
Against the onslaught of a deadly pandemic, the American people are not only getting worried, they are getting angry.


These are some of the comments average Americans have been posting on Twitter this week under the hashtag “Not Dying for Wall Street”.


"I’m not making you money by dying", "America is taking capitalism to a new uncharted territory", "Killing people for his re-election? Yes, he doesn’t care"。


They are angry because their President said this on Fox, “I would love to open the country and ready to go by Easter”


They are angry because Lieutenant Governor of Texas Dan Patrick said, again on Fox, that older Americans didn't want the whole country to suffer on their behalf. He said "Those of us who are 70-plus, we’ll take care of ourselves. But don’t sacrifice the country."

他們很生氣,因為德州副州長帕特里克也在福克斯臺表示美國的老年人不希望拖累整個國家, 表示


This is all happening when America has reported over 60,000 cases of COVID-19, with more than 900 deaths already.


Trump wants Americans back to work two weeks from now because he says America is a country open for business. He tweets THE CURE CANNOT BE WORSE (by far) THAN THE PROBLEM!


And he has support, mostly from his rich Republican friends including Louisiana Senator John Kennedy. "Look, for a small segment of our population, it’s true: The coronavirus can kill you. For a small segment. But you know what else can kill you? Poverty. Hunger. Losing the entire economy."

很多人支持他,尤其是他那些有錢的共和黨朋友們,其中就有路易斯安那州的參議員約翰·肯尼迪,在一次採訪中,肯尼迪說 “對於我們中的一小部分人來說,新冠確實致命,但只是對那一小部分人群。但你知道還有什麼別的可以殺死你嗎?貧窮,飢餓和經濟大蕭條。"

And this one from radio host Jesse Kelly, "If given the choice between dying and plunging the country I love into a Great Depression, I’d happily die."


If you think that’s how far they can go, you are wrong. This tech investor by the name of Shervin Pishevar said the best plan was to gather all those above 70 and create safe zones for them from COVID-19, except for those with essential skills such as doctors and elected officials. Nice plan.


I understand the nature of this pandemic, but in a time of crisis, should we, human beings, not take care of the weak instead of letting them sacrifice?


Angry Americans are pushing back. The New York Times has this title, “Can We Put a Price Tag on a Life?”


And this, from New York governor Andrew Cuomo. "And we’re not going to put a dollar figure on human life. The first order of business is to save lives, period, whatever it costs."


And these, from more average Americans.


"I can think of literally no society in human history that simply abandoned their elderly."


"They want human sacrifices on the alter of the stock market."


"He wants us to die for corporate America - screw that."


These people may not know much, but they all see the nature of the "sacrifice" rhetoric and the true colors of corporate America.


