What Should Employers Do After Resuming Work?复工后老板


What Should Employers Do After Resuming Work?




Tips from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention:

Interim Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia in Industrial Enterprises

Guidelines 26 for Public Prevention of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (in Industrial Enterprises)


Employee Management

1. Employees who are back from severe epidemic areas (e.g., Wuhan and its surrounding areas) or met a person from a severe epidemic area should be quarantined at home or together for 14 days and not go out when placed under medical observation. Watch closely your personal physical conditions, including taking your temperature, and return to the workplace only if you do not have any unwell symptoms. Employees back from severe epidemic areas after the festival and those that have been quarantined for 14 days should take their temperature before entering the factory every time. Every employer should set up a body temperature detection site at the factory entrance; employees that live in a dormitory should take their temperature twice a day. An infrared body temperature gun or ear temperature measurer can be adopted.

2.The temperature measurement personnel must be in good health and wear a medical surgical mask or N95 mask throughout the work, and calibrate the infrared body temperature gun or ear temperature measurer by themselves.

3. For employees with fever, weakness, cough or oppression in chest, which are suspected symptoms of novel coronavirus infection, they should be given and wear a medical surgical mask or N95 mask and go to a designated fever clinic to seek medical advice (i.e., a fever clinic designated by the local health authority). Meanwhile, every case should be reported to the relevant department and corresponding control measures should be required.

4. Employees should wear an eligible disposable medical mask or medical surgical mask; when staying in a workplace where there is a chemical toxicant or dust, employees should wear a protective mask or dust mask according to the overlap concentration, and change the mask for new immediately in case it is damaged or hardly air-permeable. Wash your hands before putting on a mask and after taking it off.

5. Go to the washroom at once to wash your hands after entering the office building, workshop or dormitory.

6. For visitors, their place of departure, employer and history of contact with people from severe epidemic areas should be figured out. Anybody who comes from a severe epidemic area or met a person from a severe epidemic area less than 14 days ago should be prohibited from entering the factory; for other people, they should take their temperature and give an honest answer to every question before entering the factory; any visitor that does not wear a mask should be given an eligible disposable mask; a uniform reception room should be set up for visitors in the office area while a visitor in a workshop should not wander, but in the company of the staff; in principle, visitors are not allowed to dine in the factory area. If a visitor has to dine in the factory area, he/she should have a box meal alone in the reception room.

Workplace Management

1. For clean workshops, production workshops that have requirements for temperature and humidity and other workshops where an air-conditioning system is used for ventilation, too, the air-conditioning system, including the filtering screen at the air-conditioning return air outlet, should be disinfected regularly. Employees should take their temperature at the entrance of any of the above workshops and only those that do not have a fever but are wearing eligible masks are allowed to walk in.

2. Other workplaces and office areas without requirements for cleanliness, temperature and humidity shouldn’t use a central air-conditioning system for heating or ventilation, but a natural ventilation system or mechanical ventilation system or both should be mounted there for general ventilation; according to varying physical labor intensity, a production workshop free of toxic substances should be ventilated with the windows open or ventilated regularly with the air exchange rate maximized on the premise that the indoor temperature is not lower than 12-18℃; a production workshop where there are toxic substances should be ventilated according to the requirements of anti-toxin facilities; an office room should be ventilated every 2-4 hours with the windows open for 20-30min each time. A crowded office room should be ventilated with the windows opened for more times.

3. The frequency of centralized meetings and training should be reduced and the duration of every necessary meeting or training should be shortened as much as possible. If the duration of a meeting is too long, the windows should be opened at least once an hour for ventilation. All attendees or trainees should wear disposable medical masks.

4. For a device operated by more than one person, the surfaces of the draw knob and handle, which are touched by many people, should be disinfected per shift. Personnel allowed to wear gloves during the operation should wear gloves as much as possible; the public areas, such as the worktable, elevator, dining room, washroom, toilet and reception room, and the surface of objects should be disinfected every day. The surface of objects and the floor can be cleaned with chlorine disinfectant (concentration of available chlorine: 250mg/L-500mg/L) and disinfected with alcohol and dried with cotton in 30min.

5. The washrooms in the production workshops and office buildings should be equipped with hand washing facilities as well as liquid soap, paper towels or a hand dryer. If there are no hand washing facilities, a hand disinfectant can be prepared.

6. For an enterprise that has a canteen, it should keep food safe and healthy or adopt an individual dining style if conditions permit; strengthen the disinfection and management of tableware.

Education and Health Promotion

1. The prevention knowledge of CNP and respiratory infection can be popularized in various ways, such as on the bulletin board, notice board, WeChat chatting group and official website, to make the managers and front-line staff fully understand the health knowledge and master key prevention points to ensure early detection, early reporting, early isolation, early treatment and early control.

2. Maintain your body clean, develop a good habit of washing hands frequently and correctly. Do not touch your eyes, mouth or nose with hands; cover your mouth and nose with a facial tissue or sleeve or by bending your elbow when sneezing or coughing. Do not spit on the floor or litter everywhere.

3. Promote a healthy life and work style, including a reasonable diet, smoking cessation and alcohol limitation, adequate exercise and enough sleep. Work-break exercises can be taken if conditions permit.

4. Actively assume the primary responsibility of epidemic prevention and control: Try to postpone or have fewer meetings and large-scale events in this special time and ask the employees not to go out as much as possible.

5. Pay close attention to the psychological condition of the employees and set internal medical personnel or a professional psychologist to offer a mental health intervention or counseling if any employee is mentally ill so as to eliminate the panic about the epidemic and psychological harm therefore caused, to prevent any extreme events from happening.



What Should Employers Do After Resuming Work?复工后老板如何做What Should Employers Do After Resuming Work?复工后老板如何做What Should Employers Do After Resuming Work?复工后老板如何做


