Sixth TermExamination Papers in Mathematics,簡稱STEP

STEP:全稱為Sixth TermExamination Papers in Mathematics,簡稱STEP。申請數學類專業時所需的數學附加考試。

分STEP 1、STEP 2、STEP 3,均涉及到Pure Maths,Mechanics,Probability and Statistics 三方面內容。


Cambridge劍橋大學- Mathematics course, (in some colleges) Engineering

Warwick華威大學-grade 1 in STEP

Imperial College London帝國理工 (who are unable to take MAT, or some MAT candidates who have a borderline mark)-minimum offer 2 in either STEP II OR III

Other universities- Mathematics (may be)


STEP Mathematics I and II: based on asingle subject A level Mathematics(不要求高數,但是會有數論題,特別是II裡面,sectionC有CIE A level 沒有學的。有“超綱”的一種情況: 新知識引入,但是technically也不算超綱,因為在考試之前不需要了解這些知識,題目會有新概念的闡述和應用)

Questions on Mathematics II are intended to be more challenging than questions on Mathematics I.

The syllabus for Mathematics III is wider.

STEP test format:

Each of Mathematics I, II and III will be a 3-hour paper divided into three sections as follows:

Section A (Pure Mathematics): eight questions

Section B (Mechanics): three questions

Section C (Probability and Statistics): two questions

All questions will carry the same weight.Candidates will be assessed on the six questions best answered; no restriction will be placed on the number of questions that may be attempted from any section. Normally, a candidate who answers at least four questions well will be awarded a grade 1.

The marking scheme for each question will be designed to reward candidates who make good progress towards a complete solution. (帶syllabus)

HOW TO PREPARE(my advice):

1.Same as any other exams, pastpapers are important!


University of Cambridge (C05) G100 Mathematics

University of Warwick (W20) G100 Mathematics


打算申請數學和統計專業的同學,有志於劍橋大學數學專業、帝國理工數學專業,向華威大學提供STEP成績可以降低成績要求;STEP都是數學的附加試,也適用於Computer Science,Engineering等理科。