The Winter War(凜冬之戰)考點一覽


As we were celebrating the Chinese New Year, the festival was disrupted by the outbreak of novel coronavirus. Facing unknown enemies on a special battlefield, we had to go through the chilly winter shrouded in darkness.

(1. as引導時間狀語從句,此處可與when, while互換,從句中的謂語動詞是持續性的動作;




固定搭配: was/were doing…when….正在做某事,這時……

was about to do…when….正要去做……,這時……

hardly…when…. 剛…….就…..

2. Facing, v-ing做狀語,與faced with 用法、意思相同。face v.面對,面向,面臨。可與 be faced with互換使用。前者表動作,後者表狀態。

3. go through經歷,經受(壞事、苦事);仔細檢查(尋找);get through 度過(艱難或不愉快的一段時間);通過(考試、審查等);(用電話與某 人)聯繫。 兩者在表示“通過(某地、議案等);用完”時可互換使用。)

The Winter War(凜冬之戰)考點一覽


Nonetheless, the Chinese nation never yielded in the course of its 5,000 years of history. No matter how many tribulations and disasters occurred, who has really defeated the adamant Chinese nation? No one!

(此處no matter how=however,引導讓步狀語從句;但no matter how 一般不用來引導名詞性從句, 而however可以引導名詞性從句;however還表示轉折,相當於but, nevertheless, nonetheless之類的詞,而且使用時一般後面加個逗號,注意but後面不加逗號。)


News reported that a policeman kissed his kid separated

by a glass before turning around to return to work; A doctor received a suit from his father written “Fight SARS” and added “Fight COVID-19” to it; Nurses shaved their heads and hid their beauties deep down in their minds; A man quickly ran to the police station, left masks behind and then ran away, and he was heard shouting from distance that “I’m a Chinese”. They are ordinary persons indeed, but their lofty deeds should be praised!


With tinny sparks we have ignited the steel-like darkness. Fortunately, the confirmed cases and the severe cases are sharply declining, and the experts of WHO have agreed that the timely and resolute preventions of China prevented or at least delayed hundreds of thousands of confirmed cases.



Guterres, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, said that “Our thanks go to the Chinese people who made huge sacrifices and are temporarily prevented from a normal life to cease the epidemics. They are doing something for the goodness of entire human beings.”

(Who引導定語從句,先行詞為the Chinese people)


Being quarantined to households today is for breathing fresh air tomorrow;

( v-ing做主語)


Wearing a mask at the moment is what we have sacrificed in order to let everyone meet each other with a smile in the future.


The Winter War(凜冬之戰)考點一覽


More than 40 years of reform and opening-up established effective interactions between China and the whole world. China is making increasingly greater contributions to the world economy, and Chinese people are more confident in the international community.


Coming from a peasant’s family, I was lucky enough to live on the booming development of China and study in the US. Now I’m teaching English to kids in a school, and when the virus broke out, I change my role into an “anchor”.

( v-ing做狀語;be lucky to do幸運做某事;enough 修飾形容詞或副詞後置,修飾名詞可前可後。)


I recorded video classes and answered students’ questions, and instead of using a pen, I used a computer to check the mistakes made by students in their homework. Actually, I just wish students to keep learning instead of wasting their precious time.


Camus said in La Peste that all evils among human beings are due to

folly and ignorance.

(due to因為,同意介詞詞組thanks to, owing to, because of, as a result of , on account of 。記憶方法:三個to, 三個of)


We are Chinese, and we are fearless to slander or conspiracy. We are honest to friends. Let’s keep making a clear distinction between right and wrong, reject fear, build up confidence and embrace a rational attitude toward the virus.


Dear compatriots, there is always a helpful hand when we are in need! Good luck to Wuhan! Let’s pray to enjoy the spectacular cherry blossom sometime later in this year!

