雙語美文The jean-der gap! Women's pockets are smaller than men's

The jean-der gap! Women's pockets are statistically PROVEN to be smaller than men's - with most unable to fit even an iPhone or a wallet


niú zǎi kù xìng bié qí shì ?dà duō shù nǚ xìng niú zǎi kù kǒu dài fàng bú xià shǒu jī


nǚ xìng péng yǒu men zǒng yǒu zhè zhǒng kǔ nǎo ,chū mén qián xiǎng bǎ shǒu jī hé qián bāo fàng jìn niú zǎi kù kǒu dài ,què fā xiàn shǒu jī lù le bàn gè zài wài miàn ,qián bāo yě gǔ chū yī jié ,zhī hǎo zài dài shàng gè shǒu dài fàng zhè xiē bì xū pǐn 。rán ér ,nán xìng de niú zǎi kù kǒu dài què kě yǐ qīng sōng zhuāng xià 。nán dào shè jì niú zǎi kù kǒu dài yě cún zài xìng bié qí shì ma ?

双语美文The jean-der gap! Women's pockets are smaller than men's

The struggle is real for women when they want to carry items in their pockets without having to lug a handbag around.


rú guǒ nǚ xìng bú xiǎng ná shǒu dài ,ér shì xiǎng bǎ dōng xī sāi jìn niú zǎi kù kǒu dài lǐ ,zhēn shì yǒu xiē má fán 。

A study by The Pudding only confirmed what most already know about jean pockets when it found women's were considerably smaller than ones created for men.


《bù dīng 》zá zhì kāi zhǎn de yī xiàng yán jiū fā xiàn ,nǚ xìng de niú zǎi kù kǒu dài bǐ nán xìng de xiǎo hěn duō 。zhè yě zhèng shí le rén men zhī qián guān yú niú zǎi kù kǒu dài de pǔ biàn kàn fǎ 。

In an analysis of 20 major jean brands, the group found on average women's jean front pockets are 48 percent shorter and 6.5 percent narrower than men's pockets.


zài yī xiàng zhēn duì 20gè zhī míng niú zǎi kù pǐn pái de fèn xī zhōng ,yán jiū xiǎo zǔ fā xiàn ,yǔ nán xìng de kǒu dài xiàng bǐ ,nǚ xìng niú zǎi kù qián shēn kǒu dài duǎn le 48%,zhǎi le 6.5%。

双语美文The jean-der gap! Women's pockets are smaller than men's

People would think the purpose of a jean pocket would be so someone could carry necessary items in it — such as a phone, wallet or their own hand.


rén men huì rèn wéi shè jì niú zǎi kù kǒu dài shì wéi le suí shēn xié dài bì xū pǐn ,bǐ rú shǒu jī hé qián bāo ,huò zhě zhī shì wéi le bǎ shǒu chā jìn qù 。

But most women's front pockets prevent the wearer from placing most small-sized items in comfortably without them sticking out.


dàn dà bù fèn nǚ xìng niú zǎi kù qián shēn kǒu dài xiǎo dé ràng dà jiā wú fǎ shū fú dì zhuāng jìn zuì xiǎo hào de wù pǐn ,zhuāng zài kǒu dài lǐ de wù pǐn zǒng yǒu yī bù fèn lù zài wài miàn 。

This was only confirmed by the study when it compared what could fit in the front pocket of women's jeans versus men's jeans.


yán jiū rén yuán bǐ jiào le nán xìng hé nǚ xìng niú zǎi kù qián shēn kǒu dài de dà xiǎo hòu ,zhèng shí le zhè yī diǎn 。

When looking at what phone could fit into a woman's jean pocket, the study found only 40 percent of brands could hold an iPhoneX. Similarly only 20 percent could hold a Samsung Galaxy, and a shocking five percent could hold a Google Pixel.


yán jiū rén yuán yòng bú tóng xíng hào de shǒu jī duì nǚ xìng niú zǎi kù kǒu dài jìn háng cè shì ,jié guǒ fā xiàn ,jǐn yǒu 40%de pǐn pái niú zǎi kù kǒu dài kě yǐ zhuāng xià yī gè iPhoneXshǒu jī 。tóng yàng dì jǐn yǒu 20%de pǐn pái niú zǎi kù kǒu dài kě yǐ zhuāng xià yī gè sān xīng Galaxyshǒu jī ,ràng rén chī jīng de shì ,zhī yǒu 5%de pǐn pái niú zǎi kù kǒu dài kě yǐ zhuāng xià gǔ gē Pixelshǒu jī 。

双语美文The jean-der gap! Women's pockets are smaller than men's

These results largely differed from that of men's jean pockets.


zhè xiē jié guǒ hé nán xìng niú zǎi kù kǒu dài jié rán bú tóng 。

The study found 100 percent could hold an iPhoneX, 95 percent could hold a Samsung Galaxy and 85 percent could hold a Google Pixel.


