







absent oneself from school:不去上學abstain from wine:戒酒admit of 容許 admit to/into 允許進入admit to/into a secret 準其介入機密afraid
of doing 怕做某事agree with a person 同意某人agree to a proposal 同意某事ask a person about something 向人詢問某事ask a favor of a person 有求於人ask after a person 問候起居ask a person for something 向人乞討attend on a person 照顧某人attend to what a person says 注意別人說的話beg pardon of a person乞求寬恕beg for something from someone 向人乞物believe in God 信仰上帝believe in a person 信任某人believe something on insufficient evidence 證據不足也相信belong to a person 某人所有belong among such writers as 屬於像這樣的作家belong in business 屬於企業belong with Newton 屬於牛頓beware of pickpockets 當心扒手boast of one's cleverness 誇口break into
a house 破門而入break to pieces 粉碎break with a friend 絕交buy of a person 收買某人buy at a store 在某店買buy for ten Yuan 用十元買call at a house 拜訪某人於家call on a person 拜訪某人call to a person 呼叫某人call up a person 打電話給某人compare with 比較compare to 譬如complain of 抱怨,不平comply with the rules 遵守,順從congratulate a person on his success 祝賀consist of materials 由...組成consist in facts or results 存在於事實或結果中consult with a person on/about something 就某事和某人商量correspond to something 相當於某事correspond with a person 與某人通信deal in cloth 買賣布料deal
with a person 對付某人deal with a company 與之交易deal with a subject 討論depend on 依靠deprive a person of something 奪取despair of success 絕望devote oneself to study 專心從事die of a disease 病死die from some unknown cause 死因不明die by violence 橫死differ from something 與之不同differ with a person on a subject 在某問題上不同意distinguish one thing from another 區分事物distinguish between two things 區分二者不同之處divide a thing into many parts 分為許多部分divide money among many 分配給大家divide money between two 二人平分dwell in a place 住dwell on a subject 詳述engage in some work 從事engage to a person 訂婚enter into
conversation 交談起來enter upon a career or one's duties 開始一項事業entrust a person with a thing 託人以物entrust a thing to a person 把一件事委託給一個人excel in language 精通語文get to a place 到達某處get over on illness 病癒get on in life 發跡,飛黃騰達graduate from/at a college 從大學畢業grieve at the news 聽到消息而悲傷grieve for a person 為人悲嘆grieve over one's failure 為其失敗而憂傷hear of a person 聽到關於某人的消息hear of some event 聽到講起某事hear about a person 聽說一個人hear from a person 收到某人的信inquire for a person 問某人在不在inquire after a person 問候某人inquire of a person about some matter 詢問某人某事inquire into a matter 調查insist on
doing something 堅持要做interfere in the matter 干涉interfere with the work 妨害keep from wine 戒酒keep an affair from a person 對人收秘keep on doing something 繼續做某事know of a person 知道某人know about a person 直到某人的事know a wise man from a fool 區別賢惠laugh at a person(thing) 嘲笑lean on a desk 靠在桌子上lean against a wall 靠在牆上lean over a book 伏案讀書listen to a person 聽人說話listen in the radio 聽廣播live on rice 依米為生look at something 看某物look into a matter 調查某物look for a missing child 尋找迷失的小孩look after a child 照顧look over the papers 調閱,檢查made of
wood 木製的(可見原材料)made from grapes 葡萄為原料(看不見原材料)order a book from America 向美國訂購participate in an action 參加pass by a man 在其身邊走過pass through a gate 經過一扇門pass for a hero 當做英雄persist in doing something 堅持要做play at a game 遊戲play on a musical instrument 演奏樂器prefer tea to coffee 更喜歡prepare for examination 準備考試present a book to a person 贈人以書present a person with a book 贈人以書prevent a person from going 阻止protect a person from harm 保護某人免受其傷害provide with something 供給provide for one's family 養家provide against accident 防備recover from illness 恢復rejoice at the news 聞之而喜rejoice
over the victory 祝賀勝利remind a person of something 提醒rescue a person from drowning 救人於溺result in a consequence 成為結果retire from business 隱退,告老rid the house of mice 驅除老鼠rob a person of his money 搶奪金錢run after a hare 追逐run into debt 負債run over a child 碾過run against a person 衝突search for a house 尋覓房屋search into a matter 調查seek for happiness 追求幸福sick with a fever 發燒sick of life 厭世sick for one's native country 懷念故國smile at a person's threat 嘲笑別人的威脅smile on a person 對人表示好感sorry for a person 為某人難受speak of a person 談及某人speak about
the matter 談及某事speak on the subject 談及某事speak to a person 對人說話speak with a person 與人交談spend money on books 花錢買書spend one's time in reading 費時讀書stare at a man 凝視start for England 啟程赴英start on a journey 出發旅行struggle for existence 生存競爭struggle with adversity 於逆境奮鬥succeed to the throne 繼承王位succeed in an undertaking 事業成功suffer from consumption 得了肺病sympathize with a person 同情take after his father 相似take a man for a spy 弄錯take to gambling 耽誤(去賭博而誤事)talk of resigning 談起辭職的事talk over a matter 商量talk to/with a person 對談tell a person of
another's death 告訴某人的死亡tell a person about the war 談及戰爭tell a good picture from a bad one 分別好壞think of home 思鄉think of a good idea 想出(主意)trust in a person 信任某人trust a person with something 託人以物,授人以權trust to chance 碰運氣wait for a person 等待wait on a person 伺候watch for an opportunity 警戒watch with the invalid 看護watch over the land 防守weep at the news 聞之哭泣weep for a person 為人而泣weep over one's death 因某人之死而哭write to a person 給某人寫信write for something 寫信索物


