從零開始學英語:My Desire to Win 勝利的慾望(附音頻)

從零開始學英語:My Desire to Win 勝利的慾望(附音頻)


1、meeting [ˈmi:tɪŋ]


  • Will you be at the meeting? 你會來開會嗎?
  • We would like to hold the meeting at an early date. 我們希望早日舉行這次會議。

2、 excited [ɪkˈsaɪtɪd]


  • He was so excited that he could not speak. 他太興奮,連話都說不出來了。
  • The excited children forgot to take the presents to the party. 孩子們興奮得忘了把禮物帶到聚會上了。

3、part [pɑ:t]


  • This is the broken part. 這就是損壞的部件。
  • Which part do you play? 你演哪一個角色?

4、 meter [ˈmi:tə(r)]


  • It is fifty meters wide. 它有五十米寬。
  • Something must be wrong with the meter. 計程表一定有毛病。

5、 shot [ʃɒt]


  • He shot a wild duck. 他射中一隻野鴨。
  • All the children shot out their hands for the money. 所有的孩子突然伸出手來要錢。
從零開始學英語:My Desire to Win 勝利的慾望(附音頻)

6、voice [vɔɪs]


  • Her voice was music to my ears. 她的聲音聽起來就像音樂。
  • That song doesn't suit her voice. 那首歌不適合她的嗓子。

7、planned [plænd]

adj. 計劃了的, 根據計劃的 動詞plan的過去式和過去分詞

  • an expedition planned down to the last detail 計劃詳盡的探險
  • Everything was planned in fastidious detail. 樣樣都一絲不苟地計劃好了。

8、 desire [dɪˈzaɪə(r)]


  • The people desire peace, security and happiness. 人民嚮往和平、安全與幸福。
  • He has a strong desire to meet you. 他極想見你。

9、 stick [stɪk]


  • A walking stick is a must for me now. 如今我行走離不開手杖了。
  • To stick a stamp on an envelope. 在信封上貼郵票。

10、 proud [praʊd]


  • He was proud of having such a good friend. 他為有這樣的好朋友而自豪。
  • We are proud of our great motherland. 我們為偉大的祖國而自豪。
從零開始學英語:My Desire to Win 勝利的慾望(附音頻)


Last week, our school was holding the sport meeting, I felt so excited, because I took part in the 800 meter race. When I heard the shot voice, I started to run, at first, I kept the uniform space, I planned to run quickly in the last 200 meter. But I felt so tired, I wanted to give up, then my desire to win made me stick to the end. I am so proud of myself.


