週末市集·That’s X 無界空間|一起來That’s Bazaar吧!

周末市集·That’s X 无界空间|一起来That’s Bazaar吧!

周末市集·That’s X 无界空间|一起来That’s Bazaar吧!

Beijing is heating up these days, but in our opinion, it’s not yet hot enough! So That’s Bazaar is here to heat things up.

最近北京的天氣逐漸升溫,但在我們看來,這還遠不夠熱! 所以That’s Bazaar要來搞點事情加把火。

Our party this weekend is a festival of flavors. Enjoy all kinds of delicious foods, handcrafts and games as you while away the day and celebrate the beautiful May weather.


周末市集·That’s X 无界空间|一起来That’s Bazaar吧!周末市集·That’s X 无界空间|一起来That’s Bazaar吧!

What’s more, we’re teaming up with awesome people around town to make it the best weekend ever. Here, a sneak peek:



Established in 2015, The Friendly Planet Association (FPA) advocates for animal protection via fun events and displays. At That's Bazaar, FPA will be hosting an exhibition, CATLAXY, which is related to – wait for it – cats. At this interactive exhibit, you will be able to write letters to cats, better understand them through learning about different cat personalities, as well as purchase all vegan bath products to support animal protection, come here to support the cause!

友好星球協會(FPA)成立於2015年,主張通過有趣的事件和展出來保護動物。 在That's Bazaar,FPA將舉辦一個展覽 - CATLAXY,這是一個有關“ 等待它 - 貓”的主題展覽。在這個互動展覽中,您將能夠寫信給貓,通過了解不同的貓性格,更好地理解它們。你還可以購買植物洗浴產品來支持動物保護,來這裡支持動物保護事業吧!

周末市集·That’s X 无界空间|一起来That’s Bazaar吧!
周末市集·That’s X 无界空间|一起来That’s Bazaar吧!

More of a dog person? Dark Clouds is a motorcycle club in Beijing that will host a show of rare, expensive cars at their ‘Clubstyle x Lowrider’ exhibition. Get your cameras ready!

“黑雲”是北京的一家摩托車俱樂部,他們將在其“Clubstyle x Lowrider”展覽中展出稀有、昂貴的汽車。 準備好你的相機!

周末市集·That’s X 无界空间|一起来That’s Bazaar吧!
周末市集·That’s X 无界空间|一起来That’s Bazaar吧!

Also make sure to check out the booth of Sherpa’s, our co-conspirators in party-throwing! Founded in 1999, China’s No. 1 bilingual food-delivery service has served more than a million customers in Shanghai, Beijing and Suzhou. Every restaurant is carefully screened before being added to Sherpa's online platform. Sherpa’s are not only China's most experienced, friendly, and reliable food-delivery service team, but also throw parties and events around town! (Like this one.)

此外,請別忘了打卡Sherpa's的展位,他們是與我們一起組織當天派對的合作伙伴! Sherpa's是中國的第一個雙語送餐服務公司,成立於1999年,為上海,北京和蘇州超過100萬顧客提供服務。每個餐廳在加入Sherpa's的在線平臺之前都會經過仔細篩選。Sherpa's不僅是中國最有經驗,最友善,最可靠的送餐服務團隊,而且還經常舉辦各種派對和活動! (就好像這次一樣)

周末市集·That’s X 无界空间|一起来That’s Bazaar吧!
周末市集·That’s X 无界空间|一起来That’s Bazaar吧!周末市集·That’s X 无界空间|一起来That’s Bazaar吧!

All of this is going down at Kirin Place, a new destination for lifestyle in the city. An essential destination for urban warriors, Kirin Place is at the center of Wangjing, and is a great place to grab a bite, catch a movie or enjoy cocktails before calling it a day. Housing some of our favorite brands, Kirin Place is the perfect spot to refresh and rejuvenate in Beijing's busy landscape.


周末市集·That’s X 无界空间|一起来That’s Bazaar吧!

That’s Bazaar will take place this Saturday, May 26 and Sunday, May 27, from 10am-8pm; attendance is free; Kirin Place, 11 Fu'an Xi Lu, Wangjing, Chaoyang (closest subway: Futong Station) 朝陽區望京阜安西路11號 (阜通站)

That’s Bazaar (That’s市集)

時間:5.26- 5.27(週六、日)






無界空間創建於2015年,倡導美學辦公主義,是已通過科技部備案的國家級眾創空間。成立3年來,相繼獲得了梅花天使、經緯中國、青山資本、艾想投資、信中利資本集團等億元融資,並全資收購了Fourwork(富空間),聯合中國科學院,成立“國科無界”,為雙創注入更強力量。如今已在北京、天津、上海三個核心城市建立了24個共享辦公空間,總面積接近10萬平米,提供近1萬個工位,服務 700+企業。無界空間已成為年輕人最喜愛的聯合辦公空間。

⬇️ 去“別人家的辦公室”工作吧!

