光緒元寶銀錠Guangxu Yuanbao silver ingot

In the collection market, there is a big difference between the prices of official and private silver ingots of the same specifications. The price of official silver ingots is often several times or even more than ten times that of private silver ingots.

光緒元寶銀錠Guangxu Yuanbao silver ingot

此枚清代老銀錠,藏品為亞腰橢圓形元寶,橢圓的兩邊有上翹的雙翅,中間低平,底部有砂眼,呈馬蹄形,像一條小船。銀錠屬於清代光緒年間的銀錠,此錠錠型規制,風格明顯,戳記清晰,原始包漿,上美品,拿在手上感覺沉甸甸,具有很高的經濟價值和文物價值”。 This Qing Dynasty silver ingot, collections of sub-waist oval-shaped treasures, ellipse on both sides of the warped wings, low in the middle, bottom with sand holes, horseshoe-shaped, like a boat. Silver ingot belongs to the Qing Dynasty Guangxu years of silver ingot, this ingot type regulation, style obvious, clear stamp, the original package pulp, fine goods, feel heavy in the hand, with high economic value and cultural relics value.

光緒元寶銀錠Guangxu Yuanbao silver ingot

