中英文版 預防新型冠狀病毒感染口罩選擇與使用

我查了好多網頁都只發現的口罩使用指南,於是我翻譯了一份英文版的,詞語使用可能不太準確,但是老外肯定都能看懂。 歡迎有外國朋友的網友轉發給他們。 正確使用口罩,把有限的醫療資源用在最需要的人身上。

中文版來源為 http://www.gov.cn/fuwu/2020-02/07/content_5475711.htm 中華人民共和國中央政府官網。

不同人群預防新型冠狀病毒感染口罩選擇與使用技術指引Technical guidelines for novel coronavirus infection mask selection and use


To guide novel coronavirus infection in different populations, we should choose and use masks scientifically and reasonably, and reduce unnecessary unnecessary protection.China's State Council organize the occupation health center and Environmental Institute of China CDC make this guide to prevent and control the spread and spread of the epidemic.

一、高風險暴露人員 High risk exposure people

(一)人員類別:people category:


Novel coronavirus pneumonia patients (confirmed cases and suspected cases) were admitted to the ward, ICU and all staff members of the observation room, including clinicians, nurses, nursing workers, cleaners, corpses handling people, etc.

2. 疫區指定醫療機構發熱門診的醫生和護士;Doctors and nurses in fever clinic of designated medical institution in epidemic area;

3.對確診病例、疑似病例進行流行病學調查的公共衛生醫師。A public health physician who conducts an epidemiological investigation of a confirmed case or a suspected case.

(二)防護建議:Protection Suggestion:Protection Suggestion

1.醫用防護口罩;Medical protective mask

2.在感染患者的急救和從事氣管插管、氣管鏡檢查時加戴護目鏡或防護面屏;Wear goggles or protective screen in the first aid of infected patients and in the tracheal intubation and bronchoscopy

3.醫用防護口罩短缺時,可選用符合N95/KN95及以上標準顆粒物防護口罩替代,也可選用自吸過濾式呼吸器(全面型或半面型)配防顆粒物的濾棉,動力送風過濾式呼吸器的防護效果更佳。When medical protective masks are in short supply,It can be replaced by particle respirator conforming to N95 / kn95 and above,The self-priming filter respirator (full or half face type) can also be selected with filter cotton to prevent particles. The protection effect of the power air supply filter respirator is better.

二、較高風險暴露人員 Secondly High risk exposure people

(一)人員類別:people category:

1.急診科工作醫護人員等;Emergency department staff, medical staff, etc

2.對密切接觸人員開展流行病學調查的公共衛生醫師;Public health doctors who carry out epidemiological investigation on close contacts

3.疫情相關的環境和生物樣本檢測人員。Environmental and biological sample testing people related to the epidemic

(二)防護建議:Protection Suggestion:

符合N95/KN95及以上標準的顆粒物防護口罩;Particle respirator meeting N95 / kn95 and above standards;

三、中等風險暴露人員Medium risk exposure people

(一)人員類別:people category::

1.普通門診、病房工作醫護人員等;average outpatient service,Ward staff

2.人員密集場所的工作人員,包括醫院、機場、火車站、地鐵、地面公交、飛機、火車、超市、餐廳等相對密閉場所的工作人員;Staff in densely populated places, including those in relatively closed places such as hospitals, airports, railway stations, subways, ground buses, airplanes, trains, supermarkets and restaurants

3.從事與疫情相關的行政管理、警察、保安、快遞等從業人員;Employees engaged in administrative management, police, security and express delivery related to the epidemic

4.居家隔離及與其共同生活人員。People who isolated at home for quarantine and people who live together with them

(二)防護建議:Protection Suggestion:

佩戴醫用外科口罩。Wear medical surgical mask

四、較低風險暴露人員People with lower exposure risk

(一)人員類別:people category::

1. 超市、商場、交通工具、電梯等人員密集區的公眾;People in densely populated areas such as supermarkets, shopping malls, vehicles and elevators

