
Title: Shine On You Crazy Diamond

Artist: Pink FloydAlbum: Wish You Were Here(1975)

這首長達11分鐘的恢宏音樂是前衛搖滾樂的先驅,是pink floyd的傳世經典作品。時代變得越來越快,似乎沒有多少人願意去欣賞這些了。幾十年前的作品,現在聽起來還是非常前衛。樂隊的另外三位為了懷念他們由於精神問題離開的偉大藝術家syd,音樂中充滿了對天才不幸的哀婉。這首音樂就像一副巨大的超現實主義錦畫,每次聽到都會感到驚歎,

這首是給樂隊早期靈魂人物Syd Barrett的頌歌,所以收在《Wish You Were Here》專輯裡頭。

Syd Barrett的驚人才華及自溺於吸毒導致離隊,讓其他成員深深惋惜。


歌詞是Roger Waters寫的,很精彩,對Syd Barrett吸毒前後的對比,令人嘆息。


1. Remember when you were young, You shone like the sun:
表示Syd Barrett在服用LSD(迷幻藥物)之前,如旭日東昇,充滿希望,所以用“shine”

2. Shine On You Crazy Diamond:
歌名的暗示:Shine On You Crazy Diamond→SOYCD→SYD——表明這首歌就是寫個SYD的。

3. Crazy Diamond:
Diamond--對Syd Barrett本人及其才華的讚美之詞。
4. Now there's a look in your eyes, Like black holes in the sky:
5. Blown on the steel breeze:
the steel breeze--理解為名譽、名聲。由Syd Barrett領軍的Pink Floyd在短時間內迅速走紅,名譽不期而至。
6. Come on you target for faraway laughter:
表示嗑藥後出現的(聽力)幻覺,後面的“Threatened by shadows at night, And exposed in the light. ”和“you miner for truth and delusion”也有這方面的含義。
7. You reached for the secret too soon:
8. You cried for the moon:
cry for the moon--想做自己無力做到的事情。Syd Barrett為了尋找創作靈感而不惜服用迷幻藥物(也有解釋為Syd Barrett在成功面前沒有好好把握自己,嗜藥成癮,常常因精神恍惚而對月慟哭)。
9. painter:
Syd Barrett喜歡畫畫,有不少未發表的畫作。
10. piper:
似指1967年發行的由Syd Barrett主創的迷幻專輯“The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn”,藉以說明其在軍中的統帥地位(也有解釋為“Pied Piper”,通常指那些在樂隊中起主導作用的音樂人)。


Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun. Shine on you crazy diamond. Now there's a look in your eyes, like black holes in the sky. Shine on you crazy diamond. You were caught on the crossfire of childhood and stardom, blown on the steel breeze. Come on you target for faraway laughter, come on you stranger, you legend, you martyr,and shine! 記得你年少時,如太陽般絢麗。 繼續閃耀吧,你這瘋狂鑽石。 如今你的眼神,像空中的黑洞。 繼續閃耀吧,你這瘋狂鑽石。 你掙扎在童真與星途的交錯中, 拂鋼樂音風涼卻。 來吧,你這悠悠笑聲的感染者, 來吧,你這陌路人、傳奇、殉道者, 繼續閃光! You reached for the secret too soon, you cried for the moon. Shine on you crazy diamond. Threatened by shadows at night, and exposed in the light. Shine on you crazy diamond. Well you wore out your welcome with random precision, rode on the steel breeze. Come on you raver, you seer of visions, come on you painter, you piper, you prisoner, and shine! 你早早觸及心靈秘境,對月當歌。 繼續閃耀吧,你這瘋狂鑽石。 擔驚受怕夜黑魅影,顯現在月下。 繼續閃耀吧,你這瘋狂鑽石。 你用錯亂的精準,與大家漸行漸遠, 馭鋼樂音風離去。 來吧,你這放浪不羈的人、幻象的先知, 來吧,你這畫家、風笛手、致幻劑的囚徒, 繼續閃光! Nobody knows where you are, how near or how far. Shine on you crazy diamond. Pile on many more layers and I'll be joining you there. Shine on you crazy diamond. And we'll bask in the shadow of yesterday's triumph, and sail on the steel breeze. Come on you boy child, you winner and loser, come on you miner for truth and delusion,and shine! 沒人知道你在哪,比鄰還是天涯。 繼續閃耀吧,你這瘋狂鑽石。 層層復疊疊,我將與你同在。 繼續閃耀吧,你這瘋狂鑽石。 我們將沐浴在昨日成功的光影下, 乘鋼樂音風遠航。 來吧,你這小男孩、成功者、失敗者, 來吧,你這真理與錯覺的採礦工, 繼續閃光!

