


catch a cold 感冒

To get sick with a cold (a minor respiratory infection).

“Why weren’t you at the soccer game on Saturday?”


“Oh, I caught a nasty cold, so I decided to stay home and rest.”


catch your breath 劇烈運動之後正常的呼吸

To try to breathe normally after hard exercise.

“I stopped running to catch my breath.” 我停下來不跑了,喘口氣。

catch fire 著火

When something comes into contact with fire and starts to burn.

“Keep those papers away from the candle, or else they’ll catch

fire.” 把那些紙放得離蠟燭遠一些,否則很容易著火。


catch someone red-handed / catch someone in the act 當場發現...,當場抓到...


To discover someone doing something wrong or illegal at the moment

they are doing it.

“I caught my daughter red-handed trying to take money out of my

purse.” 我女兒想從我的錢包裡拿錢,被我抓個正著。

“George was flirting with another woman at the bar, and his wife

caught him in the act.” 喬治在酒吧裡和另外一個女兒調情,被妻子抓個正著。

catch someone’s eye 眼神交流或者吸引注意力

To make eye contact, or to attract attention.

“I caught her eye and smiled.” 我和她四目相交,並微笑。

“This painting caught my eye because of its bright, lively


good catch 很好,你找到錯誤了; 約會或結婚的不錯的人選。

If someone finds a mistake, you can say “Good catch!” to mean,

“It’s good that you found the error!”

If you describe a person as a “good catch,” it means he/she is a

good person to date or marry:

“Bob’s hard-working, sensitive, funny – he’s a good catch!”



Catch you later! 再見

This is a very informal way to say “See you later!”

“Hey, it was nice talking to you, but I’ve gotta go pick up the

kids from school.”

“OK, catch you later!” 好的,再見!

I didn’t catch… 我沒理解... 我沒跟上你說的

This is a way to say “I didn’t hear/understand what you said.”

“My home phone is 314-555-0307 and my office phone is 314-866-1294,

extension 1352.”

“Sorry, I didn’t catch your home phone number – could you repeat


What’s the catch? 聽起來不錯,但是有什麼貓膩沒有? 不利的因素是什麼?

This is a phrase that is used to mean, “What’s the disadvantage?”

or “It sounds good, but are there any hidden problems?”

“I’ll sell you my car for just $500!”

“Oh really? What’s the catch?” 真的嗎?聽起來不錯,但是又什麼貓膩沒有?


