英语共读:Bullied teen girl gets the last laugh(内附音频)



Bullied teen girl gets the last laugh

英语共读:Bullied teen girl gets the last laugh(内附音频)

Though school years are the perfect time to learn and grow, they can also be a truly difficult period in one's life, especially when you're a teenager. This fact was fully realized by 16-year-old Chloe Robson.

Chloe is a girl from County Durham in the UK. From age seven, she began to be bullied by others at school. "I have been bullied for most of my school life. It made me feel left out and alone. I had no one to talk to about it and was worried that if I said anything it would get around," she said.

It's no wonder she was very nervous about going to her school prom.

英语共读:Bullied teen girl gets the last laugh(内附音频)

Luckily, her uncle Grant Robson realized her situation and stepped in to help.

Grant Robson is the man behind "North East Bikers Against Bullies", a group of bikers fighting against bullying. He organized a group of 126 bikers to accompany Chloe to her prom. "It was a big shock when all the bikers turned up — I wasn't expecting that many but it made me feel supported and confident," said Chloe. "This also sent me a powerful message that what bullies say doesn't define you."

These days, Chloe has become much more outgoing. Chloe is lucky. With the help of her uncle, she is fighting back against bullies and getting her confidence back again.

英语共读:Bullied teen girl gets the last laugh(内附音频)





