

Our pupils, the black holes which let light into the eyes, don't just help us see, they also signal what's going on in our minds.



Here are 10 pieces of psychological research which show how changes in pupil size reveal many aspects of thought.


1.I'm thinking hard



Look into my eyes and ask me to name the cigar-smoking founder of psychoanalysis and you won't see much change in my pupil size. The name Sigmund Freud comes easily to my lips.


But ask me to explain the laws of cricket and watch my pupils expand.


That's because research has shown that the harder your brain works, the more your pupils dilate. When Hess and Polt gave participants more and more difficult tasks to complete, their pupils got bigger and bigger.


2.My brain is overloaded


Keep watching my eyes closely and you'll spot the point when explaining the laws of cricket gets too much.


Poock reported that when participants' minds were loaded to 125% of their capacity, their pupils constricted.


It'll be trying to explain a googly that will do it. (Don't ask).


3. I'm brain damaged



The reason doctors and paramedics flash a light in patients' eyes is to check their brains are working normally (and because it's such an easy test to do). They use the acronym PERRL: the Pupils should be Equal, Round and Reactive to Light.

為什麼醫生和護理人員們會用一個手電筒照眼睛?為了檢查腦功能是否正常。它操作起來非常簡便易行。他們用PERRL的縮寫來表示:即,瞳孔(Pupil)應該雙側等大(Equal),等圓(Round),對光反射存在(Reactive to Light)。

If my brain is broken, say, because I've had a bump on the noggin, you won't see PERRL. There may well be other extremely subtle clues, like the blood pouring from my head.


4. You're holding my interest


The size of my pupils can also signal whether I'm interested in what you're saying.


White and Maltzman had participants listening to excerpts from three books: one was erotic, another involved mutilation while a third was neutral.


Their pupils widened at first for all three. But they only remained wide for the passages that were erotic or involved mutilation.


I'm likely to be interested in anything new, so my pupils will dilate a bit at first, but they'll only stay dilated if I continue to be interested.


5. You're turning me on



If things take a sexual turn then our eyes are also involved. Both men and women's pupils expand when they are sexually aroused.


However, not everyone agrees big pupils are a signal of sexual arousal. It tends to get tested by showing nude pictures to people and some argue that we're just really interested in the nude form.


6. You disgust me


Just as my pupils increase in size when I'm interested or turned on, so they constrict when I'm disgusted.


Hess (1972) showed people pictures of injured children. First people's pupils dilated because of the shock and then they constricted to try and avoid the troubling images.


7. Whether I'm liberal or conservative



Should you happen to be carrying around pictures of politicians you might be able to work out whether I'm a liberal or a conservative just from my pupil size.


Barlow (1969) showed people pictures of Lyndon Johnson, George Wallace and Martin Luther King, Jr.. The liberals' pupils dilated when they saw fellow liberals Johnson and King but constricted when they saw conservative Wallace. Conservatives showed the opposite pattern.

Barlow1969 年的實驗裡給受試者們觀看了Lyndon Johnson, George Wallace 和Martin Luther King, Jr。的照片,自由派的受試者們一看到Johnson和King的照片,瞳孔立即變大了;而見到Wallace則變小,因為他是保守派的。同樣,保守派的 受試者們也出現了相符的反應。

8.I'm in pain[/en]



If you've had enough of this article now and want to cause me some pain in return, then why not stab me with a pencil? If you're watching closely you'll see my pupils dilate. 是不是已經開始嫌我太絮絮叨叨了,恨不得朝我捅根鉛筆?如果您真這麼做了,便會發現——我的瞳孔,擴大了。 Chapman et al. fired small electric shocks into people's fingertips and measured how much their pupils dilated. At maximum intensity the pupils dilated by about 0.2mm. Chapman等人在受試者的指尖進行微小的電刺激,並測量瞳孔變化。當實驗電刺激達到頂峰時,瞳孔可以擴大0.2mm。 But that was only to a relatively tame current. Imagine what you could do to my pupils if you plugged me into the mains. 不過那個實驗帶來的疼痛值只能說明瞳孔對微弱痛感的反應。要是你真捅我一下子,瞳孔估計得大過葡萄了。(喂,你的眼睛有這麼大嗎?)  

 9. I'm on drugs 我嗑藥了……

And you can narrow down the type by looking at my pupils. 你甚至都能通過瞳孔判斷出我嗑的是哪類藥。 Some drugs, like alcohol and opioids cause the pupils to constrict. Others, like amphetamine, cocaine, LSD and mescaline cause them to dilate. 酒精和鴉片有縮瞳作用,其他的,比如安非他明、可卡因、LSD以及墨斯卡靈,都有擴瞳的作用。 Police officers know this and some use it as one way of checking if someone is off their face. They generally look for pupils constricted to either less than 3mm or dilated to more than 6.5mm. 警察們深知這一點。他們會檢查嗑藥者的瞳孔,通常小於3mm或大於6.5mm的瞳孔都是有嫌疑的。 10.My personality 我的性格


This one is not strictly related to pupil dilation, but it's too good to leave out. 雖然這條跟瞳孔沒什麼實質關係,但我捨不得把它給略掉。 If you look closely at the coloured part of my eye, the iris, you might even get some clues as to my personality. 因為,如果你近距離地凝視我眼中的著色部分,即虹膜——你甚至能獲知一些我性格的秘密

