









butthenigotbetter 32 points·4 days ago

To be honest my go-to advice to children living in Europe who want to pursue a lifelong dedication to music is "Okay so what will you do to make a living?"


Seriously a conservatory graduate who did well in school and makes absolutely delightful music will still struggle to live off it.


CADBP 4 points·4 days ago

This is not a unique thing to China. Korea Japan also have this and even Europe and America have this. The whole thing of parents looking down at you for starting a band or something. Even in terms of visual art their is still the prence of the idea of the "starving artist" in Europe or America.


It's not unique to China even if it might be even worse in China.

As much as it pains me art does not pay well unless you're one of very few lucky ones. It's sad that society doesn't value beauty but that doesn't negate how it isn't valued by society.

讓孩子找份賺錢的工作這事並不是中國特例,只是這現象可能在中國更嚴重。就像我所感受到的痛苦一樣,藝術並不能給你帶來可觀的收入,除非你是那少數的幸運兒之一。看到這個社會不重視藝術之美我很難過, 但是這並不能否定它不被社會所認可。

lacraquotte France 2 points·3 days ago

Exactly. My cousin is a talented musician so he decided to study music in Belgium. Fast forward a few years: he's now 30 years old has never managed to secure a job and just returned home to live with his mum. It's a field where many are called but few are chosen.

沒錯。我的表兄弟就是一個天才音樂家,為此他決定去比利時學習音樂。幾年過後他的現況是: 年過三十,從沒有一份固定工作,剛搬回家和他母親住在一起。藝術就是個千萬人過獨木橋的行業。

JW00001 1 point·3 days ago

I always think that financial suffering is part of the trial to art.


ObviousExpert 1 point·2 days ago

100% this as someone who chased the dream and failed


CompetitiveLoiterer 12 points·4 days ago

Letting kids pursue their passions regardless of financial considerations is cute and all but it definitely won't help with the aging population and workforce.

讓孩子們去追尋他們的理想卻忽視財務考量是個可愛天真的想法, 這顯然對解決老年人口和勞動力問題沒有任何幫助。

chinaxiha 7 points·4 days ago

you are assuming:

inspired by art or music = must have a career in that.

even kids in the west take shitty jobs and have shitty careers who try to strike it out in hollywood.

you are also assuming career in computers/accounting which have a more steady income = bad because more money = bad.


即受到藝術或者音樂啟發 = 必須從事該行業。


this is dumb. let people make their own choices. if they wanna take the risk and really go for music sure. otherwise have a real job and pay bills and do it as a hobby.


Jozhou6891 5 points·4 days ago

Raise the living standard. People need to be able to feed themselves first.


TheBlazeZone4 points·4 days ago

Others might chime in but i believe it is the parents/recent traditions . It starts with doing excellent on the gaokao then 4-6 years at university then have a kid then work.


annadpk 5 points·4 days ago

Well my opinion is China does a good job providing people with opportunities in art/music relative to many other countries.


As for music it is less marketable but compared to other developing countries and in many developed countries opportunities aren't that bad. Most Westerners are thinking when they are talking about music are talking about Chinese parents letting their kid set up a band well that is crazy. But many poorer Chinese parents won't mind their kid joining a theater troupe or becoming a classical musician. The Chinese state has boarding schools for theater or music. If a poor farm boy has the talent for music and gets into a government-funded school I don't think the parents would mind.


The thing China has got going for it is size. If you were in Jamaica you wouldn't dream of becoming a concert Pianist because you have to travel overseas to get that opportunity.


The one thing the PRC government did since the 1980s is they funded people to go study in overseas universities in all sort of subjects including art and music. In this area China stands out among many developing countries including India.


I think its more complicated. OF course most Chinese parents want their kid to take of science or engineering but given the competition in Mainland China they might realize early on that the kid is good at art and sucks in math and science they wouldn't force their kid to pursue computer science like you see among Chinese in the West. In the United States given how lax US education is until university its easy for kids to cruise through hard subjects like Math or Physics and give the false impression to parents the kid is going to have a career as an engineer. In China parents find out much earlier on whether their kid got it or not.


MrsPandaBear 2 points·4 days ago

To be honest I wouldn’t encourage my own child to go into the arts and I live in the US. I’ve known friends who’ve had an interest in the arts and were even talented but most never made a living in it. Some ended up retraining in a different profession.


The only secure way in China go into the arts is probably through a elite conservatory. You most likely won’t make much money but at least you will be gainfully employed.


daramji_killer 2 points·4 days ago

I teach my kids how to code music. Two birds one stone :D


They should "pursue love joy and wonder" for fun. Encouraging them to do it as a profession is simply sadistic.


wiiiiiener 3 points·4 days ago

Have a rich dad.


splendidrobots1 point·4 days ago

You ask a leading question. Why assume that something should be done? Why assume that financial stability is less desirable than the pursuit of joy and wonder?


Nevespot1 point·4 days ago

One thing China doesn't need is bad Western ideas that ended up fails for far too many people and even our economies.


Longlius1 point·4 days ago

Being an artist requires you to be willing to defy everyone around you in the interest of pursuing a passion even to your own ruin. The question you should be asking isn't "What can we do to make Chinese parents accept their children becoming artists?" Even in the west parents roll their eyes at the prospect of their kids pursuing art instead of something 'useful.'


F8591 point·3 days ago

Encourage them to double major in art and in something lucrative but also relevant to their art. Don't split your time and energy between your passion and your backup plan; you'll achieve neither that way. Pursue art but pair it together with something tech-related. Visual art + computer science = UI design web design video game development etc. Visual art + civil engineering = aesthetically pleasing architecture (China could use more of that)


