


1 to come with (something or someone) to a place 和...一起

She brought her boyfriend home to meet her parents.

2 to cause (something or someone) to come 帶...一起來

This radio station brings you all the news as it happens.

3 to cause (something) to exist, happen, or start 使某事存在、發生或開始

The sad story brought tears to our eyes but its happy ending brought smiles to our lips.

4 always followed by an adverb or preposition : to cause (something or someone) to reach a specified state, place, condition, etc. (後面跟副詞或介詞)使某人某物達到某種狀態

A few steps brought us to the front door. 我們走了幾步就到前門。

Winter snow brought traffic to a stop. 冬雪使得交通停滯。

The pilot brought them safely out of danger. 飛行員穩妥地使他們脫離危險。

5 to have (a particular talent, quality, etc.) when you start to do something (such as a job) — + to 帶來某種才能、品質

He brings a rare talent for solving problems to his new job as company president.

6 law : to start a case against someone in a court of law 提出(訴訟)

They’re going to bring charges against him.

They threatened to bring legal action against him.

7 to cause (something) to reach a total + to 使某物達到某個總數

Last week's sales figures brought our pretax profits for the year to just over $35,000,000.

(phrasal verbs)

The crisis was brought about by many factors. bring about 導致

The boxer was knocked out and it took the doctor several minutes to bring him around. bring sb around 使清醒

We gradually brought the conversation around to the subject of his unpaid bills. bring sth around to 使聚焦於

What did you bring back from your vacation? bring sth back 帶回

Seeing you again brought back a lot of happy memories. bring sth back 喚起

The deer was brought down by a single shot. bring down 擊倒

Her controversial comments brought forth strong reactions from the public. bring forth 產生

We need to bring the meeting forward from Tuesday to Monday so that more people can attend. bring sth forward 將...提前

The police have brought new evidence forward. bring sth forward 呈現

The company has decided to bring in outside experts to help on the project. bring in 引入

His work at a large company brings in a good salary. bring in 掙到

The store is having a special sale in order to bring in new customers. bring in 吸引

She's the only actress I know with enough talent to bring it off. bring off 實現

This crisis was brought on by many factors. bring on sth 導致

I can’t help thinking you’ve brought some of this trouble on yourself. bring sth on sb 使發生於某人

A crisis brings out the best in some people and brings out the worst in others. bring out 使顯示

The writer is expected to bring out a new novel next year. bring out 出版

He and his girlfriend was brought together by a shared love of English learning. bring together 使一起

My grandparents brought me up. bring sb up 撫養

That brings up the question of how much we can afford to spend. bring sth up 提出

The system makes it easy to bring up (on the screen) information about any customer. bring sth up 呈現

The patient tried to eat some breakfast but immediately brought it back up again. bring sth up 嘔吐

He was just starting to argue when her scream brought him up short. bring sth up short 使...突然停止