absent from school 不去上學anxious at the news 聽到事情而擔心anxious
for one's welfare 渴望某人的幸福anxious about a person on the result 對結果感到焦慮angry with a person for saying something 對別人說的話而生氣angry at one's remark 對別人說的話而生氣careful of health 注意careful about one's dress 講究familiar with a thing 熟知其事familiar to a person 熟知其人famous for his learning 以有學識而著名fond of wine 好酒free from mistakes 無誤free of charge 免費full of water 充滿了水good at swimming 善於游泳good to everybody 對誰都好good for nothing 毫無價值ignorant of something 全然不知independent of something 獨立inferior to person 不及,劣於moved with pity 哀憐moved at the sight 見之感動moved
to tears 感動而泣noted for its temple 以廟而馳名tired of work 厭倦tired with walk 疲倦weary of one's tale 厭倦weary with a long walk 疲勞worthy of praise 值得





by accident 偶然on account of 因為,由於in addition 另外in addition to 除 …… 之外in the air 在流行中,在傳播中on (the/an) average 平均,一般來說on the basis of 根據,在 …… 的基礎上at (the) best 充其量,至多for the better 好轉,改善on board 在船 ( 車、飛機 ) 上out of breath 喘不過氣來on business 因公,因事in any case 無論如何,總之in case of 假使,萬一in case 假如,以防 ( 萬一 ) 免得in no case 決不


by chance 偶然,碰巧in charge (of) 負責,主管(a) round the clock 晝夜不停地in common 共用,共有,共同in conclusion 最後,總之on condition that 在 …… 條件下in confidence 信任in connection with/to 關於in consequence 因此,結果in consequence of 由於 …… 的緣故on the contrary 反之,正相反in contrast with/to 與 …… 成對照out of control 失去控制under control 被控制住at all costs 不惜任何代價at the cost of 以 …… 為代價


in the course of 在 …… 過程中,在 …… 期間of course 當然,自然,無疑in danger 在危險中,垂危out of danger 脫離危險out of date 過期 ( 時 ) 的up to date 時新的in debt 欠債in detail 詳細地in difficulties 處境困難in the distance 在遠處off duty 下班on duty 值班,上班on earth 究竟,到底at all events 無論如何in any event 無論如何in effect 有效;實際上


in the event of 萬一,如果發生for example 例如with the exception of 除 …… 之外in the face of 面對,不顧,即使in fact 其實,實際上on fire 燒著on foot 步行in force 有效;實施中in favo(u)r of 有利於,贊成,支持 in front of 在 …… 面前in (the) future 今後,將來on guard 警惕,防範in general 通常,大體上in half 成兩半at hand 在手邊,在附近from tip to toe 徹頭徹尾,完全by hand 用手 hand down to 往下傳,傳給 ( 後代 )