2. 室內辦公環境;Indoor office environment

3. 醫療機構就診(除發熱門診)的患者;Patients in medical institutions (except fever clinic) in indoor office environment

4. 集中學習和活動的托幼機構兒童、在校學生等。Kindergarten children, school students, etc. with concentrated learning and activities

(二)防護建議:Protection Suggestion。

佩戴一次性使用醫用口罩(兒童選用性能相當產品)。 Wear disposable medical mask (children choose products with similar performance)

五、低風險暴露人員Low risk exposure people

(一)人員類別:people category:。

1.居家室內活動、散居居民;Stay at home, scattered residents

2.戶外活動者,包括空曠場所/場地的兒童、學生;Outdoor activities, including children and students in open places / venues

3.通風良好工作場所工作者。Working in well ventilated workplace

(二)防護建議:Protection Suggestion。

居家、通風良好和人員密度低的場所也可不佩戴口罩。非醫用口罩,如棉紗、活性炭和海綿等口罩具有一定防護效果,也有降低咳嗽、噴嚏和說話等產生的飛沫播散的作用,可視情選用。Masks may not be worn at home, in places with good ventilation and low people density. Non medical masks, such as cotton gauze, activated carbon and sponge, have some protective effects. They can also reduce the spread of droplets caused by coughing, sneezing and speaking. It can be selected according to the situation.

六、使用事項Usage matters

在新型冠狀病毒感染的肺炎流行期間,在保障公眾健康的前提下,可適當延長口罩使用(使用時間、使用次數)。During the epidemic of novel coronavirus infection, the use of mask (time and frequency of use) can be appropriately extended under the premise of ensuring public health

(一)口罩更換。Mask replacement

1.醫用標準的防護口罩均有使用期限,口罩專人專用,人員間不能交叉使用。高風險人員在結束工作、中途進餐(飲水)、入廁等脫下防護裝置後,重新進入需更換;the medical standard protective masks have service life. The masks are specially used by special people, and can not be cross used between people. The high-risk people need to be replaced after removing the protective devices after finishing work, eating (drinking water), going to the toilet, etc;

2.口罩被患者血液、呼吸道/鼻腔分泌物,以及其他體液汙染要立即更換;If the mask is contaminated by the patient's blood, respiratory / nasal secretions and other body fluids, it should be replaced immediately

3.較高風險人員在接診高度疑似患者後需更換;High riskpeople need to be replaced after receiving highly suspected patients

4.其他風險類別暴露人員佩戴的口罩可反覆多次使用。口罩佩戴前按規程洗手,佩戴時避免接觸口罩內側。口罩髒汙、變形、損壞、有異味時需及時更換。Masks worn by other risk exposed people can be used repeatedly. Wash hands according to regulations before wearing the mask, and avoid touching the inside of the mask. The mask shall be replaced in time in case of dirt, deformation, damage or peculiar smell.

(二)口罩保存、清洗和消毒。Mask preservation, cleaning and disinfection

1.如需再次使用的口罩,可懸掛在潔淨、乾燥通風處,或將其放置在清潔、透氣的紙袋中。口罩需單獨存放,避免彼此接觸,並標識口罩使用人員;If the mask needs to be used again, it can be hung in a clean, dry and ventilated place or placed in a clean and breathable paper bag. Masks shall be stored separately to avoid contact with each other, and mask users shall be identified;

2.醫用標準防護口罩不能清洗,也不可使用消毒劑、加熱等方法進行消毒;The medical standard protective mask cannot be cleaned or sterilized by disinfectant or heating;

3.自吸過濾式呼吸器(全面型或半面型)和動力送風過濾式呼吸器的清洗參照說明書進行;Cleaning of self-priming filter respirator (full or half face) and power air supply filter respirator shall be carried out according to the instructions;

4.棉紗口罩可清洗消毒,其他非醫用口罩按說明書處理。Cotton gauze mask can be cleaned and disinfected. Other non-medical masks should be treated according to the instructions.

