6 Habits of Super Learners超級學習者的6個習慣

6 Habits of Super Learners超級學習者的6個習慣

Becoming a super learner is one of the most important skills you need to succeed in the 21st century. In the age technological change, staying ahead depends on continual self-education — a lifelong mastery of new models, skills and ideas.

成為一個超級學習者是你在21世紀取得成功所需要的最重要的技能之一。 在科技日新月異的時代,保持領先地位有賴持續的自我教育ーー終身掌握新的模式、技巧和觀念。

In a world that’s changing fast, the ability to learn a new skill as fast as possible is quickly becoming a necessity. The good news is, you don’t need a natural gift to be better at learning something new even when you have a full-time career.

在一個瞬息萬變的世界裡,儘可能快地學習一門新技能的能力很快就成為一種必要。 好消息是,即使你有一份全職工作,你也不需要天賦就能更好地學習新的東西。

Many polymaths (people who have excelled in diverse pursuits) — including Charles Darwin, Leonardo da Vinci and the Nobel prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman — claimed not to have exceptional natural intelligence.

許多博學的人(擅長各種各樣的研究) ,包括查爾斯達爾文、列奧納多·達·芬奇和諾貝爾物理學獎獲得者 Richard Feynman,都聲稱自己沒有非凡的天生智慧。

We all have enough brainpower to master a new discipline — we use the right tools, approaches, or apply what we learn correctly. Almost anyone can learn anything — with the right technique.

我們都有足夠的腦力去掌握一門新的學科ーー我們使用正確的工具、方法,或者正確地應用我們所學到的東西。 只要掌握正確的技巧,幾乎每個人都能學到任何東西。

Better learning approaches can make the process enjoyable. The key to rapid skill acquisition isn’t complicated. If you aim to learn a new skill to improve your career this year, some of these habits can be useful for you.

更好的學習方法可以讓學習過程變得有趣。 快速掌握技能的關鍵並不複雜。 如果你今年的目標是學習一項新技能來改善你的職業生涯,這些習慣中的一些對你是有用的。

1. Super learners read a lot

1. 超級學習者閱讀量大

Reading is to the mind what exercise is to your body. It gives us the freedom to roam the expanse of space, time, history, and offer a deeper view of ideas, concepts, emotions, and body of knowledge.

閱讀之於心靈,猶如鍛鍊之於身體。 它給予我們自由漫遊在廣闊的空間、時間、歷史中,並提供對思想、概念、情感和知識體系的更深入的觀點。

Your brain on books is active — growing, changing and making new connections and different patterns, depending on the type of material you’re reading. Highly successful learners read a lot.

你閱讀書籍時的大腦是活躍的ーー成長、變化、建立新的聯繫和不同的模式,這取決於你閱讀的材料的類型。 非常成功的學習者閱讀量很大。

In fact, many of the most successful people share this appreciation for reading — they don’t see reading as a chore but as an opportunity to improve their lives, careers and businesses.


Elon Musk grew up reading two books a day, according to his brother. Bill Gates reads 50 books per year. Mark Zuckerberg reads at least one book every two weeks. Warren Buffett spends five to six hours per day reading five newspapers and 500 pages of corporate reports.

據埃隆 · 馬斯克的哥哥說,他從小每天讀兩本書。 比爾 · 蓋茨每年讀50本書。 馬克 · 扎克伯格每兩週至少讀一本書。 沃倫•巴菲特(Warren Buffett)每天花5至6個小時閱讀5份報紙和500頁企業報告。

In a world where information is the new currency, reading is the best source of continuous learning, knowledge and acquiring more of that currency.


2. Super learners view learning as a process

2. 超級學習者視學習為一個過程

Learning is a journey, a discovery of new knowledge, not a destination.


It’s an enjoyable lifelong process — a self-directed and self-paced journey of discovery. Understanding any topic, idea or new mindset requires not only keen observation but more fundamentally, the sustained curiosity.

