 虽然也有预约的意思,但是差别是 make an appointment 通常是跟「人」预约见面,而 make a reservation 则是预约「位子」或「房间」,所以今天若是要跟医生预约挂号,就要用 make an appointment。

I would like to make an appointment with Dr. Wang for tomorrow because I have a severe headache.

on call (phr.) (医疗业者) 看诊中

如果去看医生时你有指定看诊医生的话,你可以问柜台护士: Is Dr. Wang on call today? 。on call 是一个专门用在医疗机构的用语,「看诊中」的意思,如果护士回你: I’m sorry, he’s off.,则代表医师休假中,off 在此有「离开,不在」的意思。

Dr. Chen will be on call this Friday night. You can make an appointment to see him.

my first visit here 我第一次来

去医院挂号时,护士小姐一定会问你之前是否有来过,如果你从来没去过那间医院看诊就可以用 It’s my first visit here. 表示,visit 在这边是名词,表示「拜访」;如果你之前已经有在这家医院看过了,那么可以回答: I have been here before.

Please fill out this form if this is your first visit here.

What time would be best for you? 你想预约什么时候?

挂号看病未必能马上就看诊,如果要预约挂号的朋友,当护士问你:What time would be best for you?,意思是询问你想预约哪个时段,回答的时候你可以用句型「时间 + is best for me.」即可。

Six pm is best for me to see the doctor.

于是到了晚上七点, Claire 终于进了诊间…

Doctor: Hi, please have a seat. What brings you here?
医生: 你好,请坐。今天怎么了?

Claire: I don’t feel well today. I have a severe soar throat and feel a little dizzy

Claire: 我今天身体不是很舒服,我喉咙很痛、头有点晕。

Doctor: How long have you felt like this?
医生: 你已经这样多久了?

Claire: Since last night.
Claire: 从昨天晚上开始。

Doctor: Do you have any other symptoms?
医生: 你有其他症状吗?

Claire: I can’t eat anything… I just feel nauseous.
Claire: 我完全吃不下,我一直觉得很恶心。

Doctor: I see. It’s just a cold. I’ll give you some medicine, and you should get some rest at home for couple of days. Here is your prescription.
医生: 好的,我了解了!我想是感冒,我会给你一些药,这几天你要多待在家休息,这里是你的处方签。

Claire: Thank you so much, Doc.
Claire: 医生,谢谢你!

What brings you here? 今天怎么了?

What brings you here? 这句话乍看之下是「什么带你来的?」,这句话其实是在问你「今天是因为健康状况而来看医生」,除了看诊时会用到这句话,如果今天有一个很久没见的朋友突然来找你,你也可以说这句话,而此时意思就是「是什么风把你吹来了?」。

What brings you here? I feel like we haven’t met in decades!

symptom (n.) 症状

看医生时一定要详述症状,医生才能对症下药,因此医生也可能会这么问:Do you have any other symptoms? (你有其他症状吗?),symptom 为名词,表「(疾病的) 症状」。

You should tell the doctor all the symptoms you have so that he can help you.

soar throat / dizzy/ nauseous 喉咙痛/感到头晕/感到恶心

上面讲到症状,那么常见的感冒症状有哪些呢?可能有喉咙痛,have soar throat,可能因为发烧感到头晕,feel dizzy,或是肠胃不适感到恶心想吐,feel nauseous。另外补充几个常见的症状:have a fever (发烧)、have diarrhea (腹泻)、have a stuffy nose (鼻塞)、vomit (呕吐)。

I’m not feeling well today. I have a fever and a stuffy nose.

prescription (n.) 处方

prescription 为名词,表「处方」,领药时通常会需要处方,常搭配介词 for 再接药名。

You need a prescription for antibiotics.
