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Doting Chinese parents tend to do more harm than good

Even with the relaxing of the former one-child policy, Chinese parents continue to be known as doting and over-protective, sometimes even unreasonably and blindly so. A recent incident at Shanghai Disneyland particularly worries me.


According to a local report, a young woman was cursed and hit by a doting mother, whose little boy allegedly touched the young woman’s bottom. The case instantly went viral online as videos shot by bystanders were quickly posted on social media.


The young woman felt her bottom was groped and a young boy behind her was apparently the offender, though she was not sure whether the boy did so intentionally or just accidentally. She complained, and then the young boy’s mother became angry.


In the video, the mother shouted unbelievable words at the woman. “My son is only 8 years of age. Even if he touched you, what’s wrong with that?” “Why the fuss? Has no one ever touched your bottom before?” “Look at yourself! Does anyone actually have any interest in groping you?!”

视频里,这位母亲用不堪入耳的言辞羞辱这位女生。“我儿子才8岁!就算他摸了你,又怎么样?” “你这么小题大做干嘛啊?你屁股之前就没被人摸过?” “看看你自己的丑样!谁会想摸你屁股啊?!”


These venomous words came out of the mother’s mouth, right in front of the child she wanted to protect. As if her strong words were not protective enough, she even resorted to physical force, and hit the other woman so forcefully that her glasses fell to the ground.



Another woman, apparently a relative of the irate mother and her son, clutched the young boy to her chest in a protective posture throughout the verbal and physical abuse by the mother. The mad Disneyland mommy would later be taken to a police station, where she admitted her wrongdoing and paid several hundred yuan as compensation to the other woman.

视频里还有一位女人,应该是这对母子的一个亲戚。在这母亲辱骂殴打女孩的整个过程中,她紧紧地把 “熊孩子” 护在怀里。这位激动的母亲最后被警察带走了,她在警局里承认自己言行不当,罚了几百块钱给那位女生作为补偿。

I tend to think that the mother truly believed she was protecting her kid from any harm, thus fulfilling her duty as both mother and protector. This unreasonable behavior is worrisome, and I suspect there may be many other Chinese parents who’d do the same.


Unreasonable doting can only backfire. Such bad parenting is not protecting the child, but poisoning his/her mind, which can lead to the dangerous belief that there will be no consequences whatsoever no matter how bad his/her behavior is. With such parenting during the crucial years of a child’s mental development, there is little hope for any sense of accountability or responsible behavior as the child grows into adulthood.


Therefore, education is urgently needed for good parenting. Parenthood preparedness education is still far from being sophisticated, even in materially affluent cities like Shanghai.


China’s doting parenting problem often extends to grand-parenting, as many two-income families have to rely on the help of grandparents when it comes to taking care of their child. Therefore, education is most effective when all family adults take part, and in this process grandparents and parents together can have meaningful discussions that smooth out intricate family chemistry.



原文: David Lee

翻译:Wang Han

图:Lu Ting、网络

