


1.假如你叫李華,最近你的美國筆友Tony要來北京體驗中國傳統文化,請根據他的問題回覆郵件,為他設計北京一日遊活動,幫助他體驗中國傳統文化。請描述你們打算去的地方、具體的活動安排、以及這樣安排的理由。 參考詞彙:四合院 Siheyuan 衚衕Hutong

Hi! Tony,

I'm glad that you will come to Beijing soon. I' m glad that you will come to Beijing soon. There are lots of places of interest in Beijing. In order to experience traditional Chinese culture better, I do recommend Beijing Hutong tour.

First, we' re going to go sightseeing along the lanes in Hutong. The houses in Hutong are traditional, such as Siheyuan. From them, you can imagine how people used to live. Of course you can stop anywhere you like and it is interesting to take pictures or have a close look. Second, we are going to pay visits to a Hutong family. We can have lunch there and have a short talk with the local residents, which can help you learn about many stories of the past. We can not only appreciate the dramatic changes that Hutong has undergone but also see evidence of the history of Beijing, experiencing the old way of life and traditional Beijing culture.

In a word, Hutongs were the homes of common people in the past. It is easy to know how people lived and had fun in the old days. So it is a good choice to learn about traditional Chinese culture.

I' m looking forward to your coming.Yours, Li Hua

2.假定你是李華,是某高中的一名學生。為了讓更多的人瞭解中國優秀的傳統文化,你校近日將舉辦中國傳統文化展(The Traditional Chinese Culture Fair)。請給你的外教Mr. Smith寫一封電子郵件,邀請他參加。郵件的內容包括:

1. 展會的宗旨,時間、地點以及參加人; 2. 展出內容:相關書籍、圖片、實物等;


Dear Mr. Smith,

I'm writing to invite you to the Traditional Chinese Cultural Fair to be held by our school at the Art Center this Friday afternoon, from 2pm to 5pm.

Since this event aims to help more people learn about the traditional Chinese culture, the staff, all the students and their parents as well as anyone interested in it are welcome. At the Fair, related books, pictures, videos and objects will be exhibited, through which visitors will not only understand traditional Chinese culture better but also definitely feel the unique beauty of it.

If you're interested, please come and enjoy it. And I'd be glad to offer any help. Looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua

3.假定你是李華,是某高中的一名學生。為了讓更多的人瞭解中國優秀的傳統文化,你校近日將舉辦中國傳統文化展( The Traditional Chinese Culture Fair)。請給你的外教Mr. Smith寫一封電子郵件,邀請他參加。郵件的內容包括:

1.展會的宗旨、時間、地點以及參加人; 2.展出內容:相關書籍、圖片、實物等;

注意: 1.詞數100左右; 2.可以適當增加細節,以使行文連貫。

Dear Mr. Smith,

I'm writing to invite you to the Traditional Chinese Culture Fair to be held by our school at the Art Center between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. this Friday.

Since this event aims to help more people learn about the traditional Chinese culture, the staff, all the students and their parents as well as anyone interested in it are welcome. At the fair, many relevant books, pictures, videos and objects will be exhibited, through which visitors will not only understand traditional Chinese culture much better but definitely feel the unique beauty of it. If you' re interested, please come and enjoy it. And I'd be glad to offer any help.

Looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua

4.假定你是李華,你校學生會近日將舉辦中國傳統文化展會(The Traditional Chinese Culture Fair)。請給你的外教Mr. Smith寫一封電子郵件,邀請他參加。郵件的內容包括:


2.展會宗旨:讓更多的人瞭解中國優秀的傳統文化; 3.展示內容:書籍、圖片、實物等。

注意:1.詞數100左右; 2.可以適當增加細節,以使行文連貫。

Dear Editor,

I'm a senior high school student. It's reported that in China many children in mountainous areas still have no access to school because of poverty. Last week, our class held a discussion about how to help them to go to school and live a happy childhood.

Here are our suggestions. First and foremost, some old textbooks and clothes can be collected and sent to those children so that they can be reused. As far as I'm concerned, we should save some of our pocket money and give it to those children in need. What's more, it's also very important to appeal to more people and social organizations to help and care for those poor children.

We would appreciate it if you can, through the Teens, increase public awareness of the poor children's living conditions and call on more people to help them.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

5.假定你是李華。最近China Daily就"如何看待中國傳統文化"面向社會徵稿。請你用英語給編輯寫一封信,談談你自己的想法。要點如下:


2.給出你的理由; 3.呼籲社會共同參與。

注意:1.詞數100左右; 2.可適當增加細節,以使行文連貫;

3.開頭和結尾已給出,不計入總詞數。 參考詞彙:傳承inherit

Dear editor,

I'm writing to you to talk about my opinions about traditional Chinese culture. I think it's necessary for us to protect and inherit it. Here are some reasons.

