英语有声绘本故事 First Flower in Spring 春天的第一朵花

One Story A Day由加拿大DC出版社出版,共12本,每月1本,每天1个故事。书中的故事话题涵盖自然、历史、科学、文化等各个方面。许多故事来自校园生活,通过故事来探讨人生、社会、学习。


共分为三个阶段: One Story A Day for Beginners 幼儿版 5-7岁

One Story A Day for Early Readers 小学版 8-12岁

One Story A Day for Early Readers 初中版 12-15岁


First Flower in Spring


Outside our kitchen window, there is a tree. No one in our family knew what kind of tree it was when we first moved in.


Early that spring, the tree started to grow little buds and yellow petals. But there was still snow on the ground!


At first, I thought the yellow buds were the leaves of the tree. My sister agreed and guessed, "It must be the cold weather that made the tree leaves yellow, instead of green."


But a few weeks later, green leaves began to appear on the tree branches along with the yellow petals! We then realized that the yellow "leaves" that appeared first were actually flowers!


This was the first time we saw a tree bear flowers before leaves. The discovery made us all very excited!


Mom and Dad borrowed a book from the library. Together, we learned about this flowering plant. It is called forsythia. To us, it's the first sign of spring.
