with 複合賓語句型精講

with 複合賓語句型精講

(1) with + n + adj.

例:He stared at me with his mouth open.他張著嘴凝視著我。

(2) with + n + adv

例:The boy stood there, with his head down.這男孩低著頭站在那。

(3) with + n + 介詞短語

例:He stood with his hand in his pocket. 他站著,一手插在衣袋裡。

(4) with + n + 動詞不定式

例:With no one to talk to, John felt miserable.


(5) with + n + 現在分詞

例:With prices going up so fast, we can't afford luxuries.


(6) with + n + 過去分詞

例:With her eyes fixed on the opposite wall, she did not answer immediately.她的眼睛盯著對面的牆壁,她沒有立即回答

with 複合賓語句型精講