Firstly, as one of the ancient civilizations in the world, the traditional Chinese culture is the foundation of the development of our country, and it can provide spiritual motivation for Chinese economy. Secondly, it includes many inspiring and shocking events, through which we can learn some useful things to make our country develop more quickly. Last but not least, it is an important part of Chinese history, and inheriting it may make us stronger and benefit our growth.

I hope Chinese government and citizens join in the campaign of protecting and inheriting traditional Chinese culture. We should make contributions and efforts to carry it forward.


Li Hua

6.假定你是李華,是某高中的一名學生.為了讓更多的人瞭解中國優秀的傳統文化,你校近日將舉辦中國傳統文化展( The Traditional Chinese Culture Fair).請給你的外教Mr.Smith 寫一封電子郵件,邀請他參加.郵件的內容包括:

1.展會的宗旨,時間、地點以及參加人; 2.展出內容:相關書籍、圖片、實物等; 注意:1.詞數100左右; 2.可以適當增加細節,以使行文連貫. Dear Mr.Smith,

I'm writing to invite you to the Traditional Chinese Culture Fair to be held by our school at the Art Center this Friday afternoon, from 2pm to 5pm.

Since this event aims to help more people learn about the traditional Chinese culture, the staff, all the students and their parents as well as anyone interested in it are welcome.At the fair, related books,pictures,videos and objects will be exhibited,through which visitors will not only understand traditional Chinese culture much better but definitely feel the unique beauty of it.If you're interested,please come and enjoy it.And I'd be glad to offer any help.

Looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua

7.假如你是李華,你校將舉辦中學生文化藝術節,請給你的英國朋友Peter寫信,邀請他參加這次藝術節並請他表演一個節目.信的內容包括: 1.演出地點、時間及參加人員; 2.介紹藝術節主題:弘揚傳統文化,促進文化交流. 注意:1.詞數:100左右 2.可以適當增加細節,以使行文連貫. 參考詞彙:中學生文化藝術節the Middle School Art Festival 承辦 host 弘揚 carry forward Dear Peter,

How is everything going?I'm honored and happy,hearing you are a fan of traditional Chinese Art and Culture.ere comes a piece of good news appealing to you.The Middle School Art Festival hosted by our school is drawing near.

The festival is to carry forward traditional culture and promote cultural exchange.And it provides audience with a stage where they can sample different forms of traditional Chinese and foreign culture while putting on performance.Next Friday,on the 30th of June,the festival will be held in the Shiyu Building.All of us students will take part in it.I sincerely hope that you can join us in our performance.By the way,it will be nicer of you to show us something from your country,since it will satisfy our curiosity about Britain.

All of us will feel graced with the presence of you and your family.


Li Hua

8.假如你是新華中學的學生會主席李華,你校學生會應英國Westminster School邀請,下星期將到該校進行交流訪問,向該校學生介紹中國傳統文化。請你給該校聯繫人Mr. Smith寫一封郵件,信的要點如下:


注意:1.詞數100左右; 2.可以適當增加細節,以使行文連貫;


Dear Mr. Smith,

I am Li Hua, chairman of the Student Union of Xin Hua High School. Thank you for inviting us to visit your school next week, for which we do feel honored. Now I am writing for more detailed information.

Since it will be our first trip to Britain, we would like to know details about our accommodation arrangement. If possible, we prefer to live in host families to experience British culture. Besides, could you please e-mail our schedule to me at your convenience? Finally, in terms of Chinese traditional culture, considering that there is growing interest in Tang Poems, we plan to introduce this great cultural treasure. For better interaction, fellow students of your school can prepare some relative questions beforehand.

I'd appreciate it if you could give us an early reply. Wish our interaction activity a great success!

Thank you for your attention! Best wishes!


Li Hua


1.推薦理由; 2.相關課程,如中國歷史,傳統文化等。

注意:1.詞數100左右; 2.可以適當增加細節,以使行文連貫。

參考詞彙:孔子學院Confucius Institute

Dear Jack,

I'm more than pleased to know that you are eager to learn Chinese. Confucius Institute may be a good choice, which is intended for the Chinese learners who are not native.