hand in hand 手拉手,攜手in hand 在掌握中,在控制中on hand 在手邊,臨近on (the) one hand... 一方面 …… ,on the other hand... 另一方面 ……at heart 在內心;實質上by heart 牢記,憑記憶at home 在家,在國內;自在,自如in honor of 以紀念,向 …… 表示敬意on one's honor 以名譽擔保in a hurry 匆忙地,立即for instance 例如,舉例說at intervals 不時,時時at last 最終,終於at least 至少,最低限度in the least 一點,絲毫


at length 終於,最後;詳細地in the light of 按照,根據in line 成一直線,排成一行in line with 與 …… 一致,按照at a loss 困惑,不知所措as a matter of fact 其實,事實上by all means 無論如何,必定 by means of 藉助於,用by no means 決不in memory of 紀念at the mercy of 在 …… 支配下by mistake 錯誤地for a moment 片刻,一會兒in a moment 立刻,馬上


in nature 本質上 on occasion 有時,不時in order 秩序井然,整齊in group to 以便,為了in group that 以便out of order 發生故障,失調on one's own 獨自地,獨立地in particular 特別地,尤其,詳細地in the past 在過去,以往in person 親自in place 在適當的位置in place of 代替in the first place 起初,首先in the last place 最後out of place 不得其所的,不適當的on the point 即將 …… 的時候


to the point 切中要害,切題in practice 在實際中,實際上out of practice 久不練習in proportion to( 與 ……) 成比例的in public 公開地,當眾for (the) purpose of 為了on purpose 故意,有意with the purpose of 為了in question 正在考慮at random 隨意地,任意地at any rate 無論如何,至少by reason of 由於as regards 關於,至於with/in regard to 對於,就 …… 而論


in/with relation to 關係到with respect to 關於as a result 結果,因此as a result of 由於 …… 的結果in return 作為報答,作為回報on the road 在旅途中as a rule 規章,規則;通常,照例in the long run 最終,從長遠觀點看for the sake of 為了 …… 起見on sale 出售;賤賣on a large scale 大規模地on a small scale 小規模地in secret 秘密地,私下地in a sense 從某種意義上說in shape 處於良好狀態on the side 作為兼職,額外


at first sight 乍一看,初看起來in sight 被看到,在望out of sight 看不見,在視野之外in spite of 不管,不顧;儘管,雖然on the spot 當場,在現場in step 同步,合拍out of step 步調不一致,不協調in stock 現有,備有in sum 總而言之in tears 流著淚,含淚,哭in terms of 依據,按照;用 …… 措詞for one thing 首先,一則on the second thoughts 經重新考慮,一轉念at a time 每次,一次at no time 從不,決不at one time 同時,曾經,從前曾


at the same time 但是,然而at times 有時from time to time 有時,不時in no time 立即,馬上in time 及時,適時地on time 準時on top of 在 …… 之上out of touch 失去聯繫in truth 事實上,實際上,的確on try 試穿by turns 輪流,交替地in turn 依次,輪流in vain 徒勞,無效a variety of 種種,各種by virtue of 由於


by the way 順便提一下,另外by way of 經由,通過 …… 方式in a way 在某點,在某種程度上in no way 決不in the way of 妨礙in one's/the way 妨礙,阻礙after a while 過了一會,不久for a while 暫時,一時on the whole 總的來說in a word 總而言之in other words 換句話說,也就是說at work 在工作,忙於out of work 失業in the world 到底,究竟




The police are after(=are chasing) him. 警方正在追捕他。He is after(=is inquiring) information. 他在打聽消息。


He is at work. 他正在工作。The children are at play. 孩子們正在玩耍。


They are in love. 他們在戀愛。The plane is in flight. 飛機正在飛行中。


He is on duty. 他正在值班。She was on leave last week. 上週她在休假。


The road is under repair(=is being repaired). 路正在修建。The question is under discussion(=is being discussed). 這個問題正在討論中。