yán jiū fā xiàn ,kǒu dài zhōng néng zhuāng xià shàng shù sān kuǎn shǒu jī de nán xìng niú zǎi kù pǐn pái fèn bié zhàn dào 100%、95%hé 85%。

What was the most interesting comparison was to see which front pockets could fit a person's hand.


zuì yǒu qù de duì bǐ shì kàn kàn nǎ xiē niú zǎi kù qián shēn kǒu dài kě yǐ sāi jìn yī zhī shǒu 。

Only 10 percent of the women's jean brands could fit a woman's hand and five percent could fit a male hand.


zhī yǒu 10%de nǚ xìng pǐn pái niú zǎi kù kǒu dài néng fàng xià nǚ xìng de yī zhī shǒu ,yǒu 5%néng fàng xià nán xìng de yī zhī shǒu 。

In contrast, 100 percent of men's jean front pockets could fit a male or female hand.


xiàng bǐ zhī xià ,quán bù de nán xìng pǐn pái niú zǎi kù kǒu dài dōu néng fàng xià nán xìng huò nǚ xìng de yī zhī shǒu 。

If someone is looking to buy jeans that will feature a larger front pocket for women, the study found they should turn to Abercrombie, American Eagle, and skinny H&M jeans.


yán jiū fā xiàn ,rú guǒ yǒu rén xiǎng gòu mǎi dà kǒu dài de nǚ xìng niú zǎi kù ,kě yǐ xuǎn zé ā bó kè lóng bǐ 、měi guó yīng hé jǐn shēn de H&Mniú zǎi kù 。

After these results were revealed, some could argue that of course women's pockets would be smaller because they tend to be smaller than men.


zài zhè xiē yán jiū jié guǒ fā bù hòu ,yī xiē rén yě xǔ huì shuō ,nǚ xìng de niú zǎi kù kǒu dài dāng rán yào xiǎo xiē ,yīn wéi nǚ xìng běn lái jiù bǐ nán xìng shēn cái shòu xiǎo 。

双语美文The jean-der gap! Women's pockets are smaller than men's

But the study made sure to look at all the brands with the same size jeans — a 32-inch waist — to show consistency in making the pockets smaller for someone arguably the same size just because of the gender differences.


dàn yán jiū rén yuán xuǎn qǔ de dōu shì tóng yàng yāo wéi (32yīng cùn )de niú zǎi kù ,zài nán xìng hé nǚ xìng shēn cái xiàng tóng de qíng kuàng xià ,nǚ xìng niú zǎi kù kǒu dài hái shì huì gèng xiǎo ,jǐn jǐn shì yīn wéi xìng bié bú tóng 。

Now when the study looked at back pockets on jeans, it found there was only a slight difference between ones for women and ones for men.


zhēn duì niú zǎi kù hòu shēn kǒu dài de yán jiū fā xiàn ,nán xìng hé nǚ xìng niú zǎi kù de chà yì bìng bú dà 。

Women's back pockets were only five percent shorter and two percent narrower than that of men's.


nǚ xìng niú zǎi kù de hòu shēn kǒu dài jǐn bǐ nán xìng kǒu dài duǎn 5%,zhǎi 2%。

The main purpose of this study, though, was to show how men are offered a larger area to store items in their pockets than women.


zhè xiàng yán jiū zhǔ yào wéi le jiē shì chū nán xìng niú zǎi kù de chǔ wù kōng jiān bǐ nǚ xìng niú zǎi kù yào dà 。

双语美文The jean-der gap! Women's pockets are smaller than men's

It is not because they are larger — again the study compared jeans of the same sized waist — but because how the jean industry has decided to stick with a similar formula with pocket sizes for women.


chū xiàn zhè zhǒng xiàn xiàng bìng bú shì yīn wéi nán xìng bǐ nǚ xìng gèng gāo gèng pàng (zài cì qiáng diào ,yán jiū rén yuán diào chá de shì xiàng tóng yāo wéi chǐ cùn de nán nǚ niú zǎi kù ),ér shì yīn wéi niú zǎi kù háng yè jiān chí cǎi yòng nǚ xìng kǒu dài de chǐ cùn biāo zhǔn 。

The fashion industry changes all the time (see the rise of the boyfriend jeans with larger pockets), so maybe it is time for the pocket sizes to alter for women with all types of pants.


shí shàng chǎn yè yī zhí zài biàn huà ,bǐ rú nán yǒu niú zǎi kù (nǚ xìng kuò tuǐ niú zǎi kù de yī zhǒng ,kǒu dài jiào dà )de xìng qǐ ,suǒ yǐ yě xǔ gè zhǒng nǚ xìng kù zǐ de kǒu dài dà xiǎo dōu yào gǎi gǎi le 。