這是一個愉快的終身過程ーー一個自我導向和自我節奏的發現之旅。 理解任何話題、想法或新的心態,不僅需要敏銳的觀察力,更重要的是,需要持續的好奇心。

“A learning journey is a curated collection of learning assets, both formal and informal, that can be used to acquire skills for a specific role and/or technology area,” writes Sonia Malik of IBM.

Ibm 的索尼婭•馬利克(Sonia Malik)寫道: “學習之旅是正式和非正式的學習資產的整合,可用於獲取特定角色和 / 或技術領域的技能。”。

Learning is an investment that usually pays for itself in increased earnings. More than ever, learning is for life if you want to stay relevant, indispensable and thrive in the changing world of work.

學習是一種投資,通常可以從增加的收入中獲得回報。 與以往任何時候相比,如果你想在不斷變化的工作世界中保持相關性、不可或缺並茁壯成長,那麼學習就是終身學習。

Super learners value the process. They don’t have an end goal, they seek consistent improvement. They keep mastering new principles, processes, worldviews, thinking models, etc. The “ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated” pursuit of knowledge is important for their maturity.

超級學習者重視這個過程。 他們沒有最終目標,他們尋求持續的進步。 他們不斷掌握新的原則、過程、世界觀、思維模式等等。 對知識的“持續的、志願的、自我激勵的”追求對他們的成熟很重要。

3. They adopt a growth mindset

3. 他們採用成長心態

You can’t go wrong cultivating a growth mindset — a learning theory developed by Dr Carol Dweck that revolves around the belief that you can improve intelligence, ability and performance.


“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn,” argues Alvin Toffler, a writer, futurist, and businessman known for his works discussing modern technologies.

“21世紀的文盲不是那些不會讀寫的人,而是那些不會學習、忘記和重新學習的人,”阿爾文 · 托夫勒(Alvin Toffler)說。他是一位作家、未來學家和商人,以討論現代科技著稱。

Cultivating a growth or adaptable mindset can help you focus more on your most desirable goals in life. It may influence your motivation and could make you more readily able to see opportunities to learn and grow your abilities.

培養一種成長或適應性的心態可以幫助你更加專注於你人生中最理想的目標。 它可能會影響你的動機,讓你更容易看到學習和提高能力的機會。

The ability to keep an open-mind, acquire better knowledge and apply it when necessary can significantly improve your life and career.


4. Super learners teach others what they know

4. 超級學習者教會別人他們所知道的

According to research, learners retain approximately 90% of what they learn when they explain/teach the concept to someone else, or use it immediately.

根據研究,學習者在向別人解釋 / 教授這個概念或者立即使用這個概念時,能夠記住他們學到的大約90% 的東西。

Teaching others what you know is one of the most effective ways to learn, remember and recall new information. Psychologists, call it the “retrieval practice”. It’s one of the most reliable ways of building stronger memory traces.

教別人你所知道的是學習、記憶和回憶新信息最有效的方法之一。 心理學家稱之為“回憶練習”。 這是建立更強記憶痕跡最可靠的方法之一。

Learn by teaching someone else a topic in simple terms so you can quickly pinpoint the holes in your knowledge. It’s a mental model coined by the famous physicist Richard Feynman.

通過用簡單的術語教授別人一個話題來學習,這樣你就可以快速找出你知識中的漏洞。 這是著名的物理學家理查德 · 費曼創造的心理模型。

Known as the “Great Explainer,” Feynman was revered for his ability to clearly illustrate dense topics like quantum physics for virtually anybody. The Feynman Technique is laid out clearly in James Gleick’s biography, Genius: The Life and Science of Richard Feynman.

被稱為“偉大的解釋者”的費曼,因為他能夠清楚地解釋像量子物理學這樣的密集話題而受到人們的尊敬。 在詹姆斯 · 格萊克的傳記《天才: 理查德 · 費曼的生活和科學》中,費曼的技巧得到了清晰的闡述。

The ultimate test of your knowledge is your capacity to transfer it to another. A better way to learn, process, retain and remember information is to learn half the time and share half the time. Example, instead of completing a book, aim to read 50 percent and try recalling, sharing, or writing down the key ideas you have learned before proceeding.