Confucius Institute provides various interesting subjects. You will learn Chinese history and traditional culture as well as Chinese writing. Also, you have more chances to talk with classmates in Chinese. Besides, teachers will introduce some Chinese traditional festivals, such as the Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Day and Mid-Autumn Day. Some relevant activities will be held during different festivals, such as making dumplings or eating zongzi, where you can not only enjoy delicious meals but also have a good knowledge of Chinese life.

I hope you will find my recommendation helpful and attractive.


Li Hua

10.假設你是紅星中學高三學生李華。請根據以下四幅圖的先後順序,介紹在"傳統文化進校園"活動中,向麵人藝術家學習捏麵人的過程,並以"A Day with a Craftsman"為題,給校刊"英語角"寫一篇英文稿件。

注意:詞數不少於60。 提示詞:一個麵糰a piece of dough 麵人dough figurine


Last Tuesday, our class invited an old craftsman to teach us how to make dough figurines.

When the craftsman came into the classroom, we gave him a warm welcome and two boys helped him with the tool box. First, he showed us the basic steps and skills of making dough

figurines. We stood around him and watched attentively. Then we started to have a try ourselves.

The old man walked around and helped us patiently. Finally, we put the figurines we made on the table and took pictures with the old craftsman. Looking at the figurines, we were all very excited.

We hope we can have more activities of this kind!


1)端午節的時間及起源(農曆五月初五); 2)端午節的習俗;


注意:1)詞數100左右。 2)可適當增加細節,以使行文連貫。

Dear Smith,

Knowing that you are interested in a traditional Chinese festival, which is called Dragon Boat Festival by Chinese, I am writing to introduce it to you.

The dragon boat festival falls on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month in honor of the great poet, Qu Yuan. As is known to us, in order to warn the king, Qu yuan sacrifice his life to jump into the Miluo river. People were touched by his behavior and set the day he died as a festival to show honor to him. On that day, we often eat rice-dumplings and drink a special wine. Besides, what should be stressed is the dragon-boat racing, which is very interesting and exciting.people gather on the both sides of the river to watch the participators spare no effort to make for the finishing line.

The dragon boat festival is approaching. Would you like to join us to spend it? Looking forward to your coming.





2.我們應該如何更好地推廣中國文化? (至少兩點)

注意:1.詞數100左右; 2.可以適當增加細節,以使行文連貫;


Dear Peter,

Your letter reached me with pleasure. I'm so happy that the"Foreign Cultures"section in our newspaper will recommend Chinese traditional culture.

From my perspective, there is no denying that Confucius is the most representative symbol of Chinese culture. As a philosopher, Confucius not only represents the traditional Chinese culture, but has been influencing us Chinese people since ancient times. Nowadays we can find lots of Confucius institutes around the world, which provide platforms for the foreigners to learn about Chinese culture.

Undoubtedly, culture is a decisive factor for social development. As a country with a long history, China is rich in civilization and culture. To promote Chinese culture, we are supposed to provide various cultural exchange activities. What's more, establishing Confucius institutes all over the world is also a good idea. Meanwhile, attracting more foreign visitors to China to experience Chinese culture will have a far--reaching impact. I'll be glad if I could help you.

Best wishes.


Li Hua






參考詞彙:家庭聚會 a family reunion

The Mid-Autumn Festival

August 15th in Chinese Lunar Calendar is the Mid-Autumn Day. It is one of the most important traditional festivals in China.

On that day people usually go back home to have a family reunion. Family members get together to have a big dinner. The most popular food is moon cakes. There are all kind of moon cakes, which are delicious.They are round and look like the moon.

The moon is the brightest that night. People eat the tasty mooncakes while they are enjoying a beautiful full moon in the open air. At that time, some old people would like to tell many past events and tell the children a story about the rabbit on the moon.The children really believe that there is a rabbit on the moon. They hope to go to the moon and have a look one day.

What a great festival!

14.假定你是李華,你的語文老師Mr.Li受邀於三月初去英國一所學校進行交流.他將做關於中國傳統文化的報告,並與英國學生互動(interact).他請你用英語給對方負責人 Ms.Jenkins寫一封郵件,希望提前安排好. 注意:(1)詞數100左右; (2)可以適當增加細節,以使行文連貫. Dear Ms. Jenkins, On behalf of my Chinese teacher, Mr.Li,I am writing to inform you that he will be invited to visit your school in early March. I am delighted to tell you what he has arranged.

As a learned scholar,Mr.Li will deliver a speech about traditional Chinese culture, talking about the history if Chinese characters, paintings and Tang poetry. After that,he will interact with some students from England in your school hall, which will surely promote the cultural communication between two schools.

How do you like the plan?I sincerely hope you could make arrangements in advance.

