

There are many beautiful legends of ganoderma lucidum, said it is a kind of ate can cure all ills, immortality, "panacea" coming back to life. Ganoderma lucidum is also called the glossy ganoderma, cheese, cheese grass god, immortality, seocho, polypores is families included plant or zizhi, whole plant. Ganoderma lucidum is native to eastern Asia, China's most widely distributed in jiangxi, ganoderma lucidum as a precious medicinal history for thousands of years of traditional Chinese medicinal materials, has high medicinal value. Legend of ganoderma lucidum can fit all disease, quick is special, so the name of ganoderma lucidum, also known as "elixir", looks like the odd ganoderma lucidum can also be used for ornamental decoration, is people's favorite in the play.



As the medicinal value of ganoderma lucidum is widely known, this resource of wild ganoderma lucidum mountains has been reduced, while the annual ganoderma lucidum fertility is not weak, but not the seed out, still immature can be picked, to prevent it. So although a lot of wild ganoderma resources but also need reasonable development is. Unreasonable excessive picking wild ganoderma resources is the main reason of the decline. Not only is the wild ganoderma lucidum, the efficacy of many other wild medicinal materials are stronger than the effects of the artificial cultivation, therefore in the application of wild ganoderma resources at the same time we should protect it.



The ganoderma lucidum large and beautiful, thick full circle. The natural formation of ganoderma lucidum unaware tiancheng, strange shape, fan, like mountains, like a beast, the shape of an admiring. Ganoderma lucidum since ancient times is considered a symbol of good fortune, wealth, beauty, longevity, this natural ganoderma lucidum fungus lid thick, weight of 830 g, it is rare. Ring groove surface distribution, shape and chic, get health pale, honesty is four elegant thing in the world.



The increasingly scarce resources of wild ganoderma lucidum, wild ganoderma lucidum by its size, the price of the age, work, varieties of different and has different price ranges, ganoderma lucidum and quality depends on the quality of growth period, the environment, a variety of factors such as temperature, humidity, varieties to complete. The higher the composition of growth period, the longer the period of validity, in one thousand, is a ganoderma lucidum. The active components of ganoderma lucidum is according to the geometry number growth with growth period, the market sell mainly on artificial cultivation of ganoderma lucidum in general. So if there is a wild ganoderma lucidum value is immeasurable. In many parts of Asia, ganoderma lucidum is used as medicine has a history of more than 2000 years, many modern scientists also has proved its strong effect.