對你知識的最終考驗是你把知識轉移到另一個人身上的能力。 學習、處理、記住和記住信息的更好方法是一半時間學習,一半時間分享。 舉個例子,與其完成一本書,不如以讀完50% 的內容為目標,然後嘗試回憶,分享,或者在繼續之前寫下你學到的關鍵思想。

5. Effective learners take care of their brains

5. 有效的學習者關心他們的大腦

Keeping your brain healthy keeps it sharp. What you do or don’t do for your brain can significantly change how your record, process and retrieve information. Everyone wants to live an active life for as long as possible. And that goal depends on robust brain health.

讓你的大腦保持健康,讓它保持敏銳。 你為大腦做什麼或不做什麼可以顯著改變你的記錄、處理和檢索信息的方式。 每個人都想盡可能長時間地過積極的生活。 這個目標取決於健康的大腦。

That means eating lots of foods associated with slowing cognitive decline — blueberries, vegetables (leafy greens — kale, spinach, broccoli), whole grains, getting protein from fish and legumes and choosing healthy unsaturated fats (olive oil) over saturated fats (butter).


Fruit and vegetables combat age-related oxidative stress that causes wear and tear on brain cells,” says Dr Gary Small, a professor of psychiatry and ageing.

水果和蔬菜可以對抗與年齡有關的氧化應激,這種疾病會導致腦細胞的損耗,”精神病學和衰老學教授 Gary Small 博士說。

Our brains naturally decline if we do nothing to protect them. However, if you intervene early, you can slow the decline process — it’s easier to protect a healthy brain than to try to repair damage once it is extensive.

如果我們不採取任何保護措施,我們的大腦自然會衰退。 然而,如果及早干預,可以減緩衰退的過程ーー保護一個健康的大腦比試圖修復大面積損傷更容易。

6. They take short breaks, early and often

6. 他們經常早早地休息

Downtime is crucial to retaining anything you choose to learn. According to recent research, taking short breaks, early and often, can help you learn things better and even improve your retention rate.

停工期對於保留你選擇學習的任何東西都是至關重要的。 根據最近的研究,儘早和經常地進行短暫的休息,可以幫助你更好地學習,甚至提高你的保留率。

“Everyone thinks you need to ‘practice, practice, practice’ when learning something new. Instead, we found that resting, early and often, maybe just as critical to learning as practice,” said Leonardo G. Cohen, M.D., Ph.D., a senior investigator at NIH’s National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.

“每個人都認為在學習新東西時需要‘練習,練習,練習’。 相反,我們發現儘早、經常地休息,可能對於學習和實踐同樣重要,”美國國立衛生研究院全國神經紊亂和中風研究院健康研究中心的高級研究員 Leonardo g. Cohen 博士說。

Better breaks help the brain solidify, memories during the rest periods. Whatever you choose to learn over time, it’s important to optimise the timing of rest intervals for better results.

更好的休息有助於大腦的鞏固,休息期間的記憶。 隨著時間的推移,無論你選擇學習什麼,為了獲得更好的結果,優化休息時間間隔是很重要的。

Experts at the Louisiana State University’s Center for Academic Success recommends 30–50 minutes sessions. “Anything less than 30 is just not enough, but anything more than 50 is too much information for your brain to take in at one time,” says learning strategies graduate assistant Ellen Dunn.

路易斯安那州立大學學術成功中心的專家建議每次30-50分鐘。 學習策略研究生助理艾倫 · 鄧恩說: “任何小於30的信息都不夠,但是任何大於50的信息對於你的大腦來說都太多了,無法一次性接收。”。

Our brains’ neural networks need to time process information, so spacing out your learning helps you memorise new information more efficiently — give your brain enough time to rest and recover.


