第三屆孫冶方金融創新獎頒獎典禮 即將召開

第三屆孫冶方金融創新獎頒獎典禮 即將召開

第三屆孫冶方金融創新獎頒獎典禮 即將召開



第三屆孫冶方金融創新獎頒獎典禮 即將召開

The 3rd Sun Yefang Financial Innovation Award Ceremony

To promote China-related research in financial economics, the Sun Yefang Economic Science Foundation (SYESF) established the Sun Yefang Financial Innovation Award (SYFIA) in 2013. This award focus on innovative research works, which makes significant contribution to the prosperity and development of Chinese finance field. The SYFIA, in line with the principles of openness and fairness, is awarded every two years. The third round award competition opens in July 2017. After preliminary review, external evaluation, and anonymous vote by the Awards Committee, seven works win the 3rd Sun Yefang Financial Innovation Award. The award ceremony will be held on the afternoon of July 8, 2018, at PBC School of Finance, Tsinghua University.

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