

Airbus will arm the H160 helicopters of the French military under France's Joint Light Helicopter program (Hélicoptère Interarmées Léger: HIL).

空中客車將根據法國聯合輕型直升機計劃(Hélicoptère Interarmées Léger:HIL)為法國軍方的H160直升機提供裝備。

"Airbus Helicopters and the French Armament General Directorate (DGA) are pursuing a new set of studies to further the militarisation of the H160 and to define its associated support ecosystem in the frame of the Joint Light Helicopter program (Hélicoptère Interarmées Léger: HIL)," Airbus said in a statement Thursday.

“空客直升機和法國武裝總局(DGA)正在進行一系列新的研究,以進一步推進H160的軍事化,並在聯合輕型直升機計劃(Hélicoptère Interarmées Léger:HIL)的框架內確定相關的支持生態系統,”空客週四在一份聲明中表示。

This contract launches pre-development activities for the military version of the H160, also called the Guépard by the French armed forces, in order to meet the delivery schedule that was brought forward in May 2019 by the French Minister of Armed Forces, Florence Parly.

該合同啟動了軍用版本H160(法國武裝部隊也稱為Guépard)的開發前活動,以滿足法國武裝部隊部長Florence Parly於2019年5月提出的交付時間表。

The new set of studies will also focus on defining the optimal set-up for supporting the tri-service H160M fleet.


Airbus Helicopters, Safran Helicopter Engines, and the DGA will work closely together in order to maximize the availability rate of the helicopters, as well as optimizing the cost of supporting the fleet.


“Launching this collaborative work between Industry and the Ministry of the Armed Forces in order to define the support framework for the Guépard and the associated processes, as early as the pre-development phase, is essential. The output will provide us with all the levers necessary to ensure a high level of availability at the H160M’s entry into service in the French armed forces,” said Alexandra Cros, Vice President and Head of Governmental Affairs France at Airbus Helicopters.

“在工業部和武裝部隊之間啟動這項合作工作,以便早在開發前階段就確定Guépard和相關進程的支持框架是至關重要的。輸出將為我們提供所有必要的槓桿,以確保H160M在法國武裝部隊服役時的高可用性,“空中客車公司副總裁兼法國政府事務主管Alexandra Cros說。

“The studies build upon the work and commitments taken recently in the global support contracts for the Cougar, Caracal, and Tiger fleets of the French armed forces."


The H160 was designed to be a modular helicopter, enabling its military version, with a single platform, to perform missions ranging from commando infiltration to air intercept, fire support, and anti-ship warfare in order to meet the needs of the army, the navy and the air force through the HIL programme.


Bringing the launch of the HIL programme forward to 2021 will enable first deliveries to the French armed forces in 2026.


