


  Ma ma that old straw hat(媽媽只有那草帽)

  Was the only one I really loved(是我珍愛的無價之寶)

  But we lost it(但我們已經失去)

  No one could bring it back(沒有人再能找到)

  Like the life you gave me(就像是你給我的生命)

  ma ma do you remember,媽媽你可曾記得

  the old straw hat you gave to me,你送給我那草帽

  i lost that hat long ago,很久以前失落了

  flew to the foggy canyon.它飄向濃霧的山岙

  yeh ma ma i wonder 耶哎媽媽那頂草帽

  what happened to that old straw hat,它在何方你可知道

  falling down the mountain side 掉落在那山坳

  out of my reach like your heart.就像你的心兒我再也得不到

  suddenly that wind came up,忽然間狂風呼嘯

  stealing my hat from me yeh.奪去我的草帽耶哎

  swirling whirling gust of wind,高高捲走了草帽啊

  blowing it higher away.飄向那天外雲霄

  ma ma that old straw hat 媽媽只有那草帽

  was the only one i really loved,是我珍愛的無價之寶

  but we lost it.但我們已經失去

  no one could bring it back,沒有人再能找到

  like the life you gave me.就像是你給我的生命



鄧紫棋 盲點 Beyond 真的愛你(這首歌是寫給母親的,不是寫給情人的)