Yours faithfully,Li Hua.

15.假如你是李華,你校外教Mr. Johnson打算在中國過春節。請你用英文給他寫一封電子郵件,內容包括:

1.邀請他與你共度佳節; 2.介紹當地傳統文化景點; 3.表達期待和祝願。

注意:1.詞數:100左右; 2.可適當增加細節,以使行文連貫;


Dear Mr. Johnson,

I'm glad to hear that you will celebrate the Spring Festival in China this year.

The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China, when people will have a big dinner and set off fireworks to welcome its coming. We'll be honored to have you enjoy our New Year's Eve together. During the festival, you can make a trip to Yangjiabu, which is well worth visiting. Some traditional Chinese artworks like paper-cuttings are displayed there and they are the symbols of our local cultural relics.

I would appreciate it if you could accept my invitation. Best wishes for a happy Spring Festival in China. Looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua


寫作要點: 1.該節目引自英國類似節目,由名人為觀眾朗讀古老的故事。



注意: 1.詞數100左右; 2.可以適當增加細節,以使行文連貫。

Dear John,

How are you? How nice to learn that you want to know about a popular Chinese TV show Letters Alive. I'd like to tell you all that I know.

Letters Alive took its idea from a UK program with a similar name. Celebrities are invited to read historic letters, bringing their stories alive for the audience. The stories they read usually happened long time ago and have a diverse range of subjects, which allows audience to experience a moment of time in someone else's life. It is also the simplest way to show one Chinese traditional culture---letter.

If you want to know more, why not watch the show and experience it in the flesh? I'm sure you'll benefit a lot.

Wish you all the best!


Li Hua


注意:1詞數100左右; 2可適當增加細節,以使行文連貫;


Dear Jason,

I am really pleased that you will be coming to our school to study Chinese. I think you'll face some difficulties in your study because Chinese is not easy to learn. You'll also suffer from homesickness because of living far away from your country, but there is no need to feel worried.

Our classmates are very friendly and easygoing, so it'll be easy for you to get used to the life here. I'll introduce you to my family and friends, and you won't feel lonely, I'm sure. Besides, it'll help you to learn Chinese and Chinese culture.

In a word, I'll try my best to make you feel at home, and I'm looking forward to meeting you.


Li Hua


要求:1.熱情、有禮; 2.熟悉中國傳統文化; 3.英語口語流利。

生詞:"一帶一路"國際合作高峰論壇the Belt and Road Forum for international Cooperation

注意:1.詞數100左右; 2.可以適當增加細節,以使行文連貫;


Dear Sir or Madam,

Thank you for reading my letter. As the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation is coming, I'd like very much to be a volunteer.

All our citizens are looking forward to this special event. First of all, I promise I will, with great passion, try my best to serve our distinguished guests from home and abroad politely. Besides, I have a rich knowledge about Chinese history and especially traditional culture, which enables me to spread our splendid culture. What's more, I'm good at English and Chinese, which will play an important role in communication during the forum.

To sum up, I believe I can be a qualified volunteer. I will try my best if I'm accepted.


Li Hua

19.假如你是紅星中學的李華,收到來自英國學生Mark的電子郵件,諮詢你校暑期為異國學生舉辦漢語夏令營活動,請通過電子郵件向Mark介紹本次活動,其內容如下: 1.活動時間:7月10日到7月30日;地點:紅星中學. 2.活動內容: 1).學習日常漢語,可與當地人交流. 2).舉辦各種晚會,瞭解中國歷史和中國傳統文化,例如節日… 3).參觀博物館,長城等… 3.活動意義… 注意: 1.詞數不少於100; 2.可適當的加入細節,以使內容充實,行文連貫; 3.開頭已給出,不計入總詞數. Dear Mark,

I feel delighted to get your email,knowing you are so interested in the Chinese Summer Camp to be held in our school from July10th to July30th this summer.The content of this Chinese Summer Camp is as follows:

Firstly you will learn everyday Chinese by communicating with Chinese students so that you can speak simple Chinese with local people. At the same time you will be taught Chinese with the help of teachers,understanding the meaning of Chinese characters.Secondly you will take part in different parties,knowing the history of China and Chinese culture, especially Chinese holidays,which will impress you deeply. What's more, you will have chances to visit some museums and tour the Great Wall,experiencing the colorful culture of China and the greatness of the Great Wall.

I believe the Chinese Summer Camp will not only provide the chance for you to study Chinese, but also will promote friendship between us.

Yours,Li hua.

