

Following signs of Turkish interest in acquiring the American Patriot long range surface to air missile system, U.S. Defence Department spokesperson Jonathan Hoffman stated regarding the preconditions for a sale: "Turkey is not going to receive a Patriot battery unless it returns the S-400.” The U.S. has also in the past suggested that Turkey destroy its S-400 batteries to avoid the threat of sanctions. Turkey is set to activate its first units of long range air defence systems in April, a battalion of S-400 system purchased from Russia and delivered from July 2019. With Ankara threatened with economic sanctions over the purchase, as part of broader Western efforts to cut off Russia’s arms exports by threatening potential clients, Turkey’s move to acquire the much more expensive Patriot system has been widely interpreted as a concession to Washington to avoid economic penalties.

在有跡象表明土耳其有意購買美國愛國者遠程地對空導彈系統後,美國國防部發言人喬納森·霍夫曼(Jonathan Hoffman)就出售的前提條件表示:“土耳其不會收到愛國者炮臺,除非它歸還S-400。”美國過去也曾建議土耳其銷燬其S-400電池,以避免制裁的威脅。土耳其將在4月份啟動其第一批遠程防空系統,這是一個營的S-400系統,從俄羅斯購買,2019年7月交付。由於安卡拉因此次購買而威脅要對俄羅斯實施經濟制裁,作為西方通過威脅潛在客戶來切斷俄羅斯武器出口的更廣泛努力的一部分,土耳其收購成本高得多的愛國者系統的舉動被廣泛解讀為對華盛頓的讓步,以避免經濟懲罰。

S-400 Missile Batteries


The S-400 was chosen over the Patriot and its Chinese rival the HQ-9B due to its considerably superior capabilities, which include the ability to engage over eight times as many targets simultaneously, double the engagement range and the ability to engage targets at hypersonic speeds.


The S-400’s sensor suite is also considerably more powerful, allowing it to detect stealth aircraft and radar evading cruise missiles at considerable distances.


The Russian system can deploy over three times as many classes of surface to air missile, allowing it to provide a multi layered defence in a way the Patriot cannot.


By denying Turkey the ability to acquire the Patriot as part of a political purchase, the United States has effectively guaranteed that Turkey will be placed under economic sanctions as soon as it actives the Russian built defence systems.


