




什么是拖延症?(What is procrastination? )

所谓拖延,就是缺乏对自我的管理,从情绪到时间, 指在能够预料后果有害的情况下,仍然要把计划要做的事情往后推迟的一种行为,是一种普遍存在的,有害的自我调节失败的形式 一般在职场中常见

The so-called procrastination is the lack of self-management. From emotion to time, it refers to a kind of behavior that, when the consequences can be expected to be harmful, still needs to postpone what is planned to be done. It is a common form of harmful self-regulation failure in the workplace



From the perspective of behavioral psychology, James Ma, a professor of psychology at Southern Connecticut State University, believes that procrastination is a special form of "impulsion against self-control".


He also found that when it comes to choosing between two tasks, subjects tend to prefer the less urgent one. Although the task is more onerous, procrastination is more enjoyable.

拖延症是拖延症有哪些症状呢?What are the symptoms of procrastination?

1.缺乏自信,不自律 Lack of self-confidence and self-discipline


Those who have met difficulties in their work or study will have an evasive mind when they are in trouble. If they can hide for a while, they will have symptoms of procrastination in the long run

2.对自己撒谎,爱幻想Lie to yourself and love fantasy


When the procrastinators face the work, Hun is full of fantasy and always thinks that "tomorrow is more suitable for doing" overestimates himself, so there is no practical action

  1. 缺乏干劲,高估自己Lack of motivation and overestimate yourself


Procrastinators don't have an active mind for work or study. They feel that it's meaningless to do such things every day, and they will have an antipathy. If they can delay, they will delay

怎么样客服拖延症 How to overcome procrastination

  1. 给自己鼓励,告诉自己是个有优秀的人

Encourage yourself and tell yourself that you are an excellent person


The power of people's self suggestion is very strong. Once they are set to be procrastinators, they will cross the shadow of procrastination in everything they do, and their work tasks will be delayed until they can't


To tell myself that I've never had procrastination, I'm great. I should solve this problem immediately, encourage myself, and then have the motivation to overcome difficulties.


For example, Victor Hugo would take off his clothes and let the housekeeper take care of him when he was writing, so that he could not go out and concentrate on his writing.


This principle can also be applied to learning. Find out the factors that interfere with learning and try to keep away from them, such as cell phones, computers and televisions. Students who need to study on the computer can try to disconnect the network and open it after the task is completed.

树立价值感:完成任务是对自己价值的体现Establish a sense of value: completing tasks is the embodiment of one's own value


According to individual psychology, human behavior is guided by purpose, and the primary goal of all behaviors is to pursue the sense of belonging and value in a certain social environment


To build a sense of value is to tell ourselves the temptation to complete tasks, and let's try our best to do these things well



Make an effective plan to make a weekly plan and a monthly plan, and divide the difficult matters into different levels, and prioritize the important matters

著名的番茄工作法The Famous Tomato working method


Tomato working method is a simple time management method founded by Francisco cyrillo in 1992, which can improve the efficiency of work and learning


In the tomato working method, a tomato is equal to 25 minutes of effort. Your basic commitment is to spend 25 minutes and try your best to do it well. Of course, this 25 minutes is not fixed. You can also set it according to your own situation. Once the setting is successful, you should stick to it for at least two weeks to make it a habit;


If you finish the task ahead of time in a tomato clock, you can review what you have seen in the rest of the time.


One of the characteristics of tomato working method is self-regulation. So don't focus on your work. It's also important to have a proper rest. Don't continue to plan or switch plans when you have a rest. If you want to switch plans, it also depends on the importance of the plans.


So what should I do when I have a rest? Generally, we have two rest periods, one is the intermittent rest period, the other is the periodic rest period (generally 4 tomato clocks as a group). During the rest period, we must not think, be dazed and walk for a while. If you are really sleepy, take a nap