20.你David三年前定居在中國,且對中國傳統文化很感興趣。假定你是李華,本週六你們學校邀請清華大學的王教授到校舉行"孔子及其思想"的講座。請給David發一封電子郵件,邀請他來參加並介紹講座的有關事宜。1.講座時間:月7日(星期六)上午8:00—11:00 2.講座地點:3號教學樓一樓102室; 活動安排:聽講座,討論及提問,誦讀孔子經典名句等。

注意:1.詞數100左右; 2.可以適當增加細節,以使行文連貫;


4.參考詞彙:Confucius →孔子, Confucianism →孔子思想,

Tsinghua University →清華大學 Confucius classics recitation →孔子經典朗誦

Dear David,

As your friend, I know you have been showing great interest in Chinese traditional culture since you settled in China three years ago. I"m writing to invite you to the lecture on"Confucius and Confucianism", which will be made by Professor Wang from Tsinghua University. It will be held in Room 102 on the first floor of No. 3 building on August 27th this Saturday. As far as I know, you like the traditional culture of China, so you will enjoy it.

The lecture will last three hours from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. The activity mainly consists of three parts, two-hour listening to the lecture, half an hour's discussion and thirty-minute Confucius classics recitation. I will be very glad if you come.

Looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua


(1)表示歡迎; (2)介紹毛筆字、京劇、泥人張在中國文化中的作用及影響;


注意: (1)詞數不少於100; (2)請適當加入細節,使內容充實、行文連貫。

參考詞彙: 毛筆字the writing brush 京劇Peking opera 泥人張Clay Figurine Zhang

Dear Chris,

I'm glad to learn that you are coming to my school to participate in a communication meeting about Chinese customs in July.

When it comes to the communication meeting, there are several aspects that I am willing to share with you as follows: First of all, the writing brush has a long history in China. It represents one of the four treasures of study, which also include paper, ink and ink stone. Without the writing brush, Chinese painting and calligraphy could not have achieved such distinct features, and thus would not have enjoyed such great success around the world. Second, Peking opera is a national treasure with a history of more than 200 years. Peking opera has become more and more popular with people all over the world, and it has made an excellent contribution to cultural exchange between China and the West.

Finally, Clay Figurine Zhang is a wonderful and unique national work of art. Clay Figurine Zhang has a variety of themes, which have gained wide acceptance and recognition. In recent years, Clay Figurine Zhang has been serving as a bridge of cultural exchanges between China and other countries.

By the way, do you have any other help? If there is any demand, I would be very happy to help. I am looking forward to your coming.


Li Jin

22.假定你是李華。你的美國筆友Tom對中國文化有濃厚的興趣。恰好你校今年暑假將為外國學生舉辦一場漢語夏令營活動(Chinese Summer Camp),請你給他發一封電子郵件,內容包括: 1.時間和地點;


3. 報名方式和截止時間。

注意: 1.詞數100左右; 2.可以適當增加細節,以使行文連貫。


Dear Tom,

Here comes a piece of good news.Chinese Summer Camp, which is intended for international students, is going to be held in our school this summer vacation. Since you are obsessed with Chinese culture, I'd like to invite you to join it.

The Camp is scheduled to last 11 days, from July 18 to July 28. It covers a wide variety of cultural activities, ranging from studying Chinese daily expressions to attending some lectures on Chinese history and traditional culture. As we all know, language is closely related to culture, so I'm convinced that you can dig out Chinese cultural features from language study. In addition, the Camp provides a chance for you to visit some famous museums, which is the best way to learn about the country. By admiring the historical relics, you will definitely gain a better understanding of the country.

If you want to be part of it, please sign up for it before July 2nd at our school website. Looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua

23.你的美國朋友Chris目前在北京學習漢語,他對中國傳統文化非常感興趣。本週五下午你校將要舉辦一個文化講座,請你根據以下提示給他寫一封電子郵件,邀請他來參加。 1.農業大學張教授講解中國茶文化的歷史和傳播; 2.講座後有交流和品茶活動; 3.你將陪同Chris並幫其翻譯講解。 注意:1. 詞數不少於50。 2. 可適當增加細節,以使行文連貫。 3. 開頭和結尾已給出,不計入總詞數。

Hi Chris,

Good news! There will be a lecture in our school this Friday afternoon. Professor Zhang from University of Agriculture will tell us about the history and Spread of Chinese tea. This will be followed by a tea party and you can taste different kind of tea. I wonder if you want to participate in it. Don't worry about the language. I'll be with you and explain what you don't understand.

If you don't have any prior appointment then,I am looking forward to your coming.


​ Joe



