

It’s common on the beaches of Hawaii to see a crowd of surfers taking advantage of a powerful wave to accelerate themselves to high speed.


Could extraterrestrial civilizations try to do something similar by “surfing” on the flash of light from an exploding star?


A light sail weighing less than half a gram per square meter can reach the speed of light even if it’s a hundred times farther away from a supernova than the Earth is from the sun.


This is because a typical supernova has a luminosity equivalent to a billion suns shining for a month.


The sun itself is barely capable of accelerating an optimally designed sail to just a thousandth of the speed of light, even if the sail starts its journey as close as 10 times the solar radius—the closest approach of the Parker Solar Probe.


The terminal speed scales as the square root of the ratio between the star’s luminosity over the initial distance, and can reach a tenth of the speed of light for the most luminous stars.


Powerful lasers can push light sails much better than the sun.


The Breakthrough Starshot project aims to reach several tenths of the speed of light by pushing a lightweight sail for a few minutes with a laser beam that can achieve 10 gigawatts per square meter—10 million times brighter than sunlight on Earth.

Breakthrough Starshot項目的目標是通過將一個輕量級的帆推幾分鐘來達到十分之幾的光速,激光束的功率可以達到每平方米10千兆瓦-比地球上的陽光亮度高出1000萬倍。

But to reach this goal requires a major investment in the infrastructure needed to produce and collimate such a light beam.


Alternatively, a civilization that happens to reside near a massive star such as Betelgeuse or Eta Carinae could park numerous light sails around it, awaiting the powerful explosion that would launch these sails to the speed of light at a minimal cost.